1. cherishamari

    Bucket List…take 2

    So… Everyone should have a bucket list. What’s on yours? For this assignment you should create a collage with AT LEAST four pictures of four different things you have on your bucket list. Add text to your picture of what or where it is. Then briefly tell us why it is on your bucket list. […]
  2. scottc1094

    Paranormal Image

      Standing on the top of the building, all of a sudden my electronic devices went haywire. We were still able to grab this picture, though, before “it” passed directly above us, speeding off into the horizon. For this assignment, I found an older picture of myself, and edited it as much as possible to give it… Read More
  3. nforknal

    Silky Smooth

    For 2.5 stars this week, I completed the Shiny Like Silk Assignment.  This was a really fun assignment! It honestly did not feel like homework at all. To complete this, I went to the website, weavesilk.com, which allows you to... Continue Reading →
  4. cherishamari

    I wanna make a movie.

    “I wanna make a movie, we got an all star cast. Baby hold on let me get my flash” -Flick by Trey Songz In today’s world as mentioned just about everyone has a camera in their pocket, hand, or purse. It is frowned upon so to say if you don’t have a cell phone or […]
  5. feliciads106

    Birthday are the Worst

      I used IPhone took the picture when I worked at a local company. I had to work even it is my birthday because we were short in staffs. The job was very boring and I had to repeat doing same thing everyday. The workload was very heavy and the management team are micromanagement. I […]
  6. braze

    Easter 2004

    For this visual assignment I had to find a picture of myself from the past and recreate the photo while holding the old picture. I looked through all of my old photos and found this one of me from Easter in 2004 holding up Easter eggs that I found. I thought the pose was interesting … Continue reading Easter 2004
  7. scottc1094

    A-Z Photo Collage

    Assignment For this assignment, we had to pick a specific subject area, and then create a photo collage for something that starts with each letter of the alphabet. I chose to focus on city skylines in the United States. The cities included (left to right, top to bottom) were: Albuquerque,NM Boston, MA Cleveland, OH Denver,… Read More
  8. scottc1094

    You’re doing it wrong!

    Assignment For this assignment, we had to find a picture of someone doing something wrong. I searched on google for a while until I found a good image that I thought represented this assignment: an suv in the water along with the boat they were attempt...
  9. gcaron

    Weekly Showcase

    Gory Collins here and I am here to tell you about an event hat occurred last night. As mentioned earlier, I thoroughly enjoy walking through cemeteries. Last night on my latest venture, I noticed five other figures in the shadows of the tombstones. I approached the figures cautiously trying not to spook them. The five […]
  10. braze

    Smooth Like Silk

    For this visual assignment I had to create an abstract piece of art using weavesilk.com. I went to the website and it gives you a plain black screen to start drawing on. I began by drawing a small pink heart in the middle of the screen but it turned into something completely different. I then … Continue reading Smooth Like Silk

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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