Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. estotz

    Exploring Gender through the Language of Twitter

    Emma Stotz Ling 491 Zacharski Spring 2013   Exploring Gender through the Language of Twitter   Introduction With the age of communication upon us, there are a wide variety of forms of communication: text messaging, twitter, blogs, Facebook, reddit, YouTube, Skype, and the like.  Online social media sites allow for informal means of communication, which […]
  2. estotz

    Outline for Final Project

    So, this is just me brainstorming, but I am pretty sure I have a solid idea for what I want to do for my final project: This semester, I am in a linguistics course (other than this one), Langauge and Gender, and this idea for research came from this class. I have been rather intrigued […]
  3. estotz

    A Glimpse at the Guide to Data Mining

    Ch. 6 “Naive Bayes and Unstructured Text” This chapter in Zacharski’s “A Programmar’s Guide to Data Mining” deals with the classification of text into categories of positive or negative–does the person commenting like, or dislike the item they are commenting about? As native speakers of English, we can look at something and tell whether or […]
  4. estotz

    Robots + Language (con’t)

    Classification (into Semantic Categories) Say we have a bunch of sequences of phrases and we want to put them into a different categories (i.e. dictionaries, artists, plants, etc), how could one go about doing this? One approach is to memorize common parts of the phrases (i.e. if the category is dictionaries, a common word might […]
  5. estotz

    How to Teach Language to Robots

    Summary of Videos from Intro to AI (first half) There have been 2 main types of language models: 1. Probabilistic model: deals with the surface words, and sometimes letters  - (letter models are good when we are going to be dealing with sequences of unique words) actual data of what we see, rather than some underlying […]
  6. estotz

    An Accurate Description?

    Quantitative Analysis of Culture Using Millions of Digitized Books This particular article proved extremely interesting having taken a course in Lexicography, and it being extremely relevant to theoretical lexicography.  As the title of this article says, they discuss the analysis of a culture using data of the language from millions of digitized books.  First, utilizing […]
  7. estotz

    Introduction to Statistical Natural Language Processing (NLP)

    Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing (Ch. 1) - Manning/Schutze Findings One of the big questions that Manning and Schutze pose in their first chapter is: ‘how do human’s use language?’  The answer to this question is not simple, and requires a deep, theoretical exploration of linguistics.  Linguists lay claim that all languages have an underlying structure […]
  8. estotz

    Bye-Bye Birdie

    Here it is: the last blog post. Waah? Crazy fast semester. It always seems that way though. Ugh, and my last fall semester at UMW. Sad face. Anywho, here we goooo. Final Project with Reflection An Overview of my Project: “The Initial Plan” 1. Destination: Danger Zone 2. A Highlight Reel of Sorts 3. Archer […]
  9. estotz

    Archer Meets Spock

    The gang finally gets up into space. Woohoo! Their training ended up being entirely inadequate, as Archer is incapable of doing anything anyone tells him to do. However, while up there, they stumble upon, you wouldn’t believe it, Spock himself. Spock drops some knowledge on Archer. Archer doesn’t really understand what he is saying at […]
  10. estotz

    Paying it Forward

    A bit of advice for you future DS106 students: On top of that, expect to learn a lot about media on the web in general, and expect to have a lot of fun in learning it–it’s more challenging than you think, but very hands-on and engaging.
  11. estotz

    Tutorial Mania

    I did two tutorials for ds106, and I choose to do the tutorials for the two assignments I created– “How to_______” and “The Best Of“. I figured this would be helpful in getting people to complete the assignment correctly, and get the stars-worth. I owe the future creators that. And this is just a quick ...
  12. estotz

    “The Best Of” Tutorial

    To complete “The Best Of” video assignment, follow these steps. The first step is to pick your favorite tv show (the assignment repository says you can do your least favorite as well, but I recommend doing your favorite, you will see why in the next step). Think deep thoughts about what you want to do, and ...
  13. estotz

    “How To ______” Tutorial

    This is rather redundant. I’m going to do a How to complete “How to ______.” Here goes. To complete this assignment: THE FIRST STEP is to brainstorm a character from one of your favorite TV shows, or just a character in general that displays a particular personality trait more often than not. This is something ...
  14. estotz

    A Highlight Reel of Sorts

    In continuation of my final project, I have put together a few of my favorite scenes (some of the best scenes) from the first half of the first season of Archer. I think this will be a really effective way of recruiting a trainer for the ISIS space voyage, especially in combination with the posters ...
  15. estotz

    Assignment Ideas

    FIRST: “How To ________” For this design assignment, you will first need to pick one of your favorite persons from a tv show or movie–make sure it is someone with LOTS of character that displays their characteristics frequently. This is important; it should be something that defines them (i.e. Sterling Archer, from Archer). Next, create either ...
  16. estotz

    Destination: Danger Zone

    In order to help recruit a new trainer for ISIS (and the on-going space mission), I have created a series of design media. 1. Propaganda Poster This poster corresponds with the Propaganda Poster Assignment in the design assignment repository. I created it by taking a screenshot of this picture of Archer. In Photoshop, I carefully edited ...
  17. estotz

    Welcome to the DANGER ZONE

    Final Project Outline Archer and the gang from ISIS are planning a voyage to outer space in an effort to prevent a catastrophe on the International Space Station. Problem is, none of them have ever had the proper training. Thus, they are recruiting… in a rather obtuse manner for an International SECRET Intelligence Service. Regardless, they ...
  18. estotz

    Badda Bing

    Generalities These past two weeks, we focused on Video Assignments, which I, of course, put off to do until today–so much work these past two weeks, in all of the classes. Anyways, I think I ended up getting some really good footage, thanks to the help of beautiful friends. I did a total of 7 ...
  19. estotz

    It’s Contagious

    For this Assignment, my friend Rose helped me out, and did a spot on reenactment of the Sittin’ On Tha Toilet video on YouTube. Gold. She sent it to. Didn’t even have to edit it–too good to be true–and I uploaded it to YouTube....
  20. estotz

    Five Seconds of Fame

    Assignment. This is Meg Roll’s Five Seconds of Fame. Here she demonstrates her “Man Gettin’” Face (aka, the expression she uses to pick up dudes–genius, if you ask me. She took this video, and emailed it to me. I then edited it, and uploaded it to YouTube. Enjoy.  
  21. estotz

    That 2012 Show

    For this assignment, I had a few of my friends get together and have our very own That 70′s Show circle. I had them sit around, cross-legged style, and we passed around an iPhone that was recording. Whoever the camera was passed to, they recorded the person directly across from them, and the person being ...
  22. estotz

    A Not So Fond Memory

    Assignment: Here is a memory from one of my derpalicious friend’s Juliet. She talks about her memories from summer camp. I recorded it on my laptop, and used iMovie to edit it.
  23. estotz

    50 Eggs

    I chose to do this assignment because I was talking about the movie Cool Hand Luke with a friend and it was the first movie that came to mind. And then I was trying to think of a song that had to do with eating a lot and I was reminded of my days of ...
  24. estotz

    The End

    For this assignment, I had to tell a story in one second. Although, my video consists of only two words, it does indeed tell a story. Because if you think deep thoughts about the meaning of those two words, many things can come to mind. More so, than telling a story, I suppose this story ...
  25. estotz

    Saturday Morning

    I recorded this five second video in order to convey my Saturday morning yesterday. I woke up, and immediately realized I have gotten yet another cold this semester–I’ve determined that college is a petri dish for sickness. Anyways, my immediate reaction to my cold was this. I recorded it, uploaded it, and edited it–just basic ...
  26. estotz

    [Insert Witty Title Here]

    Ahh, feels good to be back in the swing of things. Week 10 of my last fall semester at Mary Wash. Crazy. Bittersweet. What am I going to do with my life? I guess I’ll figure that out soon enough. Anywaysss, this week in DS106 we are getting into video assignments. I love analyzing video. ...
  27. estotz

    Politics Shmolitics

    Exploring a Great Movie Scene Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Directed by Frank Capra Interesting Tidbits The film premiered in Washington DC at Constitution Hall with 4,000+ in attendance. The audience included congressmen, Supreme Court Justices and Cabinet members. Capra, also in attendance, said the aftermath of the premiere was one of the worst in his ...
  28. estotz

    Theatrics of Politics

    In light of the current political dramas that are going on, I chose to do my reading of a movie on a scene from the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. It’s an old black and white film with good ole Jimmy Stewart, directed by Frank Capra. It’s a great movie, but I might only ...
  29. estotz

    The Big Shebang

    In General: These two-fer weeks were so incredibly overwhelming (and it’s looking like the next couple of weeks are going to be overwhelming also). But, at last, we are over the hump, and everything is done. The Radio Show. The audio assignments. The daily creates. And I’m bundling them all up nicely for your to ...
  30. estotz

    It’s Morphing Time

      For the “Voice Morphing” assignment, I told a joke (but I’m not going to tell you what joke, I’ll leave that up for you to interpret because it may or may not be controversial). To get my voice like this, I used a couple of different features on Audacity. I lowered my pitch, slowed ...

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