1. mboleis

    Copyright or Copywrong?

    Copyright and plagiarism seem to go hand in hand. You would never quote a book in a paper without proper citations, but what about when you use a picture for an assignment or a powerpoint? How often do you give the artist credit? In today’s society, we rarely give credit where credit is due, especially […]
  2. kroach2

    Who can spot the lie?

    Newspaper Design (3 stars) Design a newspaper. Using word, photoshop, or whatever make a fictional newspaper, and put together the front page for today. You can use real articles or you […]
  3. mboleis

    DESIGNating Balance

    For this week, we were assigned to read The Vignelli Canon by Massimo Vignelli. I definitely learned a lot from the Vignelli piece, and it also made me think a lot about design as a whole. There were so many things said in the piece that stood out to me, but I am only going […]
  4. jlaszako

    Saving Professor Groom

    Here is my final 4.5 star design assignment for the week! I chose to do the Professor Groom poster. The idea initially came to me when watching this week’s video giving us our assignments. I immediately thought of saving private ryan. Initially I wanted to photoshop each of the major player’s heads into place of […]
  5. tdaig

    Design Blitz

    One of this weeks assignments was to create a design blitz using the ten concepts that were given to us. This assignment was rather tough because I felt so overwhelmed with all of the concepts. They literally show up everywhere without me even knowing it. This pictures are things located around my house that are … Continue reading Design Blitz
  6. kkroehl

    Origins of…Sasha Kellogg

    I decided to do the “Origins of…” assignment (3 pts) not for my online persona but for my character. Even though my character is not a superhero, there is one thing that almost all superheros have in common: they have a tragic back story (usually having to do with their...
  7. chelseairizarry

    Creating Frankenstein

    Exquisite Corpse (4pts): -The purpose of this assignment was to create a person out of different body parts. I create this person using a combination of 7 people’s body parts: including my sister (Karina’s face), friends (Corrie’s torso, Teagan’s arm, and Brittany’s leg), teammates (Purity’s arm and Jenna’s leg), and myself (half my face). I … Continue reading Creating Frankenstein
  8. kbarbeelibrary

    Pretzel Chic

    Today’s Daily Create assignment was to “Play with your food!” where you had to create jewelry using food. I looked through what food I had in my room and found that pretzels were the easiest to manipulate into different shapes and you can break off different section of the pretzel to create open spaces to … Continue reading Pretzel Chic
  9. cloehr

    Double Indemnity

    This week we had to watch one of three possible movies. I decided to watch “Double Indemnity” by Billy Wilder. Here are the questions we were given to consider while watching: How does space help frame the design and style of noir in these films? What design elements of noir are not specific to a … Continue reading Double Indemnity
  10. abigaild

    Another noir movie

    I watched Billy Wilder’s Double Indemnity. Just to start off I want to say that it was rather boring and it may have been because it was in black and white or it may have just been a boring movie. Something that I found really interesting though was a part where the main character mentioned the […]
  11. abigaild

    Not classical music just a book

    When I was trying to read this I was also listening to classical music and I found it really funny that the song that came on when I started to read the title was Pachelbel Canon in D. I just thought the tittle of this could also be a good tittle for a classical song. […]
  12. srechter

    Week 5 Summary

    Yet another interesting week with a bunch of fun activities. I talked a bit about the Big Lebowski, “slacker noir,” and my personal comparison of the film’s similar political nature to Chinatown. I also love Blade Runner and Double Indemnity, but there isn’t time for everything. The design blitz was a fun bit of time … Continue reading Week 5 Summary
  13. chelseairizarry

    Design Blitz

    To collect these pictures my roommate and I took a walk around Melchers and the Library finding many design concepts. Although I did not find an example of metaphors/symbols, rhythm, dominance, and unity, I did find the following: Color- The use of the color pink on top of the black and gray catches the eye … Continue reading Design Blitz

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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