week in review 11-1-15

    This week, I will admit, was one of my favorite. We have been tasked with filming a documentary. My documentary is going to be called “The Love of Speed.” It is about a guy who as a teen had a bright future in the motocross world. Unfortunately, he broke his back and is forced to […]
  2. mdavis101

    Daily Create You Decide

    My superhero name is Lightning Man! My super power is the ability to control the weather! Here it is on my flickr. @ds106dc #ds106 #tdc1392 I am Lightning Man! My super power is the ability to control the weather pic.twitter.com/4eELY8jGer — Miles Davis (@miles_mdavis) October 31, 2015
  3. Downes


    October 31, 2015. Lake Louise, still shrounded in the season's first snowfall. Another dat at the TESL conference; today taking in some sessions and participaating in a panel in the afternoon, then a nice evening with the organizers. From Flickr http:/...
  4. mdavis101

    2015 Lacrosse Goals

    The Work Itself  This video assignment is titled “Compilation Video!”. The instructions are to “pick a theme and download multiple videos from Youtube that fit the theme. Cut them up and create a compilation video by putting the clips to music.” The difficulty of this video is 3. 5 stars out of 5. I used … Continue reading 2015 Lacrosse Goals
  5. rheyden

    Our MOOC Toolbox

    This post is about tools. As we planned, produced, and then delivered our online course, Making Science and Engineering Pictures, we put an impressive collection of tools through their paces. A MOOC, afterall, is a hurly burly place and you … Continue reading
  6. adamlostonpatrol

    How to read a movie

    How to read a movie response: “A person located somewhat to the right of center will seem ideally placed. A person to the right of that position will seem more positive; to the left, more negative. A centered person will seem objectified, like a mug shot.” In general terms, in a two-shot, the person on … Continue reading
  7. emmasaxophone

    Special Person Montage

    My second assignment for the week is called Special Person Montage and is worth five stars. This assignment required you to use pictures, videos, etc of you and someone special to you and create a video about why and how they are special to you.   Steps: Go to the website called Not Digital Truth Telling Click on the link that says
  8. awassenb

    Weekly Summary- Ten

    Overall, I really enjoyed this week! I wasn’t sure what to think of Video Storytelling, but I found it to be so interesting given that it’s a combination of a lot of the techniques we’ve learned throughout this semester. I was able to employ some of my new-found knowledge about both audio and visual storytelling. […]
  9. awassenb

    Dramatic Chipmunk and Pugs- The Hitch Cut

    For my second video assignment this week, I decided to complete Do The Hitch Cut for 4 stars. [Alfred Hitchcock, the legendary master of suspense, shares a brief 90-second lesson on how a simple change in a three-shot edit can result in evoking a completely different response from the viewing audience.Can you do the Hitch […]
  10. sanctum

    Week 10

    Assignments: Reading Movies Pursuit of Happyness Video Assignments: Utada Mania Don’t Sweat It Another week of wonderful experiences. Wooo. I have no interest in film or movies so there wasn’t much for me to enjoy this week. I enjoyed discovering more about Utada Hikaru. Video can be powerful when used correctly. It can be used to … Continue reading Week 10
  11. bbrady

    Analyzing “American Psycho”

    I looked through the list of scenes and decided on the scene from American Psycho. I’ll talk about the camera work, the audio, and how the two work together. Camera Work I just finished watching the scene with no audio. A lot of the what Roger Ebert wrote about is present in this scene. Here are Read More →
  12. sanctum

    Reading Movies

    I read this article about how to ‘read a movie’. How does one ‘read a movie’? Basically, you introspect the hell out it. You can mute the audio to more closely examine the video-component, and you can also ignore the video to more closely analyze the audio’s impact on the work. Ebert points out that there are many aspects of … Continue reading Reading Movies
  13. sanctum

    Don’t Sweat It

    Here is the original assignment. Our lives are full of stress: deadlines are always approaching, and work still needs to be done.  We feel obligated to complete what we’ve committed too, or else we’d feel terrible having broken that commitment. We’ve all felt stress before. The rationale is usually of the form: if I am feeling stressed because … Continue reading Don’t Sweat It
  14. sanctum

    Utada Mania

    Here is the original assignment. Utada Hikaru is an international pop artist who has greatly influenced my life. I was first exposed to her music when I had played the popular video game Kingdom Hearts. This game featured the song “Simple and Clean”, which was an English rendition of her Japanese hit “Hikari”. Since then, I’ve … Continue reading Utada Mania
  15. rachstanford77

    Week 10 Wrap Up

    How well do you feel you completed the requirements of the week’s assignments? I feel that I have fulfilled each assignment to the best of my abilities. The sign language one was a little difficult because I wasn’t sure how to go about it but I eventually figured a way that worked for me. Windows […]
  16. bbrady1992

    “How to Read a Movie” Reflection

    Roger Ebert certainly had a lot to say about how to read a film. When I read it through the first time, I was surprised to see that much of what he was writing sounded almost scientific. He broke down how position, lighting, and several other  components of a film shot affect the viewer’s perception of Read More →
  17. rachstanford77

    John, the Favorite

    Special Person Montage- 5 Stars This assignment‘s prompt is: For this assignment you are to decide on who is special to you. It could be a relative, sibling, parent, friend, mentor, celebrity, or anyone. Then you are to make a video of images or video clips of them showing all the different things that they […]
  18. kstanbro

    Look, Listen, Analyze

    American Psycho In order to review this scene I used the information I received from my post How to Read a Movie. LOOK Analyze the camera work. Before watching the first time, turn the volume on the clip (or on your computer) all the way down. Take notes on the visual aspects of the clip. Look for […]
  19. kstanbro

    How to Read a Movie

    I have done something like this before in an AP Literature and Composition course in high school. We would take movies and go through them looking for context clues and different signs that underlay the plot such as shadows, words, different view points, or lighting. The one I most vividly remember reflecting on was when there’s a […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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