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  1. @HumIsDum

    ROAR from Another Room

    by Thomas Pulsifer It’s a Friday night. You’re alone in your dorm and are about to finish your homework before its due at midnight. Suddenly, one of your hallmates begins blasting music. Great. Now you can’t focus. Defeated, you lean back in your chair, staring up at the ceiling. You think back on your life’sContinue reading "ROAR from Another Room"
  2. @sincerelysterls

    The Whispering Sea But You’re In Another Room…

    … and It’s Raining Outside and Your Siblings Are Playing In It and Your Parents Are Making Dinner and You’re Playing Video Games. That’s the title. (Cover art by Matt Rockefeller!) Inspiration taken from the following (anyone else have a Minecraft phase?): For this assignment, I decided to kind of combine two into one: the … Continue reading "The Whispering Sea But You’re In Another Room…"
  3. @megds106

    “Sanctuary” from Kingdom Hearts 2 but it’s coming from another room

    This assignment challenged me to edit a song to make it sound muffled as it was coming from a different room! This is worth three stars. I have never used audio editing software before so it was definitely a learning experience. I downloaded Audacity, a free audio mixing application. I followed this YouTube tutorial to …

    Continue reading "“Sanctuary” from Kingdom Hearts 2 but it’s coming from another room"

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