Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @eleanorjo

    Google Draw Something

    For this web assignment is chose to do the google draw something challenge as I looked like a fun game and I liked trying new stuff. When I first opened the game I thought I was clever a tried to skip the instructions, this lead to me thinking that you could draw what you wanted […]
  2. @dandennis_media

    Dan reacts to…

      This assignment for ds106 was part of a video unit was called “DS106ers React!“. Not too recently there was a lot of controversy surrounding channels on youtube that were labelled as “React Channels” these channels were simply videos of people reacting to other videos. The reason they sparked up a lot of talks online […]
  3. @dandennis_media

    Hearing places…

    This ds106 assignment was part of an audio unit and was called “Create a place“. The aim of the assignment was to use audio to paint a picture of a scene and put the listener there in the location. This assignment really shows the importance of audio in that it can be used to create […]
  4. @ceejay_97

    Quick draw… more like slow draw!??

    For this assignment within the ds106 bank I had moved onto the web part of this assignment. The one I had chosen to do to is the google draw something because it looked fun and provided me with entertainment (who doesn’t want to play a game for part of their coursework!!).  Normally with drawing games, I’m […]
  5. @ceejay_97


    This time around in the ds106 assignment bank I had to do an audio assignment. The one I have chosen to do is to create a place by just using sound. So to begin this assignment I wrote down a bunch of ideas that I could possibly create with just sound. One of these ideas was creating […]
  6. @jamesrxss

    We’re All Friend’s Here

    Billboards are found all over in America, but not very often in the UK. Often, on social networking sites such as Facebook, memes are made from funny, supposedly real billboards. These funny or mildly offensive billboards, whether real or fake can often do wonders in helping a company or brand go viral in it’s advertising, […]
  7. @ceejay_97

    The Green Arrow Banner

    You have failed this city……. Green arrow has to be one of my favourite superhero tv shows as it has everything a tv show needs to have to catch my attention such as fight scenes, romantic scenes (who doesn’t like a good old romantic comedy)  and major plot twits that leave you excited to watch […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]