Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94983 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @Maggieo_13

    Reflection Of Week 6.

    This week I began with reading the Vignelli canon. This was interesting for me and helped me take pictures for the Design Blitz which was  what I did second. Through out the week I did the daily creates my favorite daily create was making a smiling vegetable. This was just brightened my day when I […]
  2. @Maggieo_13

    Week 6 Assignments!

     DesignAssignments2115 was my first assignment I did. I was able to create my super hero Super Nova by using .This was 4 stars.  My next design assignment was DesignAssignments2101. I  used an online font creator. This was 2 and 1 half stars.  My next design was DesignAssignments2099 this was 2 and 1 half stars.  I went online and […]
  3. @Maggieo_13

    Read and Reflect!

    For this activity I chose to read The Vignelli Canon  and reflect on it.  I began reading the book and one of the first things he wrote in his introduction caught my eye “It is not the formula that prevents good design from happening but lack of knowledge of the complexity of the Design profession.” (Vegnelli […]
  4. @Maggieo_13

    Daily Creates!

    #ds106 #tdc2094 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) October 3, 2017 My boyfriend helped out and did the voice over! @dzsaraka2 @Lil_Neh @ErikaMabry #ds106 #tdc2095 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) October 5, 2017 The Haunting loneliness of the 21 Century. #ds106 #tdc2096 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) October 5, 2017  
  5. @Maggieo_13

    Design Blitz!!

    During this Design Blitz I had to get creative. I was struggling with understanding some of the concepts so I googled some images to get a better understanding. My first picture if of Balance I was able to capture it by using a bottle of gum. I liked the idea of using the gum in […]
  6. @Maggieo_13

    Radio Post Ideas

    This is for brainstorming for the radio show. Below are some of my ideas. 1) Why do superheros wear such bold colors in the original comics when they are trying to be stealthy. 2)21 Questions Superhero addition. For Example: Do you wear a cape? Are you white? 3) Ranking the best to worst marvel movies/DC […]
  7. @Maggieo_13


    At the beginning of the tweet athon I wasn’t really sure what to expect. But I tuned in a little early to make sure everything worked. Which obviously it did. Then Professor Bond began speaking and I was excited to apply some of the different audio things we were learning about to what we were […]
  8. @Maggieo_13

    Daily Creates

    #ds106 #tdc2086 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) September 26, 2017 The sun cover (sunscreen). Everyone can use it. #tdc2087 #ds106 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) September 27, 2017 #ds106 #tdc2088 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) September 28, 2017
  9. @Maggieo_13

    Think about story telling…

    Stories are a great thing on there own, but nothing and I mean nothing beats a story with added sound effects.  Sound drives stories because it helps your imagination create a story. Without sound your mind can only create so much. But with sound it opens up a whole new world of opportunity. Sound changes […]
  10. @Maggieo_13

    Week 4 Assignments

    This week was my favorite week of assignments by far! I had quite a bit of fun taking photos and becoming a better photographer or at least becoming more in tuned with photography in general. Overall I really enjoyed this weeks activities. It was interesting having to analyze my photos and actually think about what […]
  11. @Maggieo_13

    Photo Blitz!

    I started at 10:19 pm. I had 20 mins to complete as many items on this list as possible! I was able to get all but one! The first being something red. I chose a fire alarm! The second being doors of some kind. I chose elevator doors. The third was rage face! So I […]
  12. @Maggieo_13

    Daily Creates Week 4!

    #ds106 #tdc2079 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) September 19, 2017 Is it a shadow of a hand or a see turtle? I'm leaning sea turtle. #ds106 #tdc2080 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) September 19, 2017 #ds106 #tdc2081 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) September 20, 2017
  13. @Maggieo_13

    Photos in video?

    With in movies there are still shots which can be analyzed as a photograph. It is very interesting to be able to see different aspects of photography but within film. Here are a few examples I could find within film that are also a part of cinematography. Example 1: Selection which is when the photographer […]
  14. @Maggieo_13

    Yeah I take some Photos…

    I would not consider myself a photographer. The only thing that involves me using an actual camera is when I take photos for the Men’s Club Soccer team. Other then that I use my photo via the camera on the photo or snapchat. Although I don’t consider myself a photographer I have a lot of […]
  15. @Maggieo_13

    Week Three Assignments!

      This week I began with activity 4. Doing the activities was more challenging this week then before. I enjoyed doing them, but I had to think quite a bit and not put boundaries on my thinking process. I ended up doing three total assignments. Two were 3 stars and one was 2 stars. My […]
  16. @Maggieo_13


    Super stories have a style of there own. They have a similarity unlike other stories. A story I want to analyze is the story of Wonder Women. But specifically from the 2017 movie. In the movie you have the basic super hero plot. Wonder Women is accessed when a man arrives in the amazon endangering […]
  17. @Maggieo_13

    Super Hero Patterns!

    There are many patterns in superhero stories. Starting with their back rounds. Many super hero’s have the trope of being orphans and having a nuclear accident. Also there is always one main super villain. There is also comic relief characters and a leading lady. Some examples of this are Batman who was orphaned at a […]
  18. @Maggieo_13

    Super Nova: Origins

    Bob Star a owner of a Planetarium in the small town of Starways Oregon right outside Portland harbors a unique secret. A secret only he knows. His secret you might ask is that Bob Star is none other the Super Nova the rogue superhero who lurks in the night illuminating evil as it hides in […]
  19. @Maggieo_13

    Wonder Week Two

    This week I began with doing my first daily create. I actually loved these! There is really no parameters. I like this because I get to be creative! My favorite daily create was the robots fourth law. I was able to use bender from Futurama! Futurama is an adult animated comedy show and bender is […]

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