Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92939 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @bfrullads106

    week 8 summary

    Hey there, welcome back to my blog! Today I’m going to be summarizing up my crazy week and showing you the work that I have to show for it. I’m not going to link my group’s final show, because I think we’re supposed to keep that under wraps, but everyone will get a chance to […]
  2. @bfrullads106

    Week 2 show summary

    Hey everyone! It feels like it has been so long since I posted anything to my blog. This of course doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy at work doing my DS106 assignments! Today my group and I finished up our 30+ minutes of content for our broadcast coming up. I had a lot of fun […]
  3. @bfrullads106

    Week 7 summary

    Hey guys, I’m going to keep this summary short and to the point, because, spring break. 99% of all of my work for this week was already discussed in great detail on my show progress update post, because I used my stars for this week to create things for the show. Here’s my post for […]
  4. @bfrullads106

    Show Progress Update

    Hey everyone! Today I’m checking in to share an update on my progress so far this week towards our group’s project. In terms of teamwork- everything is as good as can be. My group and I have been working well together, interfacing about different ideas and weighing pros & cons. A lot of the communications […]
  5. @bfrullads106 show poster

    Hey everyone! I’m here today to talk about my group and I’s upcoming radio show, and to get you excited enough to tune in for our chunk of airtime! I’ll lead with what you clicked for, the poster design: So, why should you tune in? Well, we’re going to play awesome spy music, for one. […]
  6. @bfrullads106

    Live and Let Design – Week 6

    Hey everyone, welcome back to my blog for another weekly summary. This week, week six, we focused on design elements of our human experience. I started this week with a pretty loose concept for what design really was. I had an idea, but now that I’ve read decent chunks of the readings that were assigned, […]
  7. @bfrullads106

    Design Blitz

    I had a lot of fun doing the design blitz this week, I don’t do a lot of things where I end up in a position where I can take a photo of something well designed, but I tried my best to snag a few good photos throughout the week. The things I found myself […]
  8. @bfrullads106

    Design Thoughts reflection

    Hey everyone, today I’m working on another blog post for week 5, and it is about the elements of design that we interact with throughout human existence. After reading through decent portions of the two assigned readings about design, I feel like I have a much better understanding of what design is. I can now […]
  9. @bfrullads106

    Audiofinger weekly summary

    Hey there everyone. This is my weekly summary for week 5 of our class, DS106. Sounds are things that a lot of people take for granted. Sure, we learn that they are one of our 5 senses growing up, but not a whole lot of emphasis is placed on it after that. We move through […]
  10. @bfrullads106 thoughts

    Good afternoon everyone, in this post I’m going to be discussing my thoughts on the shows that aired on MT and Thursday. Unfortunately, I missed the Wednesday show because I totally forgot about it and I was in bed by the time the show aired. Nonetheless, I very much enjoyed the shows that we […]
  11. @bfrullads106

    Moon Graffiti Reflection

    Hey there, DS106 friends. Today I’m going to share my thoughts on the #AudioReflection assignment. I started off today by watching both of the assigned YouTube videos starring Jad Abumrad; “How Radio Creates Empathy” & “Digital Shamanism and Old-Fashioned, Newfangled Storytelling Magic“. My thought on his comments were generally in agreement with what he was […]
  12. @bfrullads106

    Radio Show Ideas

    Hey there! According to the week five assignment sheet, as a class, we’re gearing up to host our very own online radio show. I tried to check out the online radio stream, but it didn’t seem to be playing anything at this moment. I’m not sure if that’s something on my end, but I’ll keep looking […]
  13. @bfrullads106

    Week 4 – Summary

    Hello all, and welcome back to another riveting conclusion of my week’s endeavors in DS106! Photography was something that used to be a much larger part of my life, which I discussed at length on my photo blitz challenge post. Since high school, I have grown out of it. This week was a nice reminder of […]

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