1. Samantha Bert

    Happiest Moment…

    Well here is My Daily Create!!  This Daily Create was to take a picture that represents your happiest moment.  Well, I can not take just one picture because I am lucky to have many happy moments.  But, I chose my childhood. … Continue reading
  2. Nicole  Morello

    I Promise…

      For the daily create 31, we had to take a picture that captured the happiest day in our lives. I didn’t even have to think about this. My boyfriend and I have been together for nearly three years now. On our  two year anniversary he gave me this ring. I’ll never forget what he ...
  3. Michael Oliveri

    Ed Parkour

    Haha, When I first opened this link up i thought i was going to be reading some theories of teaching by a guy named Ed. Funny an creative way to portray the idea of teaching around obstacles. I once took … Continue reading
  4. Samantha Bert

    I am Ed Parkour.

    Okay I am not literally Ed Parkour, I am Samantha.  But, figuratively I hope to embody Ed Parkour when I am given my own classroom.  Who is Ed Parkour you may ask?  Ed Parkour is short for Education Parkour.  Parkour … Continue reading
  5. Sarah Messmer

    Obstacles As Leverage

    In the world today, it is common practice to view the many obstacles present in everyday life as forces which hold us back or prevent us from reaching a certain goal. We are used to being deterred from our paths because we “know” that there will always be “obstacles to overcome”. The idea of Education ...
  6. victoria

    I love you

    The daily create for today was to create a picture that represents the happiest or most memorable moment in your life. I chose this picture because I’m the most happy when I’m with my boyfriend. We’ve been together for four years and...
  7. khrystie

    Ed Parkour

    Parkour has been defined as “the sport of traversing environmental obstacles by running, climbing, or leaping rapidly and efficiently.” Educational Parkour, a concept by Bill Genereux, entails using all elements of education as a type of leverage to get us to where we would like to be.  In “Who is Ed Parkour?” he compares this ...
  8. Nicole  Morello

    I am a closet Mess..SHHH!!

      TDC030 This is one of my current three “junk drawers.” I am currently taking my Block 2 for English Education, and as you can see there is a lot of what is seemingly random stuff in there. In my three drawers, all of my accessories for my Block are in there, from blank discs, ...
  9. khrystie

    Semiotics & Making Meaning.

    By definition, semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation. But this short (and very simple) definition does not seem to do the word justice. Even explaining it as the “signifier/signified” does not suffice. Today in class we discussed how to recognize the meaning of something, by looking at more ...
  10. victoria

    Who is Ed Parkour??

    Who or rather what is Ed Parkour?? Well let’s begin with the definition of parkour. According to Bill Genereux, parkour is “the sport of traversing environmental obstacles by running, climbing, or leaping rapidly and efficiently”. Now you may ask, “Where does the Ed come into play?” Well ‘ed’ is short for education. That’s right, I’m talking ...
  11. Nicole  Morello

    Let’s Commonly Collaborate about Creative Commons!

    Copywrites have been around for a long time now, all rights reserved. And while the authors was able to embelish their creativity, what about the rest of us? Creative commones is a new way to claim rights on a piece while allowing others to play around with it at varying degrees. I found it extremely ...
  12. Nicole  Morello

    I tend to fall a lot…so I might as well fall in love with Ed Parkour

    What an amazing concept! Bill Genereux ”The definition of parkour, according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary is: par·kour: the sport of traversing environmental obstacles by running, climbing, or leaping rapidly and efficiently” I believe today, we need to think of education in new and exciting ways. Many students are so interested in sports and adventure; so why not get ...
  13. victoria

    Where’s my food?!

    Sharing limited space with two other girls is hard enough, but add in the fact that the three of us love to eat leaves limited space for snacks. Here is our cramped snack draw…I easily lose my food in there! The worst part is you haven’t seen our other cabinets or fridge/freezer!       ...
  14. Greg Musselman

    Catching up on all manner of lateness

    While I continue to limp my way along this whole process, I have failed to actually update or post things  in anything even remotely resembling a timely manner.  For the sake of efficiency, here are a few things should probably have been on here days or even weeks ago, all in one convenient superpost. First ...
  15. Emily Heyden

    Why do you wanna do that?

    We watched Garner Campbell’s lecture on personal cyberinfrastructure and how it can be incorporated into classrooms.  If you would like to see this video check it out here. He is able to use the actual jargin and Im pretty sure he knows what he is talking about. I want to talk about what interests me in all ...
  16. Tonya Tyrrell

    Playing, Fiddling, Working It Out

    After finally getting my blog set-up after being hacked, I was able to finally able to set my theme and play around with my Menus. I have created a place where you can view my Daily Creates (haven’t completed that yet), and a place where I hope to upload different pictures, videos, and quotes that ...
  17. Michael Oliveri

    Daily Create

    I did my first daily create today, even though I’m not exactly sure it showed up…but! the topic was something that you don’t usually see upside down. For this i did an upside down cross, which is true you don’t … Continue reading
  18. Olivia Guay

    Web 2.0? hmmm…

    Web 2.0 !!!! instead of just reading and viewing information, we can share things! i think that when “this” first came about people didnt really understand how to get the full potential out of this great tool! i think that … Continue reading
  19. Lindsay Kenney

    i believe

    I think majority of the difficulty in the classroom is lack of experience. Take our class as an example. Most of us have no idea how to set up a blog, let alone, how to use it after we finally created it. I think dipping into new portals of learning are intimidating which is why … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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