The following list was adapted from Clayton R. Wright’s Educational Technology and Education Conferences List #46. Please refer to Wright’s complete list for other conferences as well as each conference website for more details. Each year I attend AECT, AERA,…
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Edited by:Cary Roseth, Michigan State UniversityPenny Thompson, Oklahoma State University A volume in the series: Theory to Practice: Educational Psychology for Teachers and Teaching. Editor(s): Mike Yough, Oklahoma State University. Jane S. Vogler, Oklahoma State University. Eric M. Anderman, The Ohio State University. Call for Chapters…
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In this special issue, we invite researchers to submit studies on cognitive presence in online and blended learning environments. In the past decade, the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework has gained the most attention from scholars for its capability of…
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Global Perspectives on Educational Innovations for Emergency Situations An edited volume by Vanessa Dennen (Florida State University), Camille Dickson-Deane (University of Technology Sydney), Xun Ge (University of Oklahoma), Dirk Ifenthaler (University of Mannheim, Curtin University), Sahana Murthy (IIT Bombay), Jennifer…
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Call for Papers TLT Special Issue on Designing Technologies to Support Professional and Workplace Learning for Situated Practice Abstract Submission (Optional): 15 April 2021 Full Manuscripts Due: 15 June 2021 In an era of global, organizational, and technological change, all of…
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Call for Chapter Proposals Deadline: November 30, 2020 Book project: The Palgrave Handbook of Communication and Disability Publisher: Palgrave-MacMillan Editors: Michael S. Jeffress, PhD, Tennessee State University Jim Ferris, PhD, University of Toledo Joy M. Cypher, PhD, Rowan University Julie-Ann Scott-Pollock, PhD,…
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The following list was adapted from Clayton R. Wright’s Educational Technology and Education Conferences List #44. Please refer to Wright’s complete list for other conferences as well as each conference website for more details. Each year I attend AECT, AERA,…
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CALL FOR ARTICLES Quaderns de Filologia ? Linguistics Series vol. 26 (2021) ( Title of volume: The discourses of Gender, Violence and Social Inequality in the era of digital communication Editors: Sergio Maruenda Bataller (Universitat de Val?ncia) Dolors Palau Sampio…
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Special Issue Editor Enilda Romero-Hall, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education, IDT Graduate Coordinator, University of Tampa, [email protected] Introduction In education and training settings, we often discuss the term informal learning to address learning experiences that do not follow a specific…
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Teacher Education in the Online Environment Online education – whether in the P-12 or teacher education context – necessitates the routine use of educational technology. Researchers in the field of educational technology have cautioned us to not just focus on…
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Special issue on Online/Remote/Distance Supervision Special issue editors: Swapna Kumar, University of Florida, USA Gina Wisker, University of Bath, UK The main focus of this special issue is experiences, practices, and challenges of online/remote/distance supervision in doctoral programs and professional…
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Impacts on Children, Youth, Families, and Educators and the Roles of Human Services Professionals Addressing Diverse Needs Guest Editors Amanda B. Nickerson, PhD Michael L. Sulkowski, PhD Background The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered the daily lives of children and…
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Innovations in Remote Instruction: Impact on Students’ Socioemotional and Cognitive Outcomes A special issue call for papers Among the pressing concerns raised to the forefront amid the COVID-19 pandemic are the best modes and practices of remote instruction. Technology, Mind, and…
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Special Issue Editors Dr. Sylvia Hurtado Website Guest Editor School of Education and Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521, USA Interests: campus racial climates; diversity in higher education; diversifying the science, engineering, mathematics, and the biomedical workforce; organizational change…
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Call for Chapters Transforming Teachers’ Online Pedagogical Reasoning for Teaching K-12 Students in Virtual Learning Environments Editors Margaret (Maggie) Niess Oregon State University [email protected] Henry Gillow-Wiles Oregon State University [email protected] Submission details Submit proposals to: Proposal submission deadline: October 24,…
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Quality in Online Programs: Approaches and Practices in Higher Education Swapna Kumar & Patricia Arnold, Editors A Book in the Series “Leadership and Best Practices in Educational Technology Management” (Brill/AECT) – Christopher Miller and Anthony Piña, Series Editors The book…
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Attending to Issues of Social Justice through Learning Design Special Issue Editors Dr. Theodore J. (TJ) Kopcha, Associate Professor of Learning, Design, and Technology, Dept. of Career and Information Studies, University of Georgia. [email protected] Dr. Tutaleni I. Asino, Associate Professor…
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AERA Open Special Topic Call for Papers Education in the Time of Pandemic Special Topic Editors: Jacquelynne Eccles and John Yun Local and global crises, whether the results of natural disasters, war, or mass recessions, have a huge impact on…
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Special Issue (Spring 2021) The editorial team at the Journal of the Professoriate would like to invite you to submit a scholarly paper related to COVID-19 and teaching and learning in the professoriate. In response to COVID-19, we have witnessed…
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Edited by: Harriet J. Bessette, Kennesaw State University Camille Sutton-Brown, Kennesaw State University Announcing a call for book chapter proposals for a forthcoming edited volume focused on visual and image-based methodologies that can be used to expand how educators approach, design, and innovate…
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Online education–whether in the P-12 or teacher education context–necessitates the routine use of educational technology. Researchers in the field of educational technology have cautioned us to not just focus on the technological tools, but to consider how these tools are…
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The recent closure of school and university campuses impacted the learning of an estimated 1,2 billion learners. Learners, parents, teachers and administrators needed to find alternative ways to support continuity of learning without requiring teachers and learners to be in the same place at the…
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The Editors of the Online Learning journal wish to invite researchers to publish in a special issue devoted to the lessons learned about online learning from the COVD-19 crisis, including the challenges faced by teachers and students in the unexpected transition to…
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IJET invites authors to submit contributions that can deepen our knowledge about issues of a methodological, technological, organisational or policy nature (as well as combinations thereof) that are related to what has been termed “Emergency Remote Education (ERE)” (Williamson, Eynon,…
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