1. jamerive


    Have you ever seen those crime shows that organize a case using a suspect board? Like Scandal or Blacklist? Well, that’s exactly what this assignment is. You will create a suspect board (or a board that connects different characters) to show interaction between the people. Feel free to add text, objects, and locations that connect … Continue reading Whodunnit???
  2. audyg1rl

    daily creates

      #tdc1382 @ds106dc my stick person from nature pic.twitter.com/uXJ6vGofLY — Audrea Hardy (@AudyG1rl) October 21, 2015 #tdc1381 @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/5YojNOfD36 — Audrea Hardy (@AudyG1rl) October 21, 2015 #tdc1384 @ds106dc p...
  3. audyg1rl


    http://www.scottclower.org/ds106/make-my-day/#comment-1162 http://ds106.forkinall.com/thoughts-responses/radio-show-reviews/#comment-174 http://assilemarim.net/assignments/r/#comment-865 http://anzirp.com/assignment-bank/dinner-date-with-ms-clara-hope/...
  4. gabatron15

    Horrible Hosts / Corpus Metus Radio Show!

    So on Monday I had the pleasure of hearing our class first two radio shows of the week! It started out with the Horrible Hosts and their review on horror films. I enjoyed the way that each host character not only reviewed films that they had seen but they took the time to layout what […]
  5. braze

    Story Time

    For this writing assignment I had to write a story starting with the ending and then going back to the beginning. I decided to write a story that combined my host character and two of my friend’s host characters. Bridget asks the Death Whisperer why she is in Johnny’s basement. The Death Whisperer replied “I … Continue reading Story Time
  6. adyke

    The Zombie Board

    Do you like to talk to zombies? Do you have trouble not getting eaten when talking to them? Well wait no more because the Zombie Board is the Product for you! It’s what Sally Slaughterhouse used to avoid getting eaten when she learned to speak zombie and it can save your life too! Here is … Continue reading The Zombie Board
  7. scottc1094

    Week 9 Summary

    We didn’t have a whole lot of assignments this week in ds106, but it was still busy for me. Earlier this week, I posted my weekly showcase for week 8. I listened to the great ds106 radio shows this week, and wrote up a blog post on the Smooth and Spooky Variety Show which played… Read More
  8. scottc1094

    Make my Day

    Assignment (3.5 stars) I am a very busy man, but some days it is nice to think of how a perfect day for me would go. I would wake up in the morning, and have a nice breakfast. I would then get ready to head to my studio where we produce the Edward Creeper Show.… Read More
  9. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Daily Createsā€¦

    http:// My happy place is the beach- But not on a rainy day #tdc1383 pic.twitter.com/a48jLDNpgn — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) October 23, 2015 http:// #TDC1384 pic.twitter.com/LMuOsWs6zl — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) October 23, 2015 http:// #tdc1382 pic.twitter.com/nTsLPRTbjS — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) October 22, 2015  
  10. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Weekly Summary

    This week was quite different than the previous weeks. I feel like I got a sense of relaxation this week after working so hard on our radio show. It was nice to listen and reflect on different radio shows throughout the week. I chose to listen to DS106 on Wednesday and Thursday night and all […]
  11. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Comments on Comments

    http://ds106.emorelleum.com/writing-assignments/an-audit-with-blair/#comment-140 http://mikesspookyds106.com/assignments/a-horrible-evening-of-radio-listening/#comment-583 http://bloodyface.artismyescape.com/assignment-bank/window-wanderer/#comment-69...
  12. mmiranda


    This assignment is about your signature and it is worth 4 stars.  We had to draw or design a letter that represent our personality.  Repsag decided to to draw her signature in a piece of paper using black and purple because their are her favorite colors. The letter are PR back to back because it … Continue reading R
  13. scottc1094

    Lunch with Victor Barethean

    Assignment (4 stars) This week, I met up with Victor Barethean for a nice lunch. I had never met Victor before, but I had heard of him during my time hosting the Edward Creeper Show. Victor seemed like a casual, laid-back individual when we first met at the local diner. After some short introductions, we began to… Read More
  14. scottc1094

    Week 9 Comments

    This week I commented on 10 different posts from ds106. They are listed below: http://flds106.felicialiu-accounting.com/uncategorized/radio-shows/ http://ds106.forkinall.com/the-daily-create/happy-or-sad-home-is-where-the-heart-is/ http://bloodyface.ar...
  15. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Sorry Mama Tavia

    Blair (my host character) made a warning sign for Mama Tavia.  Mama Tavia is lost and Blair is trying to find her.  However, Blair is concerned because she is afraid Mama Tavia may try to hurt or cause harm to the community.  Please spread the message about Mama Tavia!

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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