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  1. @samprice_ds106

    Haiku About Me

    For this assignment we had to come up with a haiku about ourselves. Here it is! My name is Sam Price (5) I like hiking and biking (7) I play frisbee too (5) Since this post was so short I decided to include a picture of me hiking that goes along with my poem. I hope you enjoyed my poem and were able to learn a little more about me! PS: This assignment was worth 2.5 points…7.5 left for the week!
  2. @tiffmooree

    Assignment Bank #1

    by For this assignment, I had to write a haiku about myself. It could’ve been about a hobby or something I’m passionate about. I opted to write about my growth. Over the last few years I have seen myself grow an immense amount. Before college, I went through some things people never have to go through. These leave scars that never heal. However, through the power of myself and those that love me, I have been able to grow and become so proud of myself. I know that if I can get through those obstacles, I can get through anything. I know my future is bright. I know there is always a way to be happy. A quote I live by is, “sometimes things fall apart so better things can come together.” This quote is very true to me. Personal growth is one of the most amazing things. I love to think back on my struggles and know how far I’ve come. If I have grown this much in the last couple of years, nothing can stop me for the years to come. I am stronger. I love how a simple haiku can tell such a big story. It was quite easy to write, as everything I wanted to say fit the syllables and I just wrote it onto paper and composed it into a tweet. I rediscovered haiku’s in last weeks assignment banks, and I throughly enjoy them. They can be interpreted so much by the audience. There really is no right meaning behind a haiku. This is reflective of life.

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