Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92926 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @sunglasses260

    30 seconds of… (Part 3): Rock music

    Last but not least in this 3-part series “30 seconds of…” is my rock music mashup! To read about how I decided on this assignment and the mashups I’d do, as well as how I made the mashups, check out Part 1: Christian contemporary music. However, I’ll include the instructions below. “This is some sort […]
  2. @sunglasses260

    30 seconds of… (Part 2): Christian rock music

    For my next creation of my 3-part post series “30 seconds of…”, check out a mix of Christian AND rock music! To read about how I decided on this assignment and the mashups I’d do, as well as how I made the mashups, check out Part 1: Christian contemporary music. However, I’ll include the instructions […]
  3. @sunglasses260

    30 seconds of… (Part 1): Christian contemporary music

    This is the first in a series of 3 posts with the same assignment, but the assignment is done differently each time. As per the title, first up is a set of Christian contemporary music. When I saw the assignment “10 second song mashup” in the ds106 assignment bank, I thought, “Huh. That sounds like […]
  4. @sunglasses260

    Mix ‘Em Up

    This assignment was one of my own creation, because I didn’t see anything quite like this in the ds106 assignment bank. It’s pretty straightforward: mashup two songs that are similar to each other (regardless of if it’s the same artist or if the artists are different). These are the details of the assignment I created, […]
  5. @sunglasses260

    Dylan Elise Reaction

    Earlier this week, as I was looking through the ds106 video assignments, the assignment “DS106ers React!” caught my eye. I’ve watched plenty of reaction videos before (usually reactions to music videos or music in general). They’re very entertaining, especially when it’s music I love. Because of this, I decided to do my own reaction video. […]
  6. @sunglasses260

    Transitions, Transitions, Transitions!

    Try saying that three times quickly! Today I’ll be exploring various video transitions in Adobe Premiere Pro. The ds106 Video Assignment “Favorite Transition” has very simple instructions: Use your editing software of choice to show us your favorite video transition!  2.5 stars I decided to use Adobe Premiere Pro, since that’s newest video software that […]
  7. @sunglasses260

    Glo-Ink: New Technology for Books Everywhere

    This week I created a radio commercial for our radio show! When you are driving in the car and a radio commercial comes on you might start to tune the radio out. But, if you were the person selling what the commercial was offering would you want people tuning it out or listening intently? Well, […]
  8. @sunglasses260

    King of Jesters, and Jester of Kings!

    When I was much younger, my parents introduced me and my sister to the movie The Court Jester. For me, this 1955 classic was my first medieval/fairytale-themed rom-com movie I ever saw—The Princess Bride is the second one I can think of. One of the assignments I picked this week from the Design Assignments in […]
  9. @sunglasses260

    “Weapons of Mass Percussion” T-Shirt

    When I participated in Week 3’s Daily Creates, I didn’t expect to do anything with my creations later on. I had thought that I really liked my caution sign (“Caution: Weapons of Mass Percussion”), and it would be fun to have on a t-shirt or something. That’s why I decided to do the Design Assignment […]
  10. @sunglasses260

    Dank Memez Outlet

    As I scrolled through the Design Assignments in the ds106 Assignment Bank, an image caught my eye: At first glance, I thought it said “Memelets”, not Mermlet’s. My misreading paired with the title of the assignment (“Create a Logo that is simple but detailed”) inspired my idea for a fictional company that created memes and […]
  11. @sunglasses260

    The Story of the Jukebox Hero

    Everyone, gather ’round! It’s time for you to hear the story of the legendary jukebox hero. This story was born before I began ds106, but when I saw the Audio Bank assignment “Create a story using music”, I knew the world deserved to hear the tale. The assignment had only two sentences of description: “Create […]
  12. @sunglasses260

    Collage of My Pets: Sugar, Shadow, and Stormy

    I’ve never lived without having pets before; I couldn’t imagine life without them. Sugar, Shadow, and Stormy all mean so much to me, so when I saw the assignment “Your love for your pet”, I couldn’t help but pick it as one of my assignments for the week. Here’s the description: Make a collage out […]
  13. @sunglasses260

    A Very Avenger-y Bunch of Post-It Notes

    When you mix a favorite fandom with a love for world and character building, what do you get? A bit of daydreaming of domestic fluff that can result in creating grocery lists and post-it notes. I’m a fan of Marvel movies, and I find it fun to imagine what the Avengers are like outside of […]
  14. @sunglasses260

    A Dreamy Drive Down the Pacific Coast Highway

    In the summer of 2019, before I started my first year of college, my family took a trip out west to California for 2 weeks. We had never gone on any vacation like this before, and it was absolutely amazing. This was why, when I saw the assignment “Story Map”, I knew I had to […]
  15. @sunglasses260

    Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof

    Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Because I’m happyyyyyyyyy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth Because I’m happyyyyyyyyy Those are some of the lyrics to the song “Happy”, a well-known pop tune that came out in 2013. We all have certain songs that make us feel […]
  16. @sunglasses260

    A Jumbled Poem: Words from 2001

    2001. What went on that year? Well, I was born. The Ravens won their first Super Bowl ever. Those are a couple fairly important things, in my opinion. However, other than that, there were several words added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Let’s set the record straight: it was the year the words ack, auto-suggest, blade […]
  17. @sunglasses260

    The Bedroom of My Dreams…

    As I was browsing through the assignment bank, the “Create your own room” web assignment caught my eye. Maybe it was because of the house-creation online games I used to play as a kid, or perhaps because for quite some time now, I’ve had a Pinterest board for cool home-and-bedroom-related ideas (many of them far […]
  18. @sunglasses260

    Rock ‘N Roll ‘N Rush

    Anyone who has talked to me about music for at least five minutes has probably heard me mention the name of my favorite rock band: Rush. If you don’t know who Rush is, let me introduce you. Once upon a lighted stage, approaching the unreal…* There were three fantastic musicians who formed the band Rush […]

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