Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92710 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Taniesha


     So below is the original video assignment where you out in the audio of something else while a movie is playing. I got this assignment from countrify it  and i choose this video from the original video assignment watching a movie … Continue reading
  2. Taniesha

    Taniesha painting

      I got this assignment from pollock painting I really felt this was agreat remix assignment this image below came from ds 106 monster manual . And then i just Photoshop him and color him it looks like he is celebrating the new year, or … Continue reading
  3. Taniesha


    My next video assignment will be plinkette .For plinkette review i will find a movie i watch that was horribly directed and the actors were dreadful and just record my self on sound cloud  tearing it apart.Then and i will also … Continue reading
  4. Taniesha

    Funny voices

    So this is me as three different people , i just kept changing my voice back and forth any way i just recorded it on my iPod and then recorded it on sound cloud.

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