1. gcaron

    Paranormal Picture

    This is my version of a paranormal picture. If you look close enough, you can see the double chain locks on the doors and the wearing of the frame from where this creature got inside.  
  2. gcaron

    The Ring

    The movie the ring does a lot of contrasting with lights. Often the scenes have a black versus white/light appeal. The perspective of the movie is looking in on a bunch of different people who all watched this film and were told “seven days” foreshadowing they would die in seven days. For the lighting, the movie almost […]
  3. cmartin5

    Sometimes at Night…

    Sometimes at night…when I’m really tired…and can’t sleep…my feelings change…and…my face changes. I can’t really explain it, but I just become abnormally happy. All the stress of the day seems to disappear. The only problem is…all I remember of the night…is that calm feeling…but sometimes…I wake up in the morning…and there’s blood in my bed…and … Continue reading Sometimes at Night…
  4. feliciads106

    Reflect on Cinematography

    Reflect on cinematography   After reading Becoming Better Photographers allowed me to understand more about photography and was amazed at how difficult it is to film a movie. They have the Selection: unique views and images to present the scenes to audiences. After watching The Ring, I applied the knowledge that I just learned to […]
  5. kmgeckle

    Week 4 At a Glance

    This week went by pretty quickly! I’m SO glad it’s almost over. It was the week of broken things for me. First, on Sunday morning my glasses broke. Then as the week went on my hello kitty rice cooker and...
  6. gcaron


    I do not take that many pictures often and when I do it’s either of my kittens, niece, or boyfriend. And they’re not very scenic pictures, it’s just in the moment pictures with little or no effort. I don’t try to capture any kind of feeling or focus on anything particular so I guess I […]
  7. cherishamari

    Another week down… week 4

    We’ve come to the end of yet another week. Time is flying by, but this week (week 4) wasn’t too bad; I feel like this class gets easier and easier, maybe just because I’m getting the hang of it now. As usual we have our usual responses I’ll tag below in case you missed them. […]
  8. cherishamari


    Cinematography – simply put the art of movie making. This week we have been focusing on visuals such as photos, still shots, and movies. We were asked to analyze one of three motion pictures, I choose the “Bride of Frankenstien.” As stated before it is alot easier to impose certain emotions or feelings upon someone […]
  9. kmgeckle

    My Storytelling Collage

    Well what’s more fun than making a collage based on a series of events in my life? I figured that the easiest story to follow would be this one, heading off to college! In the first photo, you see my...
  10. kmgeckle

    What’s in my Dance Bag!

    This assignment is totally up my alley! I’m super snoopy, I love to see what other people have in this bags! Technically this is just a what’s in my bag, but honestly mine would have just been too boring. Instead,...
  11. kmgeckle

    The Ring

    For this week’s viewing assignment, I chose to watch The Ring. I’m not going to lie, I felt like a baby watching it. It was way scarier than I had expected! But there were definitely elements to this film that...
  12. jamerive

    Visual Storytelling

    Using my time this week, I’ve reflected on how little I’ve actually dabbled into photography. Aside from participating in this week’s assignments, I rarely ever take photos on my own. I’ve taken the occasional selfie and I’ll gladly hop into a photo with a friend, but I can scarcely admit that I’m the mastermind behind … Continue reading Visual Storytelling
  13. headreaper

    ~@ The Circular Accessory That You Wear On Your Finger @~

    So I watched The Ring and it was quite sufficiently terrifying and still very enjoyable. *********SPOILER DISCLAIMER******** This post will contain spoilers for the movie The Ring ***************SCARY IMAGERY DISCLAIMER*************** Some of these pictures are really quite scary. Thou hast been warned. As far as aesthetics go, I thought that all of the imagery used … Continue reading ~@ The Circular Accessory That You Wear On Your Finger @~

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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