1. flear

    Weekly Summary, Week 5

    The subject of this week was visual storytelling, with photography and pictures. And the most important thing I learned this week: I still have a lot to learn about photography. Before, I was happy with a lot of the pictures I took, thinking they were decent, if not fairly well-composed. Turns out, my photography needs […]
  2. flear

    Attempted Tips

    For this week, we had to look through some tips on creating better photography, and then try to apply them to the photos we took this week! It turns out, this was a lot harder than I imagined it would be. It was interesting though, and it got me to slow down a little when […]
  3. flear

    Comment Collection, Week 5

    This week was a week for lots of comments. 2 for each member of our radio show group, so that we could get to know their content better, and 3 comments for other blogs. It was also a week where there weren’t really reflections, and a lot of creative things. And it was really fun, […]
  4. calebsnow14

    First Photoblitz

    My first Photoblitz was a fun experience. It’s interesting how some of the pictures turned out kind of cool, even though my goal was just to complete the assignment. I’ve taken a lot of pictures that I was trying to make “cool” before but they didn’t turn out that way. I think having some guidelines … Continue reading First Photoblitz
  5. arunk

    Pride and Joy

    This week, we got to experiment with photography as a form of digital story telling. We took a lot of pictures, did a lot of editing, and spent a lot of time looking for that perfect angle. Now that we’re at the end of the week, and the camera roll on my phone is ever … Continue reading Pride and Joy
  6. bbrady1992

    A New Road Sign

    My daily create on September 27th. This is my fourth daily create of the week. I had to create a new road sign. I snagged a couple of pictures off of Google and used GIMP to create this image. A new road sign for #tdc1358 @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/SHYYq...
  7. rachstanford77

    Summing Up the Daily Creates

    This week I have received many compliments on my daily creates and how much I have improved, which has been really encouraging. I also have been enjoying making daily creates a lot more now that I know how to use Photoshop Elements 11 as well as other tools that have helped me develop my internet voice. […]
  8. mdavis101

    Daily Create 1358 9/27/15

    My new road sign. I’m glad there are not real signs like this because it would create more accidents than without it. This is an example from The Design Museum. Here is the flickr and twitter link to this daily create. 
  9. rachstanford77

    If Fail, Try Again

       Here is the prompt to this assignment.    “Find something in your house. Take a picture. Let your imagination churn. Make as many different augmented versions as you can think of. Help others see what’s in your head.” As you can see, I took a regular TV stand and turned into a tee-pee, ice cream […]
  10. bbrady1992

    Consider My Flickr “Pimped”

    I’ve done a couple of things to pimp out my Flickr. The first thing I did was create a custom URL. I thought about making it more complex, but that would make it harder to remember, so I went with a simple name that I also use on other sites. https://www.flickr.com/photos/bbrady92/ Then I took a Read More →
  11. bbrady1992

    Photoblitz Bop!

    I just took all of the pictures for this week’s photoblitz assignment. First, the pictures themselves.     Start time:   Photo dominated by a single color:   Two things that don’t belong together:   Unusual angle:   Abstract:   Somebody else’s hand:   Interesting shadow:   End time:   Alright, now to discuss the Read More →
  12. sking2


    My little brother is a freshman at Shenandoah University. Today, I had a day off, and we (being my mom, dad, boyfriend, and I) decided to go and see him. […]
  13. kstanbro

    Misty May-Treanor- Visual Assignment

    The third Visual Assignment I did this week was for 2.5 stars. It was to make a poster of your favorite sports player. I did 3 time Olympian Misty May-Treanor. I retrieved the main picture and the USA Volleyball logo from Google. I then put the main picture into Paint an the logo into a different Paint […]
  14. flear

    Thirty-five Cents, and Some Imagination

    For the mandatory visual assignment this week, Apophenia, we had to look transform a picture of a regular object into what we could imagine it being. This was hard for me, because, despite having an over-active imagination when it comes to seeing every shadow as a possible intruder, I found it difficult to imagine everyday […]
  15. kstanbro

    Bucket List- Visual Assignment

    For my second visual assignment I did a 3.5 star assignment. We had to create a collage with four things on our bucket list. So first I had to chose my 4 things I decided on Visit every state in the U.S. Visit every continent (I have 4 left!) Go skydiving Be a contestant on CBS’s […]
  16. flear

    A Splash of Magic

    My bookshelf for this semester is just filled with so many books, some aren’t even pictured here! But there’s one book that’s just for me. Something that’s just for fun, that I know I can relax and enjoy and not have to worry about analyzing and papers. Just a little bit of magic to brighten […]
  17. rachstanford77

    Think Fast. Snap a Photo.

    Where and Why I Chose to Photoblitz So I chose to photoblitz at my boyfriend’s apartment. There is several beautiful plants landscaped outside of his complex so I thought it might be a good place. I also knew that the photoblitz list asked for unusual objects to capture and for whatever reason, there are some […]
  18. flear

    Round Up those Daily Creates!

    Another week of daily creates! And ah, what a good bunch there were this time. This week I found myself drawn to the photography-related daily creates for…obvious reasons, maybe, but I feel they gave me more practice for learning different photography techniques. Anyway, he’s the collection of them, along with little blurbs about what I […]
  19. kstanbro

    Apophenia- visual assignment 1255

    In order to figure out what exactly this assignment was, because I didn’t really understand I looked at these two blogs (2 separate hyperlinks). I didn’t like how much they covered up the original image so I tried not to do that in my project, but I thought the coffee cup and the candle were a […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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