1. @A_marillo

    Daily Create # 8

    Daily Create # 8 – Feb. 8 @ds106dc #tdc1858 half dog, cheetah, and zebra. Do not know what to call it though?.. pic.twitter.com/hZfI3EDaW6 — Amari Byrd (@A_marillo) February 9, 2017
  2. @A_marillo

    Daily Create #7

    Daily Create #7- Feb. 7 @ds106dc Making the internet lovely again by having hugs! #tdc1857 pic.twitter.com/eDpU6yBBUu — Amari Byrd (@A_marillo) February 7, 2017
  3. @amkhokar1

    Office Prank Gone Wrong

    Day 3: Just when I thought things couldn’t get worse… So, this is my third day at the agency, and I’ve already gotten pranked. Bob told me that we had a professional development meeting on Saturdays. Turns out I made the hour long commute to the office for nothing, because it was empty. I took […]
  4. @amkhokar1

    Lessons in Spycraft: Encrypted Message

    One of the first things I learned in Secret Agent School was how to send encrypted messages. For this mission, I incorporated a simple, encrypted message into a photograph. I used this typographic tool, and I spent about an hour tinkering with all of the different styles. You can use different font styles and drawing […]
  5. @amkhokar1

    Home to Many

    For this assignment, I decided to look around the house for shadows that resembled familiar objects and relate the shadow objects to the original objects. I found some more visually complex combinations throughout the house including a curtain whose shadow looked like a giant cactus plant and a Santa figurine whose shadow looked like a […]
  6. @libcal3

    Photo week recap

    Week 4 GO!   Daily Creates: @ds106dc #tdc1857 These people who made a disco ball and brought it into a parade when people saw it. #ds106 pic.twitter.com/hyqPCmzkTa — Callie (@libcal3) February 7, 2017 @ds106dc #tdc1858 #ds106 The infamous Axogator pic.twitter.com/Xaswp3VPsm — Callie (@libcal3) February 8, 2017 A modern take on Turner #DS106 #tdc1859 pic.twitter.com/kQ7s7rgaNs — […]
  7. @libcal3


    The photoblitz was a really cool concept that I was nervous to try. I generated several random combinations till I got this list below and went with it. Make a photo that emphasises one color much more than any others in the shot A pair of photos which show some same of symmetry between different […]
  8. @k_heflin


    Archives To complete a PhotoBlitz, we had 20 minutes to take as many of the photos as we could on our given list. Sounds easy, right? Wrong! Some of those choices were just not simple. I can honestly say I hit next quite a few times before I found a list I thought I could accomplish and I still missed one 🙁 But here it goes! Starting time: any type of picture of a newspaper: Picture from floor level: Photo that represents the passage of time: Crowd Scene: This one I couldn’t get :(( Photo of water: Picture that reminds […]
  9. @libcal3

    What’s in a Shadow?

    Shadow of a Doubt Shadows have a particular peculiarity to them. Agent Fawn for instance always thought it frustrating how much shadows disproportionated the actuality of the real object. For instance her shadow in particular was always much taller than she thought it ought to be. Given her height, it always made her feel much […]
  10. @amkhokar1

    The Love That Was Not To Be

    I remember the day like it was yesterday. It was another time, a better time by many measures. But I know I made the right choice to leave it all behind. Most people don’t know what agents like me have given up to be a part of something greater than ourselves. To participate in the […]
  11. @amkhokar1

    Side Mission: Learning from examples

    Before I started on my own photography missions, I needed to be able to identify some of the key elements of photography in other pictures. I decided to use a video of some of the top moments in James Bond movies: The first still I analyzed was at 12 seconds into the video. I thought […]
  12. @slotaheather

    Photoblitzer Fun!

    Photoblitzer objectives:    Picture of my choice  Place an object in a shot thats hard to find or recognize  A photo of a bird today  Your feet, show what kind of day you are having. #sick  Pattern Make a photo suggesting fire or smoke  a photo that represents the passage of time
  13. @Markham_McFly

    Week 4 summary: How is it already week 4

    Selfies aren’t my thing (Assignments 1 & 2) Daily Creates: @ds106dc #tdc1859 #ds106 if Mona Lisa had my hideous mustache pic.twitter.com/04vPQu3ExU — Chris Markham (@Markham_McFly) February 10, 2017 @ds106dc PitBird: Mailmen beware #tdc1858 #ds106 pic.twitter.com/gCRBtXzA65 — Chris Markham (@Markham_McFly) February 8, 2017 @ds106dc #tdc1857 #ds106 RT to spread awareness and @ someone you love pic.twitter.com/5CnoEf0JBO …

    Continue reading "Week 4 summary: How is it already week 4"

  14. @tmckenzierich


    Contrast between an object and its shadow can make an interesting photo. Smooth, rough, dirty, or wrinkled. Make a photo of hands that tell a story. Take a picture of fire or something that represents fire. Giraffes are brilliant. Show us what it would be like if they lived in human society. Make a landscape […]
  15. @slotaheather


    Photography has been one of my favorite hobbies. I own a Rebel Ti3 Cannon camera and I love it! I love taking pictures of people and just every day objects. I use my skill to work with the company I internship with and take pictures of her products to display to her customers. I also …

    Continue reading "Photography"

  16. @libcal3

    The *Red* Photography

    As one of the scenes I chose to analyze for photography scenes comes from The Hunt for Red October. This still shot above is from a key scene towards the films end where Jack Ryan and Captain Remius are trying to capture the KGB operative shooting at them in the submarine. I found this particular […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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