1. @IngrahamAllison


    One thing I think would be pretty cool would be to interview people who grew up in the ’80s. We could ask them certain questions or just ask what their favorite memory of the ’80s was. I think sharing those experiences would be interesting to share. Also, if we do share people’s stories, they may …
  2. @samprice_ds106

    Radio Show Ideas

    The radio show project is something I am really looking forward to. I have been brainstorming ideas since we were told about the assignment. So far I have two ideas: Review movies from the 80s such as The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, and Back to the Future. We would have a different episode for each movie and go in depth and talk about all the ins and outs of it, any themes we see, and just in general if we liked it or not. Compare and contrast the 80s vs. now. We could talk about the different fashion styles, what […]
  3. @samprice_ds106

    Radio Bumper

    For this assignment we were instructed to create a radio bumper for the DS106 radio station! In all honesty, I was kind of dreading this assignment because I don’t like the sound of my voice on recording but it actually ended up being really fun. I recorded myself on my phone saying a little speech I came up with for the radio station and then sent it to my laptop where I used GarageBand to add some fun guitar riffs to make it sound more real. I’ll be tuning into the radio station tonight so I am hoping to hear […]
  4. @V20Kai

    Let’s Get to Brainstorming

    If you’ve read or skimmed through my blog, a few things will be very evident about me: I like video games, dance, and music. The question is how would I relate to or tie one of these ideas into our 80s course theme, and how would I want to approach these ideas for our radio […]
  5. @jollykyles

    Radio Bumper

    I was asked to create a 20-30 second radio bump that would be used in-between songs or podcasts or some other audio form to remind the listener what they tuned in to. This is what I ended up creating (It’s big yikes):
  6. @lizlynnkondzel


    a 20-30 minute radio show is in our ds106 futures! wahoo! 20-30 minutes isn’t too terribly long, but it certainly is an amount of time that needs a modicum of planning and idea generating before jumping in. so im currently reading 1984 by Geore Orwell, and my oh my is that a BOOK. I’m really […]
  7. @V20Kai

    The Story of “Moon Graffiti”

    Today I listened to the audio drama “Moon Graffiti,” and I was blown away by its exceptional storytelling. It was like I was watching a movie, but without the visuals, which is essentially what good audio storytelling should strive for. The story opens with the date: July 20, 1969. Immediately, the listeners are thrust right […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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