1. @jwoodds106

    Dear Jolene…

    Find a cover of a song and combine it with the original version of the song to create a new/remixed version of the song. After you’ve finished remixing your version, listen to it and see what kind of emotion it now makes you feel. In the early 1970’s, when Dolly Parton and her husband had …

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  2. @jwoodds106

    Nordic Ministers Summon Deep Sea Creature in Response to Trump’s Meeting with the Saudis

    #ds106 #tdc1978 The Nordic Ministers summon… Nessie's cousin pic.twitter.com/RUV4dIOdvl — Jenna Wood (@jwoodds106) June 9, 2017 Today’s daily create inspired me to use Nessie as the thing being summoned. It only seemed natural because the Ministers were standing near the water, and Nessie’s native region is rather close by. I have also been binge watching …

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  3. Just De Norm

    One Last Breath Before She Goes.

    Audio Assignment Week 3 – # 4 Sound Effect Story  http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/sound-effects-story/ To begin this project, I opened up Audacity and selected my main background noise, which would be the Fire Engine Siren City Centre. I’ve always heard this type of background when it comes to describing a city, and after spending nights in cities on […]
  4. Just De Norm

    Listen to Shepard. Just, listen to her.

    Daily Create Week 3 – # 3 What are the Nordic Ministers Summoning? #ds106 #tdc1978 #ds106dc Obviously they called a reaper. The world just needs a little push to work together. 😝🛸 pic.twitter.com/gHSZ7QUHgG — De. Norman (@de_normal1) June 9, 2017   http://daily.ds106.us/tdc1978/ I mean, seriously, the second thing I thought about was Nordic mythology, but then […]
  5. de-norm

    The Spooky Hand on the Moon.

    Week 3 Reading – Moon Graffiti  As this audio journey began, I was sucked into the time of Neil and Bud, sitting right behind them on the ship in space, wondering what was wrong. Everything felt enclosed, as if I couldn’t move and really might not want to. Then, in a snap, I landed back […]
  6. @vd678

    Talk Obama To Me

    Check out this link to see my Talk Obama to Me video. #mellencamp #tdc1977 @ds106dc http://talkobamato.me/synthesize.py?speech_key=b7c1337fb3bb1b0d8198dc3406fe6bbd
  7. Just De Norm

    Obama Reads a Poem.

    Daily Create Week 3 – # 2 What Might Obama Say?  #ds106dc #ds106 #tdc1977 Why not make a poem? ✍🏽https://t.co/EjqcSG3rJn — De. Norman (@de_normal1) June 8, 2017 http://daily.ds106.us/tdc1977/ I wrote a poem. It’s as sappy as maple syrup. Every day is something new Sometimes awesome, sometimes I don’t have a clue DS106 is a story […]
  8. @jwoodds106


    Yes, that is Beyoncé and Obama put together. I did my best, okay? Today’s daily create was something I had seen before on Youtube, but I never thought I could make an Obama lip dub video!! I was very excited to do this daily create, and Beyoncé seemed like a natural choice, given her amazing …

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  9. @mikeyb1503

    Soundboard Conversation: Hanging out with Snoop Dog

    https://soundcloud.com/mikey-barnes-180369384/snoop-dog-convo For this assignment, I was supposed to make a conversation with my favorite movie character. This assignment is the Soundboard Conversation audio assignment, which was 4 1/2 stars Snoop Dog, though prominent for his rap career, does have his share of movie personas. He has been my favorite character... Read more"Soundboard Conversation: Hanging out with Snoop Dog"
  10. @cgarcia2580

    Blast From The Past

    Audio #3: Music Mash Has anyone ever asked you, “if you could be born in any other decade what would it be?” When I get asked this question I always say the 80’s. I love the clothes they wore at the time, the movies they made, and the music that was written (for examples of Read More
  11. @cgarcia2580

    Latte Meowcchiato

    Daily Create #9 Today’s daily create involved making our own rendition of a weird latte by using the new avocado latte’s as our inspiration. I decided to make mine pun related (what else is new) by photoshopping latte art onto a Tabby kitten. I created this image by using my Samsung Galaxy S7’s built in Read More
  12. salukizim

    Ted and ScottLo

    Wow! This was well worth the time to listen to. I really appreciated ScottLo in Saudi Arabia. Having spent a significant portion of my life there and having listened to more than one call to prayer it was nice to hear the call of the […]
  13. Andrew Brasher

    It’s Always Latte Time!

    Man, if only I could have a watch that was filled with a latte. Who needs a smart watch… actually, I do. A smart watch that makes latte’s! That’s the dream.   I call it the walatte! The watch-latte. #ds106 #tdc1976 pic.twitter.com/GOMQ8uYx6o — Andrew (@Andrew21663620) June 7, 2017
  14. @cgarcia2580

    Cover Art

    Audio #2: Combining Covers Stand By Me is a classic song by Ben E. King. But what happens when you mix the original with it’s cover? Well that’s what I had to discover for this assignment. I took Ben E. King’s classic and combined it with Florence + the Machine’s cover version. I chose to Read More
  15. Just De Norm

    The End of the World is…Cute?!

    Daily Create Week 3 – # 1 Ridiculous Latte  #ds106 #tdc1976 I call it Baymax Blackhole Latte. Courtesy of the universe being destroyed. 🌌 #ds106dc pic.twitter.com/ytPnFLsTaI — De. Norman (@de_normal1) June 7, 2017 http://daily.ds106.us/tdc1976/ I saw Latte, I searched google for art. I saw Baymax, my heart turned to marshmallow goo. I instantly thought, space, […]
  16. Just De Norm

    What is a Ringtone?

    Audio Assignment Week 3 – # 3 Make Your Own Ringtone   http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/make-your-own-ringtones/ As someone who always has her phone on silent, a ringtone really has no place on my phone. Really the only sound that comes out of my phone is an alarm to wake me up in the morning. Those ringtone sounds make […]
  17. @jwoodds106

    Mixing Media

    For this week’s first daily create I first took to Google for some inspiration. I know there is a crazy latte trend going on, and my search results were not disappointing. I stumbled across this photo and was immediately inspired to insert this latte into an actual pac-man game. I then found a blank pac-man screen …

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UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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