1. Nick Antonini

    Photoshop Averaging Assignment

    So I thought this assignment looked really tight, So I gave it a try and played around with it a little bit. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/averaging-concepts-using-flickr/ Basically you take 50 photos with similar tags and average them into o...
  2. Devin Lert

    This Weeks Daily Creates (2/6-2/12)

    This week our class started the Visual assignments, which involves creating and manipulating photography (see previous 4 posts). We also created at least one Daily Create per day.   Monday TDC (2-6-12) Make a photo of something upside down that is never seen in that way (http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc29/) Upside Down Stairs   Tuesday TDC (2-7-12) Share …

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  3. Devin Lert

    This Weeks Daily Creates (2/6-2/12)

    This week our class started the Visual assignments, which involves creating and manipulating photography (see previous 4 posts). We also created at least one Daily Create per day.   Monday TDC (2-6-12) Make a photo of something upside down that is never seen in that way (http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc29/) Upside Down Stairs   Tuesday TDC (2-7-12) Share …

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  4. Devin Lert

    Demotivate Yourself!

    My last assignment for the week was Demotivate Yourself create by mome. I enjoyed doing this assignment because it involved looking at a lot of funny/interesting pictures and trying to create a good caption. For anyone not familiar with these posters, check out http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/demotivational-posters#.TpqQL96F9tl. For those of who want to make your own, it’s easy. …

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  5. Devin Lert

    Demotivate Yourself!

    My last assignment for the week was Demotivate Yourself create by mome. I enjoyed doing this assignment because it involved looking at a lot of funny/interesting pictures and trying to create a good caption. For anyone not familiar with these posters, check out http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/demotivational-posters#.TpqQL96F9tl. For those of who want to make your own, it’s easy. …

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  6. Devin Lert

    ReImagined Road Sign

    This assignment is called ReImagined Road Signs by Cheryl Colan. The purpose is to find road signs and create an image representing the possible backgrounds of what is depicted. After searching for street signs, I came across a photo of a cow, obviously warning drivers of cows walking on the road. However what if you saw …

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  7. Rachel McGuirk


    Flickr Challenge: ‘Take a photo of a tattoo“                 I may not have any tattoos to brag about but these are my beauty marks!
  8. Nick Antonini

    Splash of Color

    So I was working on another assignment, but I don’t think I did it right so I did this one too. I used photoshop to do this assignment. I created two layers of the same color image. Turned the top...
  9. Leslie Truesdale

    My Favorites

    My absolute favorite photo that i doctored during this whole photography assignment, is one that was taken by accident. Frequently during the summer, I like to take my young black lab, Benny to my boyfriends backyard pool. He loves the water and I love taking pictures of him in it.         All ...
  10. Seong Cho

    Movie GIF

    This is one of my favorite movie, Stepbrothers. I chose this scene because I thought it would be perfect for a GIF. Brennan(Will Ferrell) is saying goodnight to his mom and his new stepdad. Since he is 40, he is unsure whether to give him a proper handshake or not. This scene expresses awkwardness. I
  11. Leslie Truesdale

    Colorize Your World-1 Star

    My 10th star goes to America! For this assignment, we needed to pick any image and change the colors via photoshop. I chose the American flag.       To change the colors of this image, I replaced the existing colors by manipulating individual hues and saturation. I went to Enhance–>adjust color–> replace color. Then ...
  12. Seong Cho

    Week 4 Daily Create

     This is my Monday’s Daily Create. Make a photo of something upside down that is never seen that way.  This is my Tuesday’s Daily Create. Share an image of a place that you lose things in your house.  This is my Wednesday’s Daily Create. Create a photograph that represents the happiest or most memorable moment in
  13. Paul Tunick

    Cropped Sign

    Cropped Sign, a photo by Ptuna28 on Flickr. In attempting to get all my stars for this week, my next task was the cropped sign assignment. I took a picture of a Mary Washington sign that said “Apartment Resident/Commuter Parking … Continue reading
  14. Leslie Truesdale

    Common Everyday Object- 2 Stars

    This was a fun assignment. The idea is to take a picture of an ordinary object and manipulate the covers. Seeing as I am desk aiding in the Anderson Center for 5 hours today, I thought taking pictures was going to be difficult. And somehow I pulled it off and played more with photoshop.   ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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