Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
This week has been another enjoyable experience in DS106. The Daily Creates were as enjoyable as they were in week two. I thought the reading assignment and required video were also interesting. I liked Kurt Vonnegut’s video “The Shapes of...
This was a whirlwind of a week. There was lots to do and as a secret agent I believe I completed my mission to the best of my ability. The first thing I did this week was read up on how to write assignment posts. This was an extremely insightful article and certainly steered me […]
So week two of DS106 is coming to an end. This week required much more work than the first week, but I really enjoyed it. I was pushed out of my comfort zone, I was able to interact with other classmates, and I learned a lot about WordPress and digita...
This was my first week in DS106 and it was definitely a learning experience. After numerous emails with Professor Bond, I did eventually get the hang of the first week’s assignment. I hadn’t posted a YouTube video since my freshman year of...
This project was interesting to make. I didn’t really have an idea on how to combine the different types of storytelling into one so I decided to do multiple differentContinue readingWeek 14
After watching this, you will know how much I struggle with technology. This course has taught me a lot…and also taught me I’m not all that great with computers.
Have a great winter break everyone!
For my final project, I decided to tell a story about how my character Deidra spent her holidays. I decided to name the story Deidra’s Holiday Shabockle. The story will be about how Deidra spends thanksgiving with a friend from school after not being able to make it home to her family. During the holidays …
Project progress report: partially done! What I started out doing was connecting all the posts I have made that involve my character. I wrote the missing parts of the storyContinue readingWeek 13 (Progress)
As you all know, today is not Friday…oh well! THE END IS NEAR! Only 2 weeks left until the semester is over! For the final project, I’m working alone and am taking a more “practical” approach. I will be using Windows Movie Creator to create my story. It allows me to add video, pictures (visual […]
This week we took a look at mashups and remixes. I thought this would be a challenging area to work with but it actually wasn’t as bad. To begin with my assignments for this week, I did 3 mashup assignments and 2 remix assignments. For the first 3 mash up assignments, I chose to do …
I enjoyed this week! Even though I had 3 papers and 1 exam I was able to complete the assignments. I think video is just extremely hard to complete becauseContinue readingWeek 12
This week we continued working with videos and using them to tell stories. to begin this week, I created three daily creates. For the first daily create, I created a reminder for daylights savings time. To create this daily create I used a GIF image of a Dalmatian dog setting the clock back. I chose …
This week was also super busy and video takes a lot of time so all of the assignments I chose could be done in pubic places with headphones in. IContinue readingWeek 11
This week, we explored Reading movies in which we looked more closely at how a scene was created. To get an understanding of the different techniques that directors use when producing movies, we read about Roger Ebert and watched a few video clips that focused on this area. To conclude this activity, we chose a …
I had almost time this week. Was too busy to put in a lot of effort this week. I learned a new word (fish baiting) with the daily create tweetsContinue readingWeek 10
6 more week to go!!! I got a new job this week (today actually…yay me!), making my work week a full 40 hours on top of being a full time student. It’s taking a toll on me, but I plan on getting back to completing 100% of my assignments each week, not just 80% (I […]
For our assignments this week, we took a look at story telling in a different way. This week we told stories through the web. At first I thought this would be very challenging but I found that it wasn’t challenging at all. To begin this week, I worked on three wed assignments from the assignments …
I know I did not complete all tasks this week and I have my reasons for that, but I know my grade will reflect what wasn’t completed. This has been one of the busiest weeks for me with school and work and I couldn’t keep up with everything. I listened to the radio shows and […]
This has been one HECTIC week for me, not only academically but socially as well. I did not have a lot of time to dedicate to this course. I enjoyedContinue readingWeek 9
Half way through the semester! Woo hoo!!!! But the my group’s radio show is FINALLY done! I’m so excited for you all to hear it! Big tanks to Madeline Morris for putting all the pieces together! Here’s the radio show! Also is a hyperlink to my twitter tweets and replies so you all can check […]
This week, our main focus was completing our radio show project. Along with that, we only had to complete two daily creates. I was happy and relieved that we didn’t have to complete any other assignments from the assignment bank. This gave me the chance to fully focus on my group’s radio project and allowed …
This week had a very different structure to it. It mostly involved communication with team members and constantly checking back to see if something went awry or was incomplete. WeContinue readingWeek 8
This week, my group has been brainstorming ideas for our upcoming radio show. While getting started, we had a late start. With this being midterms week, most of my group, including me, has been preoccupied with studying for other classes. By Thursday, we were all able to communicate with each other via slack where we …
The start of radio shows begins! Not to rain on anyone’s parade, but I am really not a fan of Audio Assignments. They are just not my forte. But, what must be done will be done, so I did it. I definitely did more than 10 stars worth of Audio assignments because I kept thinking […]
This week was interesting because I got to work with people! I realized at the beginning of the week our schedules would not match up (because I never have timeContinue readingWeek 7
This week, our focus was on design. I enjoyed working on the assignments this week because it allowed me to be creative in a way that I am familiar with. The assignments weren’t too difficult to create and they weren’t too time consuming as the audio week was. This week I did 4 assignments from …
Hey y’all! Week 6 is almost over for me, only 3 classes today then hello weekend!! Here’s the link to my blog where you can check out the design assignments I chose to do and my DesignBlitz: . Some are cooler than others, but I had a good time doing them. I did all 3 […]
This week was another busy one for me, though I tried to get ahead of schedule this time and perform most of the assignments on Wednesday and Thursday. Although IContinue readingWeek 6
I find music one of the best parts about life. I LOVEEE sounds, whether its helping me walk from one side of campus to another or listening to a friend’sContinue readingWeek 5
This week was more challenging for me than the previous weeks. I’m more familiar with and comfortable with photography and visuals. Audio is one of my weaker areas. I have no problem recording audio but when it comes to mixing my audios with instrumentals or other sounds, it becomes more difficult. For this week’s Audio …