Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92926 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. dogtrax

    Write Out/Daily Create Collaborative Poem

    Yesterday’s prompt for the DS106 Daily Create and Write Out poem was an invitation to collaborate on a tree-themed poem. We used Etherpad. Here is the full poem — thanks to all collaborators. A spark beneath the brittle soil, a seed awakes and stretches out towards the sun above Fibers thread their paths  burrow in […]
  2. dogtrax

    Write Out: Poem Burst

    I wrote three poems in the last 12 hours, with prompts via Write Out and its theme of “Poetry for the Planet.” The poem above is via the DS106 Daily Create and the two below are from the National Writing Project Studio space, where Abigail is posting daily prompts for Write Out. Peace (and poems), […]
  3. dogtrax

    Write Out 2024 Kicks Off Today …

    This October (13-27), join the National Writing Project for Write Out 2024. Organized as a public invitation to get out and create, supported by a series of free online activities, Write Out invites educators, students, and families to explore national parks and other public spaces. The goal is to connect and learn through place-based writing […]
  4. dogtrax

    Morning Creative Bent

    Just some sharing from the morning. Above is haiku with the one-word prompt of “frost” via Mastodon and below is an illustration from the morning prompt at DS106 Daily Create to use the last name of someone famous, connected to a common ob...
  5. dogtrax

    Music Themes In Morning

    It’s not unusual for me to use music as my theme for some morning creativity — either making it or using music to inspire writing or art. This morning was no different, with my morning poem (with prompt of “sunshine” off Mastodon) leading to a guitar haiku poem and the DS106 Daily Create (“complete this […]
  6. dogtrax

    Four Poems: Moth, Silence, Flower, Flood

    Here are four poems from today and yesterday. The one above is from the Daily Haiku prompts off Mastodon, where today’s prompt was “moth.” This second is inspired by a poem shared by Terry, along with some explanations and possibilities and the concept of a “silence map” took hold in my mind. A third poem […]
  7. dogtrax

    World Poetry Day: Finding A Poem

    For World Poetry Day, the daily prompt at DS106 Daily Create was to explore poetry of endangered languages. I went black-out with mine, using a collection and some text from the editor. A simple idea: collect poems in endangered languages Help document how poetry exists The conversations and encounters with poets from all over the […]
  8. dogtrax

    Radio Poem

    This morning’s Daily Create was to listen to the radio, and grab some lyrics, and then make a poem. I used an online radio streaming site, bounced around, and grabbed some words. Peace (and sound), Kevin
  9. dogtrax

    DS106: Remix Monday (Week 3)

    I’m doing a five-week, every-Monday (unless I space out and forget to get it done) remix of a piece of art from the earlier days of DS106. (Read more about what I am up to here). This is week three. For this week’s remix, I took the text of the image about remix, and used […]
  10. amiddlet50

    A Man Walked into a Bar: humour, space, self-deprecation, #activelearning

    In this post I explore the pedagogy of humour in the context of higher education teaching and learning and begin to realise there’s more to humour in the classroom than having a bit of fun! This was my starting point, … Continue reading ?
  11. Antonio Vantaggiato

    The abyss and the abyss invoked by the abyss

    Flickr photo: Abyss, by lucyroo.

    Sometimes (often, really) we find little gems of text within an already great work of literature. I stumbled in this terrific segment by Writer Gianfranco Garofiglio:   Le cose non esistono se non abbiamo le parole per chiamarle. Things do … Continue reading

    The post The abyss and the abyss invoked by the abyss appeared first on Skate of the web.

  12. ayu7kaji

    Monsoon Memories: A Poem

    The streets keep gleaming, I can feel the ghosts cheering The sounds that can be heard, Echo in the ear Dripping, dropping, swishing, slashing Life keeps still as calm Thrum of strings Be faintly heard, and Disappear into the night Hopes belong to loves lost long Breaths of life fill the air As minds open; […]
  13. ayu7kaji

    Monsoon Memories: A Note

    Hi Guys, I’m sharing an old poem and my notes on it that I had published when Blogger or Blogspot was the trending WordPress. 🙂 Hope you enjoy! The rain brings out the poet in any one of us. The dripping sounds, the quiet and muffled whispers, the damp moods. The raindrops flow gently, […]

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