1. @rzezfez

    Student Admin

    This was an interesting week for me. I strugled to get my assignments completed this week more so than in the past few weeks because I was at the Canvas InstrutreCon conference. I had an interesting time acting as both a Canvas student and learning as a Canvas administrator. Despite my troubles completing assignments being …
  2. @AmyLGonzales1

    Week #7 – Reflection

    I feel good about my accomplishments this week.  I love blogging (didn’t think I would say that when I started this class).  Blogging has helped me process the information I am taking in and see it on paper.  As I am starting my final reflection project, I am noticing that blogging is a great resource for […]
  3. @erinnmarieg

    Confused Emotions

    TDC1655 Contrasting emotions asked for the created to look for an image that shows a clear emotion and then overlay text of the opposite emotion on that image. Here is my creation:
  4. @lakaha77

    Week 7 Review

    I can’t believe this is the end of week 7 already. This course (and summer!) has flown by.  I feel like I completed all requirements of the week to the standards.  I was excited to get a chance to go back to a design assignment that I was interested the last time we were required to complete […]
  5. @innovateinmeta

    What is Literacy? Didactic vs Dialectic

    Often the most interesting part of a story is the mystery. Even in academic papers, the really intriguing parts are the ideas left ambiguous or unexplained. In reading Monica Nilssan’s “Developing Voice in Digital Storytelling Through Creativity, Narrative and Multimodality”, one of the most intriguing things in the paper is listed right below her name. The words […]
  6. @CassieDunnam

    Change is among us-reflect 7

    This has been a great week. This week’s reading was eye-opening and inspiring the motion of change. This week I have created daily creates and a visual assignment that add to my abilities to be creative and use new tools in a different way. I analyzed a digital story about factory farms and learned how […]
  7. @janetmemerson

    Week 7 Reflective Summary

    Hard to believe we are at the end of Week 7. This was a rough week for me and my sons. My work-life balance was put to a test…. My ex-husband was in an accident and had to have surgery this week, a huge deadline at work, and our dog of 14 years had to […]
  8. @DCUCdenver

    DIgital Story Review

    http://coloradofilmschool.wix.com/colorfulcoloradofilm#!blank/llddp I watched a short film made here in colorado for the colorful colorado film festival. It was the award winner named Fresh from DSA. I thought that the movie was very well made and the super wide screen black … Continue reading
  9. @kopeckaci

    Week 7 Reflection

    This week was a whirlwind! I cannot believe that week 7 is coming to an end! I feel like I completed this week’s assignments really well! I explored other people work who were not in my group which was very fun and interesting! I also explored different resources and outlets that I have no experience&ellipsis;Read the full post »
  10. @jrpokrandt

    Cancelled Vacation

    I had big plans for this week’s Assignment Bank.  On Tuesday I went through the visual assignments and chose this assignment.  The reason: I was scheduled to go to San Diego with my boyfriend for five days of beaches and pools and California!  This would be the perfect occasion to do a visual assignment.  However, the … Continue reading Cancelled Vacation
  11. @Unevoie

    Digital Story Critique: 10 Unbelievable Future Technologies

    This week, I’m looking at a video from NatGeo Times called “10 Unbelievable Future Technologies That Will Change The World In Your Lifetime.” This video quickly outlines ten “in progress” technologies that the producers see as having a large impact on the world. It’s just under ten minutes long, if you want to give it … Continue reading Digital Story Critique: 10 Unbelievable Future Technologies
  12. @rzezfez

    A Haiku from Me to You

    For this week’s DS106 Assingnment Bank, I selected Haiku About You.   That Pivital Moment Local Pet Store Signs: Puppies cost one grand; Kittens – free with food purchase   I created this haiku because I wanted to challenge myself to describe the moment when I decided to focus on cat rescue, although I promote …
  13. @rzezfez

    Going for a Wiki Walk

    Wiki pages in general are collaborative remixes; live documents that multiple peaople can edit, fostering a community where people share information to produce a deliverable. Wikipages embody many of the concepts discussed in the reading of this course. While in a conference session this week, one of the presenters mentioned having her students take a …
  14. @rzezfez

    One Invisible Backpack – Free to Good Home

    This week I read White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh. This was a difficult reading for me as it focuses on the concept of white privilege. I am white. This article focused on the idea that white people are raised to be “oblivious” to the privileges they receive simply due to the …
  15. @lee_sam86

    Writing Assignments-Myself in 10 years writ

    Dear future me, Life in 10 years… this is a crazy thought but I will be 40…YIKES!!!! What do I imagine my life to be like at age 40… Married 3 kids Still teaching loving life   What is scary to me is who is president… Donald Trump? Hilary Clinton? Someone new I hope! I […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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