1. sgrubbs2

    Inside Talking Radio Show

    “Inside Talking” is our talk show on the radio featuring our five noir guests and our host Lena Meyers. During the show we get to know more about each of the characters and hear some of our commercials. https://soundcloud.com/jack-eaton-5/radio-show-talk-show-final  
  2. abigaild

    Radio Show progress

    This week was all about doing the radio show. It was so hard to find times to get together as a group but I bet it would be a lot harder if it was more than 3 of us in the group. We decided to meet on Thursday of the snow day at school and […]
  3. kkroehl

    Week 7: Spring Break Already?

    This week was a little funky because it was mostly a continuation of last week. Instead of doing assignments all week, my group was getting together and finishing up the radio show. I did enjoy the change of pace because it spices things up for a week. The three daily...
  4. abigaild


    This week we were assigned to do 3 daily creates. The first one I did was on Wednesday the 25th. The assignment was to make a story using 5 emojis. I really enjoyed this assignment because it was fun to have to come up with a a story by looking at a few images.   […]
  5. kbarbeelibrary

    An Emoji Story

    For the “Are you up for some emojination?” Daily Create, I used the random emoji generator to produce five image prompts that I turned into the short story below. The first couple of times that the images were generated, I ended up getting a majority of emotional faces, but I wanted a prompt with more … Continue reading An Emoji Story
  6. kkroehl

    The Steadfast Sleuths Week 2

    Because my group did all our voice recordings last week, this week was not as stressful as I thought it would be. There was obviously a lot of sound editing that we did, and that took a while, but it worked out well. At the beginning of the week, Lauren...
  7. kkroehl

    Weasels, Emojis, and Space

    This week I completed three daily creates, and they were all different forms of creativity this week. I made a poem for Grant Potter’s birthday, a emoji story, and drew a picture interpretation of what “Deep Space 106″ would look like. I used to write poems a lot as a...
  8. cloehr

    Heel Concept

    Today’s Daily Create was to create a #heelconcept picture with an everyday object. I used a cup to emulate the heel in this photo.
  9. dalinafoo

    Radio Show Week 2

    This week we got off to a slow start but I’m glad to say we’re done! The second time we met we discussed what the format of the radio show will be, as well as, what  we were going to say. I think we expressed the noir style in our radio show really well. From our […]
  10. levitasdementia

    This could be important

    I was watching Black’s videos when I came upon a very strange one I realized that this could be important information, so I paid attention. These were all quotes from Noir films- but what could it mean? I searched them all and this is the list of films that were references (in order) The Dark Read More →
  11. levitasdementia

    Vixen’s Ventures!

    Not dentures.  This week was big for the radio show. I finished writing it on Tuesday, and we all met on Thursday to record it. Amy had edited the script a bit to make it flow better. We were a bit worried because campus was closed, but the vocal studio was still open. Unfortunately, we Read More →
  12. lfalkens


    This week I was not on my daily create game, but I did get them all finished up eventually. I created a ds106 space station. I used a magic school…
  13. gyeorelee

    Week Seven Summary

    Week seven is done! I really enjoyed this week with creating radio show! I can’t wait to hear what other people’s think about our radio show and what they have done! It took several hours to edit the radio and put the bumper, commercial, and others, but it was great experiment to develop the skill […]
  14. mboleis

    Back to Clam Digging for a Week

    IT IS FINALLY  SPRING BREAK YAYYYY  (well after I finish this post, which I am doing on Saturday at 10 am, not Sunday at 11 pm). This week has proven to be challenging, AND FUN. I originally thought that I would hate everything about a group project, but I didn’t. We met up the first day […]
  15. mboleis

    I Mean, You’re Welcome

    I just love commenting on people’s pieces. It was definitely more challenging this week, since there ere significantly less posts than usual. I’m almost done with all my assignments for the week AND I’M SO HAPPY. But everyone’s Daily Creates and Radio Show updates were on point, and I’m really impressed with how creative all […]
  16. gyeorelee

    Radio Show Progress #2

    After we had meet on Saturday, we decided to meet on this Thursday to record our voice. But campus was closed for snow day! I was so happy for cancellation of classes, but I worried for the recording because we was going to meet in ITCC. But luckily, ITCC was able to open with our […]
  17. gyeorelee

    Teal Blue and Orange

    Blue and orange are (still everywhere) – it’s the color combination that spells “action movie”. Make (or modify) and image to make it suitable for an action film poster using primarily teal blue and orange hues. When I saw this assignment, I looked for an action movie poster. Then, I found “Wolverine” poster that would stand […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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