Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92876 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @skyler0455

    week eight summary

    This week has been short but definitely very busy. My group met on zoom Wednesday after Fall break to record our radio show. Zoom was definitely a struggle to have all everyone’s audio come through clearly, but we did the best we could since we were not able to meet in person since most of […]
  2. @grace_long88

    Progress Report

    Because of Fall Break, I got an early start on this week’s assignments. I signed up to compile my groups segments together and make them all uniform. So I also knew I had to get ahead of my work so I would have time at the end of the week
  3. @mgedney

    weekly summary eight

    Week eight was dedicated to finishing my group’s radio show, “Stories from Behind the Counter”. At the beginning of the week, I did my two daily creates. Since my bumper, commercial, and logo were done at the end of last week, I couldn’t work on anything until my group met
  4. @mgedney

    radio show progress x2

    This week my group and I worked on putting all of the pieces together for the radio show. During the previous week, we all completed our logos, bumper stickers, commercials, bumpers etc. That left recording the actual talk show and putting all the supplemental stuff into one recording. On Wednesday,
  5. @MaddySlunt

    Radio Show Week Two Summary

    I felt very lazy this week. The group I worked with did an amazing job planning ahead and assigning roles the weekend atfer the groups were formed. I was simply supposed to create my design poster, create a bumper, create a commercial, and recording my 5-ish minute long story. I finished all of these components… Continue reading Radio Show Week Two Summary

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