1. Rita Art

    Michael Wesch

    After watching Michael Wesch video I realized will soon become one of my favorite people.  His video brought forward so many great questions about our current learning structure in a classroom.  Which I asked many of the same questions throughout many years of my … Continue reading
  2. Rita Art

    Gardner Cambell

    Cambell’s essay and video explains/ brings to light  how cyber infrastructure was developed throughout history of the internet.  It explained how the internet used to be based on html and how facualty and students had a difficult time understanding and … Continue reading
  3. Jessica Ledford

    Flip my switch….I’m begging you!

    What is up bloggers?! I just did another challenge! I know you are dying to read what I did today?! I was going through some of the design assignments and one just really popped a light bulb over my head! Haha! You’ll get it in a sec. I had the greatest idea! I decided to ...
  4. Alopex

    DS106 Zone LoDown Podcasts 1-3

      I’m lumping these three together mostly because there wasn’t to much to them. I will admit it is nice to know that I’m not the only one who is still trying to sink my claws in. It’s less so since it is now Friday and I think I’m starting to get a good feel
  5. Rita Art

    Life Begins

      One of my passions is baby photography.  When taking pictures of a baby there’s certain challenges that you run into that you wouldn’t with an adult. Babies don’t take directions and only cooperate by accident.  It falls on me … Continue reading
  6. Jessica Ledford

    Change is the New Learning

    My reflection on listening to part one and part two of Mike Wesch: As the clock continues to tick, everything has continues to change. Change is always happening in our world. Change is how new things are created. It’s about discovering and learning. We as students look at an assignment or listen to a professor ...
  7. Jessica Ledford

    Got a bag of Gold?

    What I have to say and learned from reading and listening to Gardner Campbell: “A Personal Cyberinfrasstructure” No Digital Facelifts: Thinking the Unthinkable About Open Educational Experiences My title to this post ties to what Gardner Campbell as people… If you had a bag of gold what would you spend it on? This question is ...
  8. Jessica Ledford

    StAy BaCk

    Watchout who you follow on the highway! You may end up in the Twilight Zone!   BumperShop I was still watching the Twilight Zone the episode Invaders on my iPhone. So I screenshot him and had to use him in a challenge! I saw this challenge and I thought it would be perfect! Who wouldn’t want to ...
  9. Jessica Ledford

    We are counting on you…ds106ers

    The Invaders are here! Another assignment that I need to do this week is use an episode for The Twilight Zone: The Invaders! It’s so great! How awesome is this?! So I am using the 10 stars that I have to do for my visual assignments The challenge! I did this challenge because I felt ...
  10. kshavala

    An Inverted Twilight Zone

      This is my Twilight Zone 50th Anniversary book cover.  I decided to make the space background white instead of black to make the picture more plain and minimalistic, but I thought I would add some aliens for the Invaders effect. I edited this picture in GIMP by placing the text over the star background ...read more
  11. kshavala

    We have now entered the…

      This is my Twilight Zone bumper sticker explaining that we have now fully entered the DS106 zone.  I used an image I found on the internet as a background and cropped it in GIMP.  Then simply entered some text and found a font that looked similar to the Twilight Zone one.  This font is called Goudy Old ...read more
  12. Jessica Ledford

    Old School to New School

    tdc502:Take a photo that shows together an old and new version of the same item. Old to the new! Technology has really taken off! To think that people actually used a wooden spoon to a mixing machine that does the same job faster and better!!! Sorry the stainless Steel mixing bowl is in the dishwasher ...
  13. kchase27

    Oh Agnes that Pink Really Makes your Eyes POP(art)

    Warhol Something Andy Warhol was an iconic pop art mastermind. Now you can be one too! Take a photograph, or use an existing one, and create a piece of pop art. You can use something ordinary, like Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup can, or do a portrait, like Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe. This can be done in Photoshop, ...
  14. kshavala

    Let me introduce the Invaders

      Thought I’d creep into the Invaders episode to say hi.  I used GIMP to edit this photo and it was pretty simple.  Tons of helpful directions online.  Quick tip: make sure to save your file in GIMP then export it so it can be supported as a .jpg or .png file when uploaded.  Good ...read more
  15. kchase27

    Rose Lies Everytime!

    If Movie Posters Told The Truth Improve movie posters to make them more accurately reflect the content of the film. Inspired entirely by theshiznit.co.uk This was a fun assignment and really easy with the use of GIMP! Again I just layed a text box over the original text and used the airbrush tool to remove ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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