Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92859 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @danielleerika4

    12 Stars Worth Week 5

    Complete 12 Stars of Audio Assignments:This week you must complete at least 12 stars of assignments from the Audio category in the Assignment Bank.

 Also, involve the course theme in at least two of the assignments in some way. One assignment everyone must do is the sound effects story (3 ½ stars): This is a challenge to tell […]
  2. @danielleerika4

    Tweet-along Week 5

    Listen: Participate in a live “tweet-along” with ds106 radio this week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 8:30-9:30 PM. We will be listening to audio drama and tweeting our thoughts on what we hear. You might even hear your bumpers. Use&...
  3. @danielleerika4

    RadioBumper Set-up

    Create a Radio Bumper: Once you’ve familiarized yourself with ds106 radio, try your hand at making your first radio “bumper” – a 10-30 second short audio that announces the radio station that is played between songs to remind listeners what they are tuned in to. This should be saved as an MP3 file, and then upload […]
  4. @danielleerika4


    Watch: These two short videos from RadioLab’s Jad Abumrad. He speaks of radio as a way of making meaning and connection, and as a modern incarnation of an ancient art. Radiolab’s Jad Abumrad: How Radio Creates Empathy Radiolab’s Jad Abumrad: Digital Shamanism and Old-Fashioned, Newfangled Storytelling Magic Listen: to “Moon Graffiti” This is an excellent example of audio […]
  5. @danielleerika4

    I love my pets.

    For 2 stars! Do you miss your pet while you are in school? Do you ever wish that you could bring your pet to school with you? This tutorial assignment will allow your dream to come true. You can use GIMP or other photo edit software to place your pet anywhere on your campus. This […]
  6. @danielleerika4

    Visual Assignment: Express your love!

    For 3 stars I am posting something personal that I did in one of my past relationships for their birthday. I bought balloons, a cake, an ihome, socks, boxers, and candles for their birthday present. Then I had a friend sneak these things into his apartment while I took him out to dinner. It was […]
  7. @danielleerika4


    Do a 20 minute Photoblitz. Be sure to grab the code and include the seven tasks you were assigned in a blog post, along with the photos you took. Include your reflections on the exercise in your post. Tag this post photoblitz. Thanks Jo...
  8. @danielleerika4

    Photography and its meanings

    Growing up photography was drilled and ingrained into our minds. My grandfather is a huge force in this. Since he has retired he picked up photography. Alongside this, with the boom in technology over the past few years, the camera has developed into something that has become so easy to access. I love photographs. I […]
  9. @danielleerika4

    Making up some stories

    Read one of these:a. The New Digital Storytelling: Creating Narratives with New Media Chapter 1, “Storytelling for the Twenty-First Century,” to start thinking about what is storytelling and what is digital storytelling. A PDF is in the Files section of Canvas. ORb. I link, therefore I am, which looks at hypertext fiction over the years, as another view of digital […]
  10. @danielleerika4

    Classmates and Comments

    This week I am starting my work early because I have gotten through my other work in order to dive deep into this week. I will embed my comments on other people’s work below. The first post intrigued me when I read the title. It was the perfect length and structure to convince me to […]
  11. @danielleerika4

    In-Depth Analysis of my blog

    Here I am responding to my own blog efforts. Here I am interacting with my classmates as well. The first blog post I was intrigued in is “Blast From the Past”. It inspired my musical choice, for our daily create project. It began a spiral in my brain of all of the 1980’s music that […]
  12. @danielleerika4

    Week 2: Weekly Summary

    This is your story of the week’s activities, and should include your thoughts on the week and the work you did. Embed or link to the assignments and Daily Creates you did. Talk about how you are participating in and connecting with the class. Submit the URL to your summary to Canvas. This week was […]
  13. @danielleerika4

    Animation with Danielle

    Web Assignments (3 Stars): Guess my story Narrate the process: I went through YouTube and looked for college related images, videos, or pictures. Then copied the URL into and created my five GIF’s. Explain my thinking: All college students can relate to this, and the emotions and actions of these memes/gif’s. Course theme: This […]

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