Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92912 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @Tillysisland


    It seems that we’ve gotten to the point in the semester where we’ve covered most of what we’ll learn and are now being slowly let free to create whatever our hearts desire and I couldn’t be happier about it. I was hoping that we would be gifted another week to
  2. @Bendire Thrasher

    Swim Meet Results W12

    Welcome to the recap of our very close but not close enough to the last swimming event of the year! Our athletes have worked hard to improve themselves and keep up with this year’s intense training schedule. To give our swimmers an appropriate challenge, we choose more difficult events for this past meet. The first […]
  3. @amick_hailey

    Video Essay

    When reading the article, “How to Read a Movie” by Roger Elbert, I didn’t realize how many creative aspects are truly placed to make the audience feel a certain way. The producers use lighting, color, and dialogue to display emotions throughout a piece. Again, I know I am talking about emotions in another one of my posts, but it is so TRUE!    I took 3 scenes off of the movie Encanto and talked about them, but those are just three small moments. I have watched this movie about 20 times. Each time I find something new that intrigues me, but when I watched it through this time I recognized color changes in scenes, to display how happy or sad someone was. Disney movies are of course colorful, but they always somehow manage to make us feel certain emotions. That is why I chose Encanto.
  4. @OliviaF98845588

    Week 12 Summary

    Mashups (8 1/2 Stars) A Changing Character Similar Songs Remixes Nonconformity + Dr. Seuss It Another Day + Subtle Switcheroo Daily Creates Comments Two New Characters for the Price of One Superhuman in Everyday Life Music and Imagery Is this…the right movie? Mashing Up The Week You’re Welcome X-Men: The Live-Action Series Weekly Summary This ...
  5. @Bendire Thrasher

    bugs and cats and a distinct lack of rats

  6. @CeliaSdigitally

    Animals Doing Funny Things… With a Prequel

    This is my second remix assignment of the week. I decided to do GIFs because these assignments are relatively low stakes and tend to make me laugh. This is also why I chose animals doing funny things because I thought it would be a good break from all the audio and video editing. As soon … Continue reading Animals Doing Funny Things… With a Prequel
  7. @CeliaSdigitally

    Non-Human Perspective Story With a Twist…

    This is one of my remix assignments. I chose to do another writing assignment because I enjoy being creative with my words and coming up with new ideas. The remix calculator told me to turn my non-human story into something about a boot camp, so that is where Sergeant Sally comes from. I really enjoyed … Continue reading Non-Human Perspective Story With a Twist…
  8. paul bond

    Do the facemash

    Our new old radio friend Scott Lo came up with this triple troll in response to a ds106radio discussion of Bono and Bono: Triple troll quote #ds106 #VisualAssignments24 #ds106radio — Radio Eugene (@RadioEUG) April 3, 2022 I wondered if … Continue reading ?

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