1. braze

    Sound Effect Story

    For this audio assignment I had to find 5 different sound effects online and put them together to make a story. I called my story “Revenge of the Dogs” because I based it off of the song “Who Let the Dogs Out?”. Before I give anything else away, here is my sound effect story: I … Continue reading Sound Effect Story
  2. braze

    Spooky Sound

    For this audio assignment I had to make an audio track that was Halloween themed or scared the listener. It also had to be a minute or longer in order to give the listener enough time to be scared. Before I give anything away, here is my spooky sound: I found the main song on … Continue reading Spooky Sound
  3. myoung3

    Kuuu Cheee Kuuu Cheee Kuuu Cheee (Audio Reflection)

    Audio is an integral part of video and film, without which the mediums wouldn’t work. You need the audio paired with the video to give you the engrossing experience that elicits the emotions, creates the escapism, and lets you experience a good movie or video. Think back to silent pictures, they had to interrupt the … Continue reading Kuuu Cheee Kuuu Cheee Kuuu Cheee (Audio Reflection)
  4. silverember

    Skateboard the Philosopher

    Skateboard's family came to visit this weekend. They arrived as I was puffing and wheezing home from my run. As I sat on my couch, guzzling water, sweating and congratulating myself for exercising for the first time in weeks, I heard the approach. . ."...
  5. cmartin5

    Week 4 Summary

    This week was really fun! I really love photography and exploring new was of creating stories with my photos. I found the tips in the different readings we had to do this week really to the point and helpful and I think I learned a lot this week! Reflecting on cinematography: I did things a little … Continue reading Week 4 Summary
  6. nforknal

    Almost Dark

    Another assignment for this week was to review the cinemagraphic effects of horror movie.  For this review, I chose the Movie, Near Dark.  As I was watching the movie, I took notes as to which effect I could pick out.  They... Continue Reading →
  7. cmartin5

    Favorite Vacation Destination

    My all time favorite place to go is Half Moon Bay, California. It is one of the cutest towns and most beautiful chilly beaches you will ever go to. To create this collage I just grabbed a few images off of google and used the pic stitch app to put them together. It’s so beautiful!!
  8. cmartin5

    Color Changer

    I took this picture today with my girlfriend at the river by our school and I thought it would be really fun to mess with the colors. I used an app called afterlight and messed with the color hues until I liked how it looked.
  9. cmartin5

    My Favorite Animal

    For this assignment I decided to make a collage of my favorite animal: the Fennec Fox. I just took four pictures off of google images and used the app called pic stitch to put all the images together in a collage. Hope you enjoy these adorable little a...
  10. ewindley

    Summary Week 4

    This week was very fast and furious for me.  I was dealing with the loss of a family member who is near and dear to my heart.  However, I did manage to get all the work done.  Not sure I can articulate what I did very well but here’s what happened, as I remember it. … Continue reading Summary Week 4
  11. gcaron

    Weekly Summary Week 4

    This week was rough. I didn’t look ahead of time and put it all off until the last minute so I couldn’t do a lot of things. I feel like the week just flies by and next thing I know it’s Friday and this is due. I think I just need to get better about […]
  12. gabatron15

    Weekly Summary 4

    Looking at the world through the lens was the task of this week! So I decided to do something different and instead of writing out my process and evaluation I thought why not have a video! I hope that you enjoy my crazy thought process and comment! Photography Reflection Bride of Frankenstein Paranormal Photo Storytelling […]
  13. gcaron

    Photo Edit

      I took my original picture (which I notice is a different version but it’s only off by one head) and added a couple of different filters to create new effects and different lighting. I actually think the edited version looks super cool!  
  14. gcaron

    Love for My Pets

      Doc and Brady are my new adopted kitties. The boys are brothers and were both found on the side of the road in the town where I am from. They have a sister but she was not up for adoption at the time I adopted the two boys. Brady is mine and is named […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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