1. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    TV Radio Ad

      If possible I plan on using this TV Radio Ad during our radio show.  This assignment asked us to take a clip from a show / movie and collaborate it into a radio ad.  I used the clip from The Purge when the announcement comes on that The Purge is about to begin.  I thought […]
  2. feliciads106

    Progress of Edward Creeper Show

      The Edward Creeper Show members: Scott Clower, Felicia Liu, Gussie Revercomb, & Ellen Windley. We formed a group on Monday and created a google document for everyone to share and input information. Everyone contributed ideas in the radio show. We had a meeting today talking about the idea and structure of the radio. We […]
  3. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Voice over a beat

    For this assignment I chose to use the warning message from the movie “The Purge” as my background beat while I speak.  I will be discussing The Purge in our radio show, so I thought that I may be able to use this has a commercial or a transition. I uploaded the sound from YouTube […]
  4. kmgeckle

    Radio Show Promos!

    I was pretty excited when I saw that we needed to create promos for our shows! I really enjoy making these sorts of things. I’m not going to lie, I’m really not the most creative one out there, but hey...
  5. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Let Go & Let God

      “Let go and let God” I don’t mean to go all into religions with this class as I know that it can be a conflicting debate.  Although, I am Catholic and this 5 word quote means so much to me.  Even though this exact quote is NOT found in the Bible it was created […]
  6. kmgeckle

    Reverse Audio Quiz!

    I got super excited but slightly nervous for this assignment. It sounded super fun, but difficult at the same time. But of course I had to try it! So the point of this assignment was to pick a familiar song,...
  7. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Blair’s familiar sounds

    As all of you may know, Blair is my host character this semester for DS106!  I will share a little background information with you all regarding Blair.. She is super shy She has hallucinations Blair shows schizophrenic like symptoms however, has not actually been diagnosed Her parents were found dead in their mansion a few years […]
  8. headreaper


    Group: HeadReaper, Scott, Ellen, & Felicia Today (10/8/15), my group got together at the ITCC and went over our project layout and deadlines. We also have a google doc where most of the information is kept but I’ll give a brief summary. Our radio show will be called the Edward Creeper show after Scott’s host. … Continue reading _-Progress!-_
  9. headreaper

    The Society

    (^*Music for you my dears~*^) Greetings~ I have an announcement* to make. In November of 2045 I will be featured in The Society*, a gripping tale of horror and intrigue. I highly recommend it~ *It will have you writhing in utter terror- I guarantee it.** I will be appearing on The Edward Creeper Show Friday … Continue reading The Society
  10. myoung3

    Some Mary

    I had a lot of fun playing with my host character this week.  I tried to let him leak into my work outside of his designated area to build some more lore around him.  I spent a lot of time re-writing an entire song and re-recording it, and it’s alright.  The levels aren’t perfect, I … Continue reading Some Mary
  11. maike

    Vive-weiß La France!

    Im Bus, Saarland, Höhe Brauerstraße, diskutierte die Fahrerin in schönstem Saarländisch vergangenen Dienstag mit einer Bekannten beim Einstieg: “Ja und die haben doch eine ganz andere Kultur” – “Die passen doch vom Bild her garnich hier rein”. Besorgtes Busberatungen werden zum Smalltalkthema wie das Wetter. Ein paar Kilometer, eine Fernbusstrecke und Grenze weiter in Lothringen … Continue reading Vive-weiß La France!
  12. emorelleum

    The Necklace

    There it was, on the desk beside her, some soul had returned it to her, unfortunately too late. When the Yeller’s come knocking, you had better have a good response ready. When you are a few hundred short, you have to get resourceful, real resourceful. They are only interested in two things, cash repayment, and […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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