1. Andrew Brasher

    Making the Hunt

    Lets take a walk through all the pieces of my final story. Missing Person – 3 1/2 stars: For part one I chose to make a missing person poster to set up what this story was going to be about. To do this I had to come up with all the information for my character....

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  2. Andrew Brasher

    The Missing Hunter

    My name is Gareth, I am a Warlock of the Praxic Order. This log is for the records because I doubt anyone else would care. A missing guardian. Or rather, another missing guardian, because it’s not like a Hunter going missing was anything new. They are constantly going out and getting well over their heads. But...

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  3. @mikeyb1503

    Final Summary

    It has been an exciting yet, at times an exhausting five weeks in this course. Digital Storytelling has proven to be one of my favorite courses and this final project was certainly the cream of the crop and the most exciting part. I have included my tutorials as well for... Read more"Final Summary"
  4. salukizim

    GW Zimmerman Week 5 Summary

    A long time ago in the magic Kingdom of Bahrain a super saluki was born. He was the son of champions. He was a true son of the sands. His ancestors were famous hunters sought after for their stamina and hunting prowess. Saiph was special. […]
  5. salukizim

    Saiph – Welcome to America

    Saiph the Super Saluki’s Personal Story. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/personal-stories/ This 3 Star assignment was lots of fun. The primary program I used was MovieMaker on my Sony Laptop. Using my photo and video gallery on OneDrive, where I had uploaded all of my photos and video from […]
  6. salukizim

    SALUKIZIM Productions

    SALUKIZIM Productions needed a snazzy logo.         http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/create-your-own-logo/ For this 3 Star assignment I downloaded a saluki sketch from online, placed it into a PowerPoint, added Text and save...
  7. salukizim

    Saiph Missing at Dulles Airport

    Wouldn’t you know it, Lufthansa misplaced Saiph’s crate and he was missing for 1/2 an hour.         http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/missing-person/ For this 3 1/2 star assignment I spun my wheels for 1/2 an hour trying to find a free missing person template on line. […]
  8. salukizim

    Saiph’s 24 Hour Day

    Saiph’s 24 hour trip to America. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/a-day-in-the-life-of-your-character/ I started this 3 1/2 Star assignment first at http://freesounds.org and searched for sounds that would tell my story without vocals. I downloaded the files and then imported them into Audacity. After a bit of editing I was […]
  9. salukizim

    Hello Bahrain

    A little coordination goes a long way especially when confirming overseas flights. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/have-a-phone-conversation-with-yourself/ For this 4 1/2 assignment I wrote a short script with me talking to the gentleman in Bahrain who was taking care of Saiph and was shipping him to the United States […]
  10. salukizim

    Super Saluki Billboard

    Saiph was welcomed to the United States with a giant billboard:           For this 4 star assignment I went online to the internet and found an image of a billboard and downloaded it and saved it to a PowerPoint slide. I […]
  11. de-norm

    One Final Story (The Making Of)

    Final Project – The Making of Stuck in the Gutter of Boredom This is the story of Neil Stewart, an eighteen-year-old gas station clerk in the small town of Greenhill, where the hills are in fact not green but brown. For both the Red Hound Poster and Newsletter, I started with blank pages in Canva. They […]
  12. de-norm

    One Final Story (The Story)

    Final Project – Stuck in the Gutter of Boredom This is yet another normal, boring day for Neil. Sitting in the gas station, sipping on something he grabbed from the back room that didn’t have a large sticker on it, and listening to the rain outside. It’s just Greenhill’s Red Hound Gas Station. Nothing ever happens […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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