1. @darlesac

    Together We Are Brilliant!

    This weeks required reading: Communities of Readers, Clusters of Practices by Henry Jenkins, focused on participatory and collaborative learning.  He talked about a myriad of reasons why and ways for students to learn together.  Collaborative learning groups have obviously been around as long as people have.  However, in our recently much more easily connected world, it … Continue reading Together We Are Brilliant!
  2. @kerlass1

    Daily Create 1: Week 5

    Daily Create:#tdc1642 Today is a national day of… coming together, black lives matter, blue lives matter. #ilt5340 pic.twitter.com/4vqR8xG8pD — Kzetland (@kerlass1) July 9, 2016 This week has been a heavy one for our country. I’m looking at the theme of vulnerability. I don’t think anything can make a human more vulnerable then being forced to … Continue reading "Daily Create 1: Week 5"
  3. @innovateinmeta

    The Majority of One

    “Thought can’t go where the roads of language have not been built.”  -Terence McKenna Words hold the magic of world-creation, yet so often we overlook the power they hold. So powerful are words that knowledge acquired over the course of millennia can be lost if their words are lost. Conversely, new courses of human evolution can […]
  4. @innovateinmeta

    Trapped in Fandom

    Can what we consider as popular culture really be considered ‘culture’ or simply fandom? That is to say, if cultural artifacts originate from corporate products are they, in fact, ‘authentic’ cultural expressions? An interesting distinction was made in this week’s reading, Henry Jenkins’ “Afterword: Communities of Readers, Clusters of Practice (2008). Jenkins made a clear distinction between the ‘participatory […]
  5. @edaviscalvert

    Mashup: Hermione’s Nightmare

    This week's mashup assignment is inspired by my eleven year old daughter who is actually typical tomboy by day and clearly a mad scientist by night.  She received her owl letter as expected on her eleventh birthday and caught the train on track 9 ...
  6. @lee_sam86

    “Best Practices”

    http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1202&context=lajm Very interesting article that I suggest you all take a few minutes to read. It was definitely an eye opener to me. When you look at the statistics that were found on how much time was spend on informational text, and how many resources were available in classrooms it is so scary. It also […]
  7. @lee_sam86

    The Hatred of Poetry

    This was a very interesting review. I would love to share it with my students some day. I would also love to read the book, but of course have added it to my never ending list of books I need to pick up.   Research- As far as this review piece there was not a […]
  8. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 5 Story Critique

    This week I finally got to use a story that I have been waiting to watch.  I found this a couple weeks ago but felt the title did not fit in with the theme, so I waited. The story I chose was entitled: “The Meaning of My Life” This turned out to be a very […]
  9. @lee_sam86

    Week 5 Reading Reflection

    I love that this article began by stating that the book is a “why to” guide. This is so meaningful to me. I have to know the why behind the what. How do we immerse the powers that be how important this digital movement is? Not only is it important for teachers to include these […]
  10. @CassieDunnam

    Learning is Social-Reading Response week 5

    It is time to be a participant, and not just the ones that get a participation award for showing up. The reading this week was focused on being an active participant in one’s learning environment. This means collaborating and discussing learning and how teachers need to do more than bring in the Web 2.0 tools […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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