Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Ben Rimes

    39,880 Free Visual Writing Prompts

    It’s conference season. The time between Christmas Break and Spring Break can be tortuously long for teachers and students. Snow days are cheered, three-day weekends dot the calendar, and state conferences for teachers help break up the monotony of one of the longest stretch of instructional days in the school-year calendar. So in the spirit […]
  2. Ben Rimes

    39,880 Free Visual Writing Prompts

    It’s conference season. The time between Christmas Break and Spring Break can be tortuously long for teachers and students. Snow days are cheered, three-day weekends dot the calendar, and state conferences for teachers help break up the monotony of one of the longest stretch of instructional days in the school-year calendar. So in the spirit […]
  3. Ben Rimes

    Exaggerated Yelp Reviews as Writing Prompts

    A conversation with a colleague today got me thinking about engagement. Or rather disengagement of staff and students. It’s a pretty solid and straight forward framework for the continuous improvement of instruction. However, it also happens to be a framework that can feel like an assembly line at times. Prepare instruction, deliver instruction, deliver assessment, […]
  4. Ben Rimes

    Exaggerated Yelp Reviews as Writing Prompts

    A conversation with a colleague today got me thinking about engagement. Or rather disengagement of staff and students. It’s a pretty solid and straight forward framework for the continuous improvement of instruction. However, it also happens to be a framework that can feel like an assembly line at times. Prepare instruction, deliver instruction, deliver assessment, […]
  5. Ben Rimes

    Be Gold

    Gold is one of the most malleable metals on the face of the earth. It’s so ductile, a single ounce can be turned into thread 5 miles long. It conducts heat, electricity, and is found in leaves, the ocean, and even within the human body. In its purest form, it can be molded by hand, […]
  6. Ben Rimes

    Be Gold

    Gold is one of the most malleable metals on the face of the earth. It’s so ductile, a single ounce can be turned into thread 5 miles long. It conducts heat, electricity, and is found in leaves, the ocean, and even within the human body. In its purest form, it can be molded by hand, […]
  7. Ben Rimes

    Be Gold

    Gold is one of the most malleable metals on the face of the earth. It’s so ductile, a single ounce can be turned into thread 5 miles long. It conducts heat, electricity, and is found in leaves, the ocean, and even within the human body. In its purest form, it can be molded by hand, […]
  8. Ben Rimes

    Video Story Problem – Hours & Hours of Snowblowing!

    It’s 2018, there’s a ridiculous amount of snow swirling around the United States, and I haven’t blogged in a couple of months….that must mean it’s time for a video story problem! I’ve complained about snow in previous video story problems, but for this one it wasn’t so much complaining as it was…..oh hell, it was […]
  9. Ben Rimes

    Video Story Problem – Hours & Hours of Snowblowing!

    It’s 2018, there’s a ridiculous amount of snow swirling around the United States, and I haven’t blogged in a couple of months….that must mean it’s time for a video story problem! I’ve complained about snow in previous video story problems, but for this one it wasn’t so much complaining as it was…..oh hell, it was […]
  10. Ben Rimes

    Video Story Problem – Hours & Hours of Snowblowing!


    It’s 2018, there’s a ridiculous amount of snow swirling around the United States, and I haven’t blogged in a couple of months….that must mean it’s time for a video story problem! I’ve complained about snow in previous video story problems, but for this one it wasn’t so much complaining as it was…..oh hell, it was […]
  11. Ben Rimes

    This section of the tutorial…

    I’m finishing up my compliance modules for the year. Yes, I’m delinquent on getting them done. But in my defense I’m one of those odd balls that actually likes to sit through the modules and study them for instructional design elements, assessment choices in online learning, and evaluate their overall effectiveness as a tool to […]
  12. Ben Rimes

    This section of the tutorial…

    I’m finishing up my compliance modules for the year. Yes, I’m delinquent on getting them done. But in my defense I’m one of those odd balls that actually likes to sit through the modules and study them for instructional design elements, assessment choices in online learning, and evaluate their overall effectiveness as a tool to […]
  13. Ben Rimes

    This section of the tutorial…


    I’m finishing up my compliance modules for the year. Yes, I’m delinquent on getting them done. But in my defense I’m one of those odd balls that actually likes to sit through the modules and study them for instructional design elements, assessment choices in online learning, and evaluate their overall effectiveness as a tool to […]
  14. Ben Rimes

    How to GIF for Newbs


    Bill and Ted Air Guitar

    This week presents a culmination of many realities for me this school year: I’m taking lead on my school district’s improvement plan for the first time. I’m busy coordinating funding and professional development for our district-wdie STEM programs for next year. I’ve finally admitted that without actually writing anything, it’s difficult to actually publish a […]
  15. Ben Rimes

    How to GIF for Newbs

    This week presents a culmination of many realities for me this school year: I’m taking lead on my school district’s improvement plan for the first time. I’m busy coordinating funding and professional development for our district-wdie STEM programs for next year. I’ve finally admitted that without actually writing anything, it’s difficult to actually publish a […]
  16. Ben Rimes

    How to GIF for Newbs

    This week presents a culmination of many realities for me this school year: I’m taking lead on my school district’s improvement plan for the first time. I’m busy coordinating funding and professional development for our district-wdie STEM programs for next year. I’ve finally admitted that without actually writing anything, it’s difficult to actually publish a […]
  17. Ben Rimes

    Help Me #ds106, You’re My Only Hope



    This coming Tuesday, May 31st, I’ll be working with some English 11 students about turning written memoirs into digital stories. The teacher has given me carte blanche to introduce students to a wide range of media and forms for turning a written work into a 3-5 minute digital narrative. Needless to say, it will likely […]
  18. Ben Rimes

    Is Stoicism Appropriate in Ed Tech?

    I’m supposed to be an educational technology cheerleader for my school district. I’m supposed to champion the unrestrained exploration and adaptation of technology in all areas of K-12 learning. I’m supposed to network with individuals that have an insatiable curiosity and enthusiasm for educational technology in all of its many forms. And yet, the older I […]
  19. Ben Rimes

    Is Stoicism Appropriate in Ed Tech?

    I’m supposed to be an educational technology cheerleader for my school district. I’m supposed to champion the unrestrained exploration and adaptation of technology in all areas of K-12 learning. I’m supposed to network with individuals that have an insatiable curiosity and enthusiasm for educational technology in all of its many forms. And yet, the older I […]
  20. Ben Rimes

    Is Stoicism Appropriate in Ed Tech?



    I’m supposed to be an educational technology cheerleader for my school district. I’m supposed to champion the unrestrained exploration and adaptation of technology in all areas of K-12 learning. I’m supposed to network with individuals that have an insatiable curiosity and enthusiasm for educational technology in all of its many forms. And yet, the older I […]
  21. Ben Rimes

    Reinventing Historical Propaganda Through Memes

      Providing hands-on challenges and tasks in History classes can be difficult; sure, economic simulations, debates,  and reenactments of significant events can all “juice” up a lesson or unit, but as a Social Studies minor, I encountered a lot more discussion and lecture-based History courses that I’d like to admit. So in the vein of […]
  22. Ben Rimes

    Reinventing Historical Propaganda Through Memes

      Providing hands-on challenges and tasks in History classes can be difficult; sure, economic simulations, debates,  and reenactments of significant events can all “juice” up a lesson or unit, but as a Social Studies minor, I encountered a lot more discussion and lecture-based History courses that I’d like to admit. So in the vein of […]
  23. Ben Rimes

    Reinventing Historical Propaganda Through Memes


    women tougher than men meme

      Providing hands-on challenges and tasks in History classes can be difficult; sure, economic simulations, debates,  and reenactments of significant events can all “juice” up a lesson or unit, but as a Social Studies minor, I encountered a lot more discussion and lecture-based History courses that I’d like to admit. So in the vein of […]
  24. Ben Rimes

    My #ISTE2015 Animated GIF Day

    For many years I protested that I had no clear need to attend the annual International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference. From the social media streams and vendor receptions, it has the appearance of an ostentatious event focused on selling the latest and greatest gadgets, apps, and technology solutions to educators. Many of my colleagues […]
  25. Ben Rimes

    My #ISTE2015 Animated GIF Day

    For many years I protested that I had no clear need to attend the annual International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference. From the social media streams and vendor receptions, it has the appearance of an ostentatious event focused on selling the latest and greatest gadgets, apps, and technology solutions to educators. Many of my colleagues […]
  26. Ben Rimes

    Nervous About Video Projects?

    I have no problem putting myself in front of a camera and acting, performing, “hamming it up”, or delivering other recorded performance. It seems many Millennials are comfortable being YouTubers as well, putting themselves in front of the camera for school work, personal projects, or just sharing thoughts. However, I’ve also noticed that a large number […]

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