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  1. @HumIsDum

    A Monstrous Bumper

    For the first audio assignment of this week, Iā€™ve gone with the 2-star prompt to create a radio bumper. Using this assignment to my advantage, Iā€™ve put together the first bumper for my groupā€™s ā€œUndergraduate Monster Washā€ radio show! This bumper is intended to set a spooky mood, and thereā€™s no better way to doContinue reading "A Monstrous Bumper"
  2. @HumIsDum

    The Undergraduate Monster Wash Sticker

    Hereā€™s a sticker Iā€™ve designed for my groupā€™s radio show. Sticking with spooky Halloween theme weā€™ve established, I decided a Jack-oā€™-lantern would be the perfect choice for an icon. This may or may not end up being the official logo for the radio show, but for the time being, itā€™s just a fun sticker. TheContinue reading "The Undergraduate Monster WashĀ Sticker"
  3. @HumIsDum

    Whatā€™s Up With This Radio Show?

    by Thomas Pulsifer Progress on the radio show group project is coming along great! Having met with my groupmates, Mason, Grace, and Bella, weā€™ve put together a plan for our show that weā€™re really happy with. Currently, the show is planned to be a Halloween spectacular, with a collection of spooky stories, discussions, and reviews.Continue reading "Whatā€™s Up With This RadioĀ Show?"
  4. @HumIsDum

    A Bizarre Book Cover

    by Thomas Pulsifer Using Alanā€™s 4-star prompt, Iā€™ve designed my very own weird book cover. Whatā€™s more bizarre than a rat in a helmet getting cheese in outer space? This is actually the cover of a real book Iā€™ve written! Itā€™s a childrenā€™s book, so it isnā€™t anything to write home about, but itā€™s somethingContinue reading "A Bizarre BookĀ Cover"
  5. @HumIsDum

    This Logo is a No-Go

    Based on Jameson Whippleā€™s 4.5 star prompt to redesign a companyā€™s logo to resemble that of their main competitor, I decided to reinterpret Nintendoā€˜s logo in the style of SEGA. Arguably the most famous corporate rivalry in history, itā€™s interesting to see how the relationship between these two video game giants has evolved over theContinue reading "This Logo is aĀ No-Go"
  6. @HumIsDum

    TDC Jamboree

    by Thomas Pulsifer The first Daily Create I completed this week was Wednesdayā€™s Fingertips-based prompt. Our goal was to creatively contextualize the titles of tracks in Fingertips, a mini-album within They Might Be Giantsā€™ album Apollo 18. Looking around my room for inspiration, I noticed the Sonic the Hedgehog sticker on my water bottle wouldContinue reading "TDC Jamboree"
  7. @HumIsDum

    What I Learned in Design School isā€¦

    by Thomas Pulsifer Despite having always possessed a passion for graphic design, Iā€™d never truly considered the thought that goes into it. Typically, when designing a visual piece, I simply go with whatever feels creative and looks good. However, so much more goes into professional graphic design. In his book, Go: A Kiddā€™s Guide toContinue reading "What I Learned in Design SchoolĀ isā€¦"
  8. @HumIsDum

    Return of the Obra Dinn: Gaming Journal 9/26/21

    by Thomas Pulsifer Finally! After uncovering every memory, Iā€™ve managed to piece together the entire story of Return of the Obra Dinn! It wasnā€™t easy, and certainly took some trial and error, but managing to correctly identify the identities and fates of each crewmate is immensely satisfying. Of all the members of the Obra DinnContinue reading "Return of the Obra Dinn: Gaming JournalĀ 9/26/21"
  9. @HumIsDum

    While My MIDI Gently Weeps

    by Thomas Pulsifer For my final task from the assignment bank, Iā€™ve gone with Jennifer Hillā€™s 3-star prompt to convert a song into a MIDI file in order to produce the auditory illusion of hearing lyrics where there are none. Iā€™ve heard this illusion plenty of times before, though Iā€™ve never used a program toContinue reading "While My MIDI GentlyĀ Weeps"
  10. @HumIsDum

    ROAR from Another Room

    by Thomas Pulsifer Itā€™s a Friday night. Youā€™re alone in your dorm and are about to finish your homework before its due at midnight. Suddenly, one of your hallmates begins blasting music. Great. Now you canā€™t focus. Defeated, you lean back in your chair, staring up at the ceiling. You think back on your lifeā€™sContinue reading "ROAR from AnotherĀ Room"
  11. @HumIsDum

    Galactic Empirical Radio Bumper

    by Thomas Pulsifer As part of the assignments for week 5, weā€™ve been given the task of creating a radio bumper. Having plenty of audacity experience, I was excited to begin messing around with sound effects to see what I could come up with. Though I originally intended to create a parody of generic, obnoxiousContinue reading "Galactic Empirical RadioĀ Bumper"
  12. @HumIsDum

    Sounds from Another World

    by Thomas Pulsifer Countless mediums possess the potential for fascinating storytelling, and nothing proves this more than audio-based storytelling. Many may only consider audiobooks and nothing more when thinking of the storytelling capacity of audio, which is unfortunate, since thereā€™s so much more than can be done with the medium. In Jab Abumradā€™s videos aboutContinue reading "Sounds from AnotherĀ World"
  13. @HumIsDum

    Weekly Reflection: Halfway Through September!

    by Thomas Pulsifer Itā€™s that time of the week, boys and girls: Time for another weekly reflection! I had assumed that last week would be hard to top, but Iā€™m very happy to say that I was wrong. Letā€™s start the recap with this weekā€™s three Daily Creates. Daily Creates: On September 13th, our taskContinue reading "Weekly Reflection: Halfway ThroughĀ September!"

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