1. rachstanford77

    Focus Here Please

    Visual Assignment called “Splash the Color” 3.5 Stars “Color splash is a technique to emphasize details- you remove all color from a photo, and then restore original color to a single object, e.g. a green apple on a table. Think of the Girl in the red dress from Schindler’s List.” The photo I chose to use […]
  2. rachstanford77

    Hue Who

    Here is the link to the original assignment. 3 Stars Take any picture in the entire world and change the color hue of the picture to completely change how it looks! Then post it on flickr to show the world! So this is a photo I took a few years ago of a yellow monarch […]
  3. kstanbro


    I chose to do the photoblitzing activity an the Alzheimer’s walk on campus today. This way I could participate and support the cause and not feel bad for attending this and not working on my online homework and studying for my exam Monday.  This was also the perfect place to do this assignment because of […]
  4. kstanbro

    The photo I am most proud of!

    I am most proud of this photograph, I really like it because of the blurred lines. I think that the repeated horizontal line give the image depth. You can’t tell how large the paper is because the line go from edge to edge. On top of the articles I posted about reading in this blog, […]
  5. flear

    Do the Photoblitz!

    An assignment I thought would be the most fun, but actually turned out to be the most challenging, was the Photoblitz! I chose to do it in my apartment, because as I was looking around, I could imagine all the different prompts I could do with all the various stuff we have. However, as it […]
  6. kstanbro

    How to be a better photographer

    Photography yay! I’m very excited for this section! The three tips I chose to examine are Look to the light Change my perspective by changing yours Use the best lens The first one I played with when I did my first daily create I used the different lights in my room to create different effects. […]
  7. rachstanford77

    Keep Practicing

    “Write a blog post and see if you can figure out how to embed a flickr set into your blog post. Write about the reason why you selected those photos. Write about the story you are trying to say with any of them.” I picked these photos to make a flickr set because I personally […]
  8. forumwonly

    Ideas as Ideas

    I think there are some great opportunities for collaborative storytelling. Idea First.  Just be some basic ground rules.  Each author has absolute authority for their chapter, including killing characters off, so no long term plans.  If done as a serial, it will be easier than if a complete production.  If you want to do a […]
  9. mdavis101

    Daily Create 1356 9/25/15

    Today’ daily create was to create a short story in pirate dialect. This was a funny assignment. Pirate lingo is very humorous and raunchy. It is amazing that some of the words are used in the english language to this day. Here is the link to my soundcloud and twitter
  10. awassenb

    No Smiling at this Party

    For my final Visual Assignment of the week, I decided to complete Birthdays are the Worst for 2.5 stars bringing my total for the week to 8.5 stars! I thought I would really enjoy this assignment because I enjoy this kind of photo editing so far for the class. Here is my creation! Everyone knows […]
  11. sking2

    Clouds in my coffee;

    Find something in your house. Take a picture. Let your imagination churn. Make as many different augmented versions as you can think of. Help others see what’s in your head. Coffee. […]
  12. boscoe6393

    The Iron Giant

    @ds106dc #tdc1355 #ds106 "Gasp! A giant metal man!" pic.twitter.com/cnOcukDpRN — Andrew Boswell (@Boscoe1213) September 25, 2015 For this daily create,...
  13. emmasaxophone

    Juxtapose Old and New

                                I cant figure out how to embed my GIF so the link to watch it is below the picture! http://gifmaker.cc/PlayGIFAnimation.php?folder=20150924092pVHrESI2ZWdFXANE4SeTI&file=output_qzjYSV.gif
  14. flear

    The Best of the Amateur

    For this week, we had to make an album on Flickr of the works we would consider “the best”. Currently, though, that album is filled with…mostly amateur pictures, which have been edited in Instagram. Still, I believe these photos accurately represent the kind of…basic aesthetic I’m attracted to when taking pictures. I love pictures that […]
  15. awassenb

    Drawing the Line Somewhere

    I completed An Album Cover for my second visual assignment this week for 2.5 stars. [So here’s something fun for everyone to do, should be quick and easy, but try to make it pretty. First, go here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random The title of the article is now the name of your band. Next, go here:http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3 Go to the bottom […]
  16. awassenb

    A Candle: Burning Inspiration and Impossiblity

    For my first visual assignment this week, I decided to start with the required option, Apophenia. [Find something in your house. Take a picture. Let your imagination churn. Make as many different augmented versions as you can think of. Help others see what’s in your head.] I thought this assignment was a great way to get […]
  17. rachstanford77

    Just Juxtaposing

      Here is the prompt to today’s Daily Create. Unfortunately I do not get the extra internet points. @ds106dc #tdc1355 #dailycreate Why is the motorcycle inside? pic.twitter.com/nMZn1fQooX — Rachel Stanford (@rach_stanford23) September 24, 2015
  18. emmasaxophone

    Assignment #1

    My first visual assignment is called Splash the Color worth three and a half stars. The assignment details were to take a picture , make it black and white, but leave one part of the picture colored to emphasize a part of that picture. Steps to creating the photo: Went to the Not Digital True Telling page , and clicked
  19. flear

    My Buddy Benjamin

    My teddy bear Benjamin (née Sebastian) is over thirty years old. My mom got him when she was younger, and then she handed him down to me when I was born. Happily, I haven’t lost him, and I can’t wait to give him to my future child. But, in the meantime, he’s still mine, and […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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