1. rockylou22

    DS106 Invitation to 3M

    Your Invitation Want to have some fun improving your 3M digital communication & collaboration skills? This is your invitation to join me in creating our first 3M DS106 Salon*. Where we’ll develop our digital presence and learn the power and responsibilities that come with good digital citizenship – more important than ever as our digital lives blur between […]
  2. byzantiumbooks

    Skip Daily Create? Not today!

    Today’s Daily Create (tdc588) asks us to “Create a pass or certificate that allows you to not complete this Daily Create.” At first I thought this quite paradoxical: if I created such a pass, I wouldn’t have to create such a pass; but if I didn’t create such a pass, I would have to create […]
  3. shannotated

    Riff-a-Gif – Spiderweb AAG #13

    I don’t know if these posters technically count as ds106 assignments, but it was way too cool for me to pass up. The spider was made by me in gimp (I know, it looks so real). The awesome poster is by Michael Branson Smith - hopefully he doesn’t mind the riff!
  4. rockylou22

    DJ B-day Dance Photostrip GIF

    You know how you can take those quick burst photo strips at the mall or the fair? Wouldn’t it be cool if you could bring it to life with a GIF? That was my inspiration for making this Film/GIF Strip extracted from a short video clip taken on my grandson’s 2nd birthday this past weekend. […]
  5. Hatchet Jack

    Poster for Domain of One’s Own

    I guess I missed the call but I heeded it when I heard it. So here we go. This is from this movie. It is an image by Ben Huber from the Castle for Cagliostro movie. I like the minimalist look and it made it easy to alter. I searched for a castle movie poster thinking […]
  6. rockylou22

    Gluten-Free Chocolate Cherry Bundt Cake (Microwaved)

    Gluten-free, Microwaved Chocolate Cherry Bundt Cake 1 hr prep time + overnight in refrigerator 1 tablespoon sugar 1 package Betty Crocker Gluten Free Devil’s Food Cake Mix 1 cup cherry pie filling (non-high fructose corn syrup) 3 eggs 3/4 cup water 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1 tsp almond extract 24oz Plain Greek Yogurt as cake […]
  7. byzantiumbooks

    Plane-filling Tiles of Coco


    A few days ago, our ds106 friend Stefanie posted a nice warholized image of Coco the clown. I am impressed with her work, not only for the coloring but for the regressive tiling down into the lower left corner. It has its roots in math, not quite Fibonacci, not quite …

  8. shannotated

    The “digital” of digital storytelling – rant

      With the start of the headless approaching, I’m gearing up to get involved as much as I can while working full time. What got me thinking about writing this blog post was the unfortunate Tweet-delete incident where all of my tweets after 2011 magically disappeared.  1,000 posts gone, lost in a blink of an […]
  9. rockylou22

    Polar RIFF-A-GIF

      Some of the best parts of ds106 happens when people spontaneously build off of the whacky things others share. Rapid fire style. Your assignment is to riff on someone else’s ds106 work and make it new in a GIF form. It can be revising an existing GIF, or taking a graphic and turning it into […]
  10. rockylou22

    Get Ready to Tumbl! The #GIFFight is on.

    DS106 joined in the Tumblr GIF Fight (#GIFFight) this week.  Our subject?… to GIF-ify Darth Vader. A few of us (who I knew about) stepped right up when the tweet from @mbransons came across our screens. Jim Dancing with Darth Vader by @jimgroom Darth Vader plays a mean guitar by @cogdog You Ain’t My Father, […]
  11. mc_shaun

    Literature Movie Poster Project

    I didn’t know about #DS106 at the time but I actually gave an assignment very similar to this to my graphic design students. I was shocked at the results. They had to take a classic piece of literature and create a minimalist movie poster for the book. Here were the top 4 images. A similar […]
  12. mc_shaun

    Student Head – Animal Body

    These were actually created last year by my graphic design students. I gave them this exact same assignment but only just now found about about #DS106. Here are some of their creations Student Compositing Gallery The DS106 version of this assignment and their submissions can be found at http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/paste-someones-head-on-an-animal-or-vice-versa/ You can find my video tutorial on […]
  13. shannotated

    Light Fight – AAG #12

    Once I saw that it was vader we’d be animating, I had to give it a shot. I used the clone tool to hide the lights and make them look like they were flashing. I also used the hue/saturation tool on the little yellow light to make it look like it was glowing – I […]
  14. mc_shaun

    Introduction: #DS106

    I was trying to figure out a way to get some of my students involved in an online community and I figure I better try it out myself first. #DS106 seems like a great way to get my feet wet. For those of you unfamiliar with it, it’s a Massive Open Online Storytelling class. I […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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