1. cherishamari

    Week 7

    Hello guys, I think it is safe to say, I am doing slightly better if you’ve been following along. Thanks to everyone and their encouraging words, as of now I am convinced I’ll stick it out the rest of the semester. After all I’ve finished more than half of my college career stopping now would […]
  2. cherishamari

    Radio Show Promo

    We were asked to start desiging ideas for radio show promos, such as logos, posters, etc. Here was my first idea for a potential poster, I wanted to keeep it simple, I found a picture that looked like a creey “dead” town so to say, and used paint to add in the words “horrible hosts”. […]
  3. cherishamari

    Comment, comment, comment

    I seriously need to be better at commenting on other’s work. I honestly forget to do it most of the time, and the couple of times we did I had no idea we were supposed to copy the link for it. So I guess technically, I’ll be starting over in that aspect. This post is […]
  4. gabatron15

    Weekly Summary 7

      Audio Assignments: 911 Emergency Spooky Dialogue Emotions through Sound Radio Show: Poster Progress Commenting: http://theaaronadventure.com/assignments/mcdonalds-order/#comment-479 http://serentopia.com/assignments/audio/possible-radio-bumper/...
  5. emorelleum

    the Voices…Stop the Voices

    (A man in a suit and fedora stands before you, leaning on an axe) Good evening. My host is a little…sleep deprived this evening. Due to his circumstance, I will be introducing his work this evening. Are you aware of the social definition of an introvert? It is one who drains oneself of energy when […]
  6. emorelleum

    Morlium Here…

    When I saw answering machine, my immediate thought was the Rockford Files, where a comedic blurb occurs at the beginning of each episode. Unfortunately, after rereading the assignment, I realized I was creating a message, rather than leaving one. Out comes Morlium again. As a man who resides on electronics, he is there to answer […]
  7. emorelleum

    Good Morning, Numbers

    Another audio assignment, another chance to develop my character. What is good news to a dark, literal, unemotional character? How about getting up in a dystopian universe doing the same tired thing over and over. When I think of a greeting shouted to the world, I immediately think dystopia.   Why do I skip to […]
  8. emorelleum

    Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam….

    Spam? I have loads of it. In fact, it is starting to make my college e-mail unusable. Good thing I will be rid of it soon… After finding a suitable piece of spam, I decided this would be a good opportunity to develop my character. Low voice, deliberate speech, comically unemotional (very innappropriate for the […]
  9. emorelleum

    Perpetual Rain

    Weather? We have had a lot of rain recently, in fact, it was even raining this evening. Before I came to college, I lived in a corner house. Rainstorms were noisy, with more than just rain. Other sounds I would hear included heavy runoff onto wood, the sound of cars driving on wet road, and […]
  10. emorelleum

    Bumper Cars!!! errr… sounds

    Since our radio group is having an interesting time finding common free time, it was important that some time be spent for the more modular portions of the broadcast. As someone who is terrible with pictorial representations, this meant an audio blurb, which meant a bumper. Going in, I knew that our show would be […]
  11. emorelleum

    Horrible Hosts update

    I will say, our team is off to a rather slow start. It was rather difficult for all of us to get into contact with each other. It would seem that most of us have a twitter account specifically for this class, and don’t have one otherwise (like me) or perhaps simply don;t check it […]
  12. emorelleum

    Wandering Around the Interweb

    As part of my continuing effort to get more into the community, I pushed forwards on the commenting on other people’s work and thoughts. Before I get into specifics, I will note a few things. I used the random post link on the ds106 feed page to find content to look at. The blog list […]
  13. gabatron15

    Radio Show Progress

    This is the first week of working on the Radio Show and I can feel the pressure and I am so excited for it to all come together! We started out by putting together a google document and from there we put all of our ideas, posters, and thoughts to see what direction we wanted […]
  14. gabatron15

    Creepy Chronicles Poster

    This is the image that I chose to represent the Creepy Chronicle which is the title of the Radio Show that I am doing with Britney and Ashley next week! When I thought of the title of our show I instantly thought of dolls and because its October I thought having witches would be perfect […]
  15. gabatron15

    Emotions through Sound

    Emotions through sound This is an audio assignment and its worth 3 and 1/2 stars. For this audio assignment I had to display emotions through sound. So to keep going on with my horror frenzy that I have been doing with my other audio assignments I thought I would keep going with it. I decided […]
  16. gabatron15

    Spooky Dialogue

    Spooky Dialogue This was an Audio Assignment and it was worth 3 and 1/2 stars. This assignment was to make a spooky dialogue using your voice and other sounds. Since this week we had to use at least 5 stars worth of assignments on our host character I thought I would also use my character […]
  17. gabatron15

    911 Emergency

    911Emergency This is an audio Assignment and its worth 4 and 1/2 stars. For this assignment I had the task of making a 911 call as if I was both sides of the conversation. I started out by using my host character The Death Whisperer as the person who called the 911 operator. So for […]
  18. adyke

    Radio Logo

    To make a logo for the radio show I went to the website logomakr.com. This website helps you make a logo for anything you want. I picked out the spooky font for the wording, added a microphone, a skeleton, and a spider to enforce the spooky theme. I think it came out to be a … Continue reading Radio Logo
  19. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Radio Promos

    I am using this clip as my radio show bumper.  I used a creaking door sound that I found online for free!  I decided to play the creaking noise at the beginning of the clip and at the end after I introduced who I was and which group I was a part of.  I recorded […]
  20. cherishamari

    Slow down turned disaster

    Music producer Nick Pittsinger slowed Bieber’s “U Smile” down 800% and the result was ethereal magic. Find a song to experiment with and slow it down to the point where it becomes an amazing piece of ambient music. If doing this with Audacity or any other non-linear digital editor, you’ll likely have to perform multiple […]
  21. cherishamari

    Possible Radio Bumper

    Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station. What is a bumper? It is a short recording that identifies the radio station with signature music or an expression that makes sure the listeners know what they are tuned into (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bumper_(broadcasting)). So for […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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