1. Oddjordany


    This picture was taken at Mill Basin, Located near Bergen beach. This is actually an old picture token just before we were leaving for Orlando Florida. The green building you see over there is actually a restaurant. The rest of the crew needed directions … Continue reading
  2. andrewjohnsonct101


    Inside me,  4 stars   Used paint.net. I took photo of me, the made rectangles, filled it with red, and used a font I liked. Then put a grunge layer over it all and dodged it in. pokemon card, 3 stars   Found Pokemon template, Photoshopped out the  unnecessary stuff, put a small photo of ...
  3. Renae

    Cartoon You !

    I uploaded the original image, to the left, onto picnik.com and just played around with the different types of effects there. I used the pencil effect which just turned the image into a penciled drawing.
  4. Kiara Herbert

    Colorize Your World

    Ever wondered what Ariel would look like as a blonde? For this assignment I used the GIMP software to edit this image of the Disney princess. First I used the hue saturation feature to get her hair to yellow and then I went back and changed the rest of the picture back to its normal ...
  5. Kiara Herbert

    Colorize Your World

    Ever wondered what Ariel would look like as a blonde? For this assignment I used the GIMP software to edit this image of the Disney princess. First I used the hue saturation feature to get her hair to yellow and then I went back and changed the rest of the picture back to its normal ...
  6. Renae

    DS106 Pains

    Originally this was the movie poster for Labor Pains. I changed it to DS 106 Pains and also changed the name of the book Lindsay Lohan is holding. I added a print screen of the ds106 website to the poster, because it coincides with the books new name, “Coming to terms with the new view.”…
  7. Renae

    The DREAM Animal !

    The DREAM Animal Using Paint Shop Pro (PSP) I created my dream animal! I originally started with a picture of a pitbull. I gave him the head of a monkey, the wing of a bird, and the front legs of a lion. I’ll call him pimolibird !! I basically just pasted each additional image onto…
  8. iFED

    Dream Animal

    This assignment is called Design your own animal. We had to use at least 4 animal body parts, and create an environment for it. The four animals I used was:
  9. iFED

    Dream Animal

    This assignment is called Design your own animal. We had to use at least 4 animal body parts, and create an environment for it. The four animals I used was:
  10. iFED

    Dream Animal

    This assignment is called Design your own animal. We had to use at least 4 animal body parts, and create an environment for it. The four animals I used was:

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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