1. kbarbeelibrary

    Design Canon

    The Vignelli Canon by Massimo Vignelli,while written before the popularization of digital design, still greatly pertains to how to successfully create a design and what complex thinking and planning can go behind what someone could consider a simple design. I appreciated the fact that he used visual examples in his book to match up with … Continue reading Design Canon
  2. gyeorelee

    Fifth Week Summary

    This week was FANTASTIC! I really loved doing all the assignments were given. I was interested in design (my minor is digital studies) but did not take any classes those are related to the design so I learned a lot this week. From completing DesignBlitz, I learned about concepts of design and how they effect […]
  3. levitasdementia

    Vignelli sounds like a pasta

    The concepts in this booklet were fine, but it greatly suffers in mistranslation. This book was not meant to be read on a screen, but rather on paper; felt between the fingertips. It is formatted for this as well. I found it difficult to get through the text and stay engaged because of this. The Read More →
  4. abigaild


    For this assignment we were asked to take pictures that fit into different categories. This is my DesignBlitz! Color: In this category we had to find things that represents color. It could be lack of color that makes the thing have more meaning like the pictures that I picked. The first one is black, white, […]
  5. kparker3

    Design Blitz-krieg Bop

    I never realized all that goes into the advertisements, signs, and billboards in Fredericksburg before undertaking the DesignBlitz this week. I went on a journey through all parts of town, searching for different mediums to individually represent four design elements. There were many options, but the clearest examples I could find include a movie poster, a billboard, an advertising sign, and … Continue reading Design Blitz-krieg Bop
  6. kbarbeelibrary

    Blitz Pics

    The Design Blitz assignment consists of taking photos of things you see as you walk around during the week and illustrating four of the ten concepts of design. I already knew of a few objects and signs I wanted to photograph for this assignment, so I took the photos relatively quickly. These are the photographs … Continue reading Blitz Pics
  7. kroach2


    Design an Invoice (3 stars) Create an invoice for a transaction that has happened in a film, TV series, etc. For example, Boba fett’s invoice to Jabba the Hutt for capturing […]
  8. gyeorelee

    Noir Film Design

    Among the choices of three: Double Indemnity, Blade Runner, or The Big Lebowski, I watched Double Indemnity. In the film, it was really hard to tell the time and the place. Since it is a black and white film, I could know the time by shadow and the streetlight.     As you can see above pictures, the shape […]
  9. kbarbeelibrary

    Shelley Sticker

    The purpose of this Design Assignment titled “Bumper Sticker” was to create our own bumper sticker and I decided to connect the bumper sticker to my character, Shelley Layton. The bumper sticker acts as an advertisement for her private detective work and the bright color of the sticker makes it catch your attention and read … Continue reading Shelley Sticker
  10. phoenix

    Spidey Rocking The Pasta Bling…

    The Daily Create – Play with your food. For this daily create, I decided to make a pasta necklace. This was actually more difficult to create something interesting with so I decided to put on my Spider-Man mask. “Why?” You may ask yourself…The world may never know.
  11. kparker3

    1, 2, 3, 4…Guess What Movie These Icons Stand For!

    Upon suggestion by the professors in the weekly post, I chose to complete the “One Story/ Four Icons” assignment. I liked the challenge of breaking down a movie into its basic parts and assigning four icons to represent the story. The prompt specifically states: This idea was first suggested by Tom Woodward and has been a long … Continue reading 1, 2, 3, 4…Guess What Movie These Icons Stand For!
  12. cloehr

    Design Blitz

    This assignment was to illustrate at least four of the ten concepts of design photos that were given to us. The ten concepts given were color, typography, metaphors/symbols, minimalism & use of space, form/function/message, balance, rhythm, proportion, dominance, unity. Here are my photos and my thoughts behind each one: 1. This photo was taken on … Continue reading Design Blitz
  13. kkroehl

    Blade Runner: Noir in Juxtaposition

    Blade Runner is an interesting mix of science fiction and noir. It is set in Los Angeles in 2019 (so basically any day now they should be creating flying cars), and the design element of space plays an integral role in setting up the noir feel of the movie. There...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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