1. ahowlan2

    Stop Copying Me

    I think the copyright law is an important aspect in the world of writing, but the digital world makes it more and more difficult for copyrighting to stay safe. So many things are available on the internet against copyright, trademark, and other laws. I know if my work were used without my consent, I would … Continue reading Stop Copying Me
  2. kkroehl

    Week 5: For the Love of Design!

    This week was very educational. While I knew vaguely what went into design before this week, I now realize the true extent of the art. After reading the Vignelli Canon and reflecting on it, I see how design is in literally every man-made thing in this world. The proliferation of...
  3. dalinafoo

    Read and Reflect on The Vignelli Canon

    Semantics. He explains to use that we have to find meaning in our work. Some times it’s hard to find meaning and inspiration. That’s only the case when I’m given something to work on. I feel that inspiration is something a person comes up with on their own, and not from a person ordering another. […]
  4. pboyle

    Photo Blitz

    I went to a winery in Fredericksburg, they were having Casino night, but we did not actually go to that. We did however spend five hours at the winery with my wife’s family. I walked around and took some good photo’s of some cool things in my opinion. I had fun doing it also. I … Continue reading Photo Blitz
  5. chelseairizarry

    Mine, Yours, Ours?

    After watching A Fair(y) Use Tale and Laws that Choke Creativity as well as reading Fair Use Frequently Asked Questions, 7 Things You Should Know about Creative Commons, and A Brief History of Copyright. I have realized that copyright laws really doesn’t make sense to modern day. With our technology today we can’t recreate and make new … Continue reading Mine, Yours, Ours?
  6. abigaild

    5 weeks done

    This week was interests. I really like visual design so this being design was a good week :). I started out with doing my daily creates. This week we had to do 3 of them and they were interesting ones. I really enjoyed doing the ones that involved pictures because I like pictures haha. The […]
  7. kbarbeelibrary

    Double Design

    For observing the design elements of film noir, I watched the noir film Double Indemnity. The city of Los Angeles frames the noir design of this movie is subtle ways like the California Spanish style houses, the skyline shot of LA, and the casual mention of LA neighborhoods like Glendale and Hollywood. The urban night-scene … Continue reading Double Design
  8. tdaig

    Album Cover

    One of this weeks assignments was to create an album cover using a picture of yourself. This is my hot new album named “Party in the back”. It is a country rap album that turns dirt roads into clubs. The picture that I used was from last Halloween when I dressed up as Joe Dirt. … Continue reading Album Cover
  9. kkroehl


    The assignment “Light switch art” (3.5 pts) was lots of fun! I remember one summer camp as a child they had blank light switch covers and all the kids decorated their own light switch cover. Mine is on the light switch in my room, but because I mainly used marker...
  10. kroach2

    Hey, that’s mine?

    I have never thought about my work as private or just mine. I don’t know if that mentality comes from the level of collaboration in education courses or just the idea that […]
  11. jlaszako

    The Photoshop Rush: A Reflection

    This week was tough. I had two major exams in two really hard classes (instrumental analysis and physical chemistry aka what happens when physics calculus and chemistry have a baby). I put off my work for ds106 because I knew it would not majorly impact my grade in this class as much as it would […]
  12. jlaszako

    Speedy Design Blitz!

    Alright, so here’s my design blitz breakdown for you guys. I kind of made an effort to take pictures whenever I could wherever I was this week. When looking at this poster the thing that struck me most was the color. The pink creates a sense of unity that pops out from the black and […]
  13. tdaig

    Cartoon You!

    One of the assignments this week was to cartoonize an image of yourself or somebody else. I used this image of myself to imitate my character Conway practicing his shots for his job. I used the app called picsart to do this assignment. This image goes hand in hand with my character so i thought … Continue reading Cartoon You!
  14. abigaild

    copy what

    I actually have never found a reason where copyright has been a problem. When I write papers I have always been told to make sure I give credit and the same thing when editing songs and images. There is something that I did find really annoying with copyright and that was when it really started […]
  15. ahowlan2

    Edie Inked

    For my last design assignment for the week, and my other assignment relating to my character, I chose ink (3 stars). I chose this assignment because I thought it would be a good assignment to relate to Edie and give another glimpse at who she is. She has this tattoo (about the size of a man’s palm) … Continue reading Edie Inked

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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