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  1. amiddlet50

    Structure and memory-mapping in #activelearning

    The idiom ‘from pillar to post’ both indicates the role of structure in a journey and cautions that substance, purpose and clarity are needed if an experience is to be fruitful. In the previous post, I discussed divergence and convergence … Continue reading ?
  2. amiddlet50

    Wrecking it with Brexit

    I’m sitting in a café on La Rambla in Barcelona following a couple of days participating in an international learning spaces summit in Barcelona (#ILS2019). (nb. I use ‘participating’ not ‘attending’) We are getting really close to Brexit now and … Continue reading
  3. amiddlet50

    Being there – thinking about presence #socmedhe18 #mugafesto

    First, and significantly, let me thank my colleagues and co-facilitators of #socmedhe18 which happened at Nottingham Trent University on Wednesday. I will reflect separately on the power of friend-based collaboration as a disruptive basis for creating a stimulating learning environment … Continue reading
  4. amiddlet50

    Lurking, Active Learning and Legitimate Peripheral Participation #socmedhe18

    The first principle of active learning according to Bonwell & Eison (1991) is that it is more than passive listening. A rather negative note to start on perhaps, but we can see where they’re coming from. As we prepare, at … Continue reading
  5. amiddlet50

    The habit of thinking differently by looking more deeply

    An exploration of visual literacies and multiple intelligences There are many reasons why I have committed to exploring the idea of learning walks in terms of learning space and many of those reasons have been discussed here previously. For the … Continue reading
  6. amiddlet50

    Where are you taking me? Thinking about the politics of network

    The transcript of ‘Learning Networks, Not Teaching Machines’, a keynote delivered at EDEN 2015 in Barcelona by Audrey Watters in 2015, is a good read for anyone interested in networked learning, media-enhanced learning, and the use of social media for … Continue reading

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