1. mariamk

    Voice-Mail Machine

    Movie Voice Machines – 2 1/2 Stars For this assignment you had to create a voicemail for fictional character. I chose to make a voice-mail message for my character Jeffrey Davidson. I used sound cloud to record myself. I attempted to deepen my voice to sound like man (did not do the best job) and […]
  2. jsteward

    NeoNoir and Progress

    Despite not joining a group until after the deadline, I think my group and I have made decent progress this week. We decided to create a noir with an updated, digital vibe. This will give us a chance to experiment with text message and computer sounds. Our main character will be a female computer hacker […]
  3. mariamk

    Emotions Through Sounds

    Emotions Through Sounds – 3 Stars For this audio assignment you had to portray an emotion through sound effects. I chose to do this assignment for my character dossier Jeffrey Davidson. The story I was trying to tell though sound effects was when his mother died. I have mentioned in some of my earlier posts […]
  4. jsteward

    Mini Icon Sticker

    This design project was meant to help me work on NeoNoir’s midterm radio show, and so it is not worth any point value or created from a specific prompt. For this design project, I combined some old design prompts and made a minimalist bumper sticker using computer icons. Our radio show is meant to be […]
  5. adeacons

    Week 6 Summary

    I started my week off with a healthy dose of Audio Assignments. I started by working on Leave It To Who? in lieu of my character Delilah Valentine. It took me forever to find a free download for the theme music, but I did eventually find it. I wouldn’t recommend the site however, cause it gave a … Continue reading Week 6 Summary
  6. jsteward

    007 Tracking Device

    I’m excited to share this commercial a friend and I made that will hopefully play during NeoNoir’s radio show. It is worth three audio points for the week of 2/16 to 2/22. We made the commercial as though it would sell to the main character of the radio show, who is an internet hacker attempting […]
  7. bburns

    Noir Not The Father- Promotional Poster

    With our radio show project coming up soon, I have created a promotional poster for our show, Noir Not The Father! Since our show is a Maury-style talk show, I found a great photo depicting a crowd reaction from a similar show. The photo is actually taken from the Jerry Springer Show, which is very… Read More
  8. bgoulet

    Saved By The One – Original Recording

    This Audio Assignment can be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/being-a-music-producer/ Lyrics: “Sitting in the dark I peel my bleeding heart Laying here alone Deep in the ocean My heart sits torn In a trench full of wishes With a soul that’s too worn Just a man who is breathing Yet living like he’s dead. (x2) Pondering what to … Continue reading Saved By The One – Original Recording
  9. cmattes2

    Wrapping Up Week 6

    radio show progress http://cmattes2.com/radio-show/noir-not-the-father-progress/ radio show design project http://cmattes2.com/radio-show/148/ my 10 comments http://edithandart.com/assignments/audio/leave-it-to-who/#comment-32 http://trysoccer29.com/writing-assignments/lawrences-theme-song/#comment-168 http://trysoccer29.com/writing-assignments/yeah-i-can-rap/#comment-169 http://edithandart.com/uncategorized/multi-way-gloves/#comment-35 http://www.brianburnsofficial.com/radio-show/noir-not-the-father-promotional-poster/#comment-108 http://lifebysavanna.com/design-assignments/a-lil-radio-show-promo/#comment-109 http://sayheyjanaye.com/radioshow/house-of-noirprogress/#comment-123 http://www.dsnoir106.kassiarivera.com/blog/assignments/suspense/#comment-68 http://lifebysavanna.com/audio-assignments/tiffany-bumper-radio-show-work/#comment-110 http://ds106blog.missmoonstarsun.com/radio-show/radio-show-progress/#comment-83 10 stars of audio assignments 4 stars http://cmattes2.com/assignments/shes-dead-isnt-she-4-stars/ 1 1/2 stars http://cmattes2.com/assignments/guess-what-song-1-12-stars/ 3 stars (character) http://cmattes2.com/assignments/ol-micks-emotions-through-sounds/ 2 stars (character) http://cmattes2.com/assignments/commercial-that-describes-ol-mick-2-stars/ This week was a little different from the past weeks we have had. … Continue reading Wrapping Up Week 6
  10. jevans5

    House of Noir:Progress

    Our show theme is a noir round table where we will discuss questions and topics relevant to the noir stereotypes our characters represent. Since three of my group members all have the jerk with a heart of gold I am a little nervous as to how this will work with my lone mysterious woman. We […]
  11. jevans5

    Introducing House of Noir

    To create this poster I first had to search through countless pictures of outlines of people standing on google images. Surprisingly or not there is a lot of pictures and mostly of people dancing or jumping for joy. Once I found this picture I used http://apps.pixlr.com/editor to add text to picture. After I had added […]
  12. bburns

    Inflate your language

    The last assignment I did this week was called “Inflate your language”. It was worth 2.5 stars. Here is the assignment page. For this assignment, I used inflationary language to tell the story of how my character, Billy Steel, met his wife Jackie. Inflationary language is a style created by comedian Victor Borge in which… Read More
  13. krivera


    Here is my Emotions Through Sound assignment that is 3 points. For this assignment, it was actually really easy to complete. Last audio week I wanted to convey calm feelings in this assignments. This week I decided to convey suspenseful emotions. In this scene, a person is hiding in a closet from a murderer. The...
  14. krivera

    Daily Create-Before and After

    For Sunday, the daily create was to take a picture and have a second picture that is altered in some way. I took a picture of my roommate in regular clothes than covered her regular clothes with other things in a crazy way.
  15. athacker

    Multipersonality- 2.5 stars

    This was fun. This assignment was to make it seem like you were having a conversation with yourself in different personalities. I like doing different accents when reading books to my daughter. I used those to make up the different personalities for th...
  16. briannarosem

    Week 6!

    This week seemed like such a easy week workload wise compared to the other weeks of this class. I did find it a little difficult to actually find a group for the project, but once it happened it was so much fun sharing ideas with other people. One thing we had to do this week … Continue reading Week 6!

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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