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  1. @megds106

    Golden Obsidian Part 1

    Act 1 Amethyst “Ephraim?” Cecilia called throughout her quiet home. “I’m busy,” was the usual reply, but it didn’t come.  “Are you there?” She asked again, peering into his library. She figured he might be trapped in some new book he bought. The only sound she could hear was the muffled bustling market streets—caravans carrying …

    Continue reading "Golden Obsidian Part 1"

  2. @BreeNicholson14

    Final Story

    The year was 2018 when a girl named Jessica Williams had just graduated from college. After graduation, she decided it was time to start looking into apartments to move into and finally get out of her parent’s house. After a couple of days of searching, she found a flier for an open apartment: After thinking…
  3. @angelk1208

    Draco Malfoy the Muggle

    “I failed, I’m a failure. What happens now?” Draco thought silently. He is by himself, reminiscing over what happened, or rather what didn’t happen. Dumbledore is not dead. He’s still alive. Draco failed to kill Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Why is this so bad? Because Voldemort ordered him to […]
  4. @jacobhilker1

    Final Project Tutorials

    For my first assignment, a visual assignment, I started by making a sample character in this character creator (note: requires Java). I used Artur’s hair which I modified in app to be more blonde, Chad’s armor which I modified to be green instead of the blue which is default, and while I don’t remember the […]

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