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  1. @Tillysisland

    Week 7

    To begin the week, we took a look at Colab, learning a bit more Python to create a Magic 8 Ball. Ultimately, the code is quite simplistic and understandable, but the real fun comes with inserting custom responses. For my 8 Ball, I’ll admit I approached it a bit immaturely
  2. @Tillysisland

    Another Galaxy Explored

    This week started off a bit slow but the ball started to get rolling around Wednesday when my group truly began communicating. Up until that point, we had been off brainstorming a bit on our own in hopes of coming together to create something great. Come Wednesday, the group got
  3. @Tillysisland

    Establishing A Narrative

    This week has been both extremely stressful and extremely exciting. Things started off a bit confusing for me, admittedly, as I was under the impression that the radio show assignment would be individual work. Because of this, I slotted myself into a group pretty last minute. After this, a few
  4. @Tillysisland

    Another Bridged Gap

    This week was a very special week for me as Wednesday, February 16th, was my 22nd birthday! Last year, in the midst of all the craziness with the pandemic and before vaccines were widely available, I wasn’t able to go out and celebrate my 21st. This year, I’m looking forward
  5. @Tillysisland

    The Soft Truth About A Radical Week

    The readings and activities for class this week were very interesting and engaging, covering a wide variety of genres and topics. We read a short story called “The Soft Truth” this week, a story that fits into the “algowave” genre of writing. In the story, the main character works for
  6. @Tillysisland

    The Scavenger Hunt

    During the pandemic, I’ve spent a lot of time inside. Saying that may even be an understatement, as it may be safer to say that I’ve spent the vast majority of my time indoors. Having high risk family members has made it a scary time and the state of the
  7. @Tillysisland

    Feeling Like A Kidd Again

    Right off the bat this article caught my attention because of how it immediately brings up a fascinating point that most people probably don’t think about. We often fail to recognize that everything around us is designed and has principles and thought put behind it. This doesn’t just mean posters
  8. @Tillysisland

    Another Tour Completed

    Working with audio creatively is not an area I’m particularly experienced in. While I consider myself a huge music guy, always listening to something and coming up with melodies in my head, I’ve never truly taken the time to figure out any programs to actually create something. I’ve played around
  9. @Tillysisland

    A Future in Radio

    I’ve always been fascinated by radio and podcasts, noting that it takes a lot more talent and charisma than someone may initially assume to do the job correctly and do it well. There’s a lot of nuance to both what people speak about and how they speak and it’s a
  10. @Tillysisland

    Explore in Peace, Rest in Peace

    I found myself easily getting lost in The Truth Podcast’s “Moon Graffiti,” an audio journey through interactions between Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin during the moon landing. Similarly to how Jad Abumrad described sound and radio, I felt as though I had been given a paintbrush to paint this incredibly
  11. @Tillysisland

    Another Valley Crossed

    As usual, this week was another exciting, creative, and incredible experiences in this class. Graphic design is a passion of mine, especially when it comes to logo design and creating flyers and posters. Back in high school, I created the logo used by Rappahannock Aviation Outreach, which was essentially the
  12. @Tillysisland

    Tips in Action

    After reading Becoming a Better Photographer, I found myself taking a lot of consideration throughout the week as to how I compose my photos and the elements that go into each shot. As a beginner, I feel like I’ve subconsciously used plenty of these tips before, but it’s always fun
  13. @Tillysisland

    Week 4 in Retrospect

    This week was unlike most weeks in a semester, as the majority of it was spent on peer teaching. Initially, I’ll admit that I was nervous about the idea, but after looking more into it, and now in hindsight, I think it was an extremely productive experience. Firstly, teaching to
  14. @Tillysisland

    On Photodonner and Photoblitzen!

    What a fun activity! This one really had me running around and getting creative, for sure. At first, I was under the impression that 20 minutes was enough time to knock out all of these, but as you can tell, that was not the case. I had so many ideas

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