1. tyowell

    Creations for the Week

    The first daily create I chose for this week was to create a photo with words on them with the theme of “I’m Sorry.”  I immediately thought of “I’m sorry for what I said when I was hungry” because it pertains to me more often than not.  I become quite the mean person when I … Read More
  2. adeacons

    Radio Show Ideas

    Has anyone seen Clue the Movie? Well my idea for a radio show is to take our individual characters and make our own “Clue Movie” except in radio show form. Sound good to anyone?
  3. athacker

    Ruin-porn photography today

    This daily create actually hits on something I find fascinating. I actually did a presentation on the beauty of long abandoned structures and objects. It is amazing how nature can take over some objects like the piano or the amusement park. All the fun...
  4. bburns

    10-Step Photo Challenge

    For this challenge I had to take 10 steps while taking one picture each step. I organized my pictures into a collage. Here it is! http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/10-step-photo-challenge/
  5. bburns

    Story Map

    The next visual assignment I did was a story map of my baseball trip that I took last summer with my dad and brother. It was a pretty sweet trip. Check it out! Unfortunately, the embed feature of storymap is malfunctioning, so all I can give you is the...
  6. bburns

    What’s in Your Bag?

    The first visual assignment I completed this week is called What’s in Your Bag? So here you go! http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/whats-in-your-bag/ The only bag I carry is my school backpack. This ^^ is everything that goes inside. First, I always have one or more binders in my backpack- each binder is for a different class. Then I… Read More
  7. bburns

    Noir Safari

    Dramatic use of distinct shadows Lighting from one side Off-kilter or unusual camera angle Sense of drama/moodiness Characters captured in a tableau suggesting an intense/fraught moment
  8. bburns

    Three to Get Ready

    Today I finished up another week of noir 106. This week I explored the photography and cinematography elements of noir, which was a nice change of pace from all the writing I did last week. I really enjoyed the process this week. Here’s a run-through of what I did this week. 1. Photoreflection The first… Read More
  9. jevans5

    Week Three!

    Whew! I made it! This week was a breathe of fresh air after the non-stop writing of last week. First thing I did was my visual assignments, because they were the most new and exciting! I loved getting into the mind of my character, Melody, and really thinking about things in her perspective. http://sayheyjanaye.com/assignments/poetry-art/ http://sayheyjanaye.com/assignments/whats-in-your-bag/ […]
  10. krivera

    Week Three Summary

    This week I felt that I did better at keeping up with the work I had to do. I didn’t start most of my work at the end of the week like I did last week. First, I read through the different photography readings and the video. I really enjoyed Jason Eskenazi’s video. Here is...
  11. mariamk

    Weekly Summary; Week 3

    Our focus for this week was how to use visual elements to tell our stories. So far this has been my favorite week. I enjoy photography and learning how to incorporate some of the elements we learned this week to better my own photography was a great learning experience. Something I enjoyed the most about […]
  12. bburns

    Noir Cinematography

    Killer’s Kiss Killer’s Kiss was chalk full of classic noir photography elements, but I’m going to hone in on the two seen in the stills above. The first is a great example of lighting from one side, as you see how menacing a character can look while holding a pistol in a dark warehouse. The second… Read More
  13. jevans5

    Noir and Visual Storytelling

    First up! Killer’s Kiss This shot uses the shadow and lighting to draw the viewers eye towards Gloria. This cinematography forces the viewer to have the same line of vision. This shot is the perfect example of a noir cityscape with the fog giving an ominous mood setting. This shot uses the shadow and to […]
  14. hungrymax

    Week Three Summery


    Well week three is just about in the rearview, and we’ve done a lot. We read some guides to improving photographic storytelling.  We watched two noir films and, using stills from the movies, talked about staples of the noir style. I myself watched “Brick” and “Killer’s Kiss” and used stills from the latter to talk about the lighting, grittiness, characters,… Read more →

  15. philipdorch

    Weekly Summary

    For this week we focused on visual aspects of noir. The first thing that I did to prepare for the weeks work was review the material listed on the noir site. I really enjoyed the material that was listed and learned a good amount from it. The most common theme that I noticed was the … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  16. jsteward

    Noir Downpour: Pt. 3

    Like all good things, visual week in Noir 106 must come to a close. This week, I made more media than ever, and am very proud of the way my photos for the Noir Safari turned out. Here are two of my favorites: Although I have tried my hand at photography before, I had never […]
  17. bgoulet

    Warning Poster

    Assignment can be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/create-a-warning-poster/ Here is a warning poster that I have created for the visual assignment “Create A Warning Poster”.
  18. krivera

    Noir Elements in Chinatown and the Killer’s Kiss

    For the movie assignment, I choose to watch Chinatown in addition to the Killer’s Kiss even thought I hadn’t read the script last week. First, I would like to discuss the noir in Killer’s Kiss. This picture is a good example of the street and darkness elements of noir. It shows the grittiness of cities...
  19. amaratel


    Killer’s Kiss In Killer’s Kiss, two scenes that stuck out to me as being examples of Noir was : when the male characters were in the alley and you could only see their shadow, and when the female character was walking up the stairs that said “watch your step”.In Killer’s Kiss, some scenes were shot … Continue reading Cinematography
  20. bburns

    Visuals of Storytelling

    This week we are delving into photography in noir 106, so it’s time for me to reflect on my own experience with photography. I don’t take that many photos currently except in special circumstances. If I am on a big vacation, or some kind of interesting trip I will try to take some photos in… Read More
  21. bgoulet

    Focus on One Color

    Assignment can be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/focus-on-one-color/ Focus On One Color   Here is an image where I set  the saturation of all colors, except blue, to zero. This selective color technique is a nice accent to the photo as it helps guides the audience to the main focus of this composition.
  22. cmattes2

    The Road Not Taken- Robert Frost (A visual on poetry)- 3 points

    This background fits perfectly with The Road Not Taken because the poem is about taken a road that most people would not. When I saw this picture I thought it fit because I could imagine a creepy gas station attendant back down the road a little bit telling every passer which road is easier or … Continue reading The Road Not Taken- Robert Frost (A visual on poetry)- 3 points
  23. mariamk

    Noir Cinematograpy

    Both of these films followed the concept of noir. In Chinatown they mentioned a kitty cat which is something we have talked about a lot in class. In the Hitch-Hiker two innocent men were caught up with a psychopath. Both of these films followed a dark and mysterious story line. In Chinatown for the detective […]

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