Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92856 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @missgoofyxx

    My friend, don’t be a jerk.

    This week was just… weird. Anyway, my daughter has hand foot mouth and its been terrible, so I completely forgot the TDCs until Thursday. Thankfully that left me with enough time to complete the two required. Daily Creates (2) For this one, I’m not sure why I immediately thought of a chalk board when I […]
  2. @missgoofyxx

    I wanna be sedated

    This week proved to be rather tough for me. Midterms were a true challenge. With this being my best graded class, I unfortunately had to sacrifice some of the time I would have normally spent on these assignments to study for my two science courses. I’m finding it really hard to study for my biology […]
  3. @missgoofyxx

    A Whirlwind Adventure

    In preparation for the radio show being published, this week I created an advertisement and two bumpers. I’m really proud of the progress I’ve made in learning how to use audacity. My partner sent out the interview questions to three individuals and I will be interviewing my mother tomorrow afternoon. I was able to find […]
  4. @missgoofyxx

    The Voices of Generation X

    I made this poster using, which is an excellent graphic design tool. I originally was going to use a bumper sticky my project partner had made and then remembered this cool layout I had been looking forward to using for this. I also got my first commercial done pretty quickly so I had the […]
  5. @missgoofyxx

    Graphic Design on Campus

    I’ve had a crazy schedule this week, so I found all of my examples of graphic design on campus in between classes. This first image is of an advertisement page within the theater department’s magazine, showcasing their plans for the school year. I thought their layout of the shows were very simple and gave a […]
  6. @missgoofyxx

    Designing a Decision

    I chuckled when I noticed the kids book listed on this week’s weekly assignment post. That’s a wonderful book and I think it’s a great book for kids to have because it makes them aware of all the design aspects in the things around them. There are fliers, posters, billboards, store signage, ads, and countless […]
  7. @samprice_ds106

    Design Blitz

    For an assignment this week, we had to complete a Design Blitz. That entailed taking pictures of different posters around campus that embody different design elements. I had a lot of fun with this assignment. If I am being honest, I don’t usually take the time to look at the posters around campus so it was very informative as well as cool to analyze them. The first poster I found was from the weekly email I receive from the school. I thought it was a great example of both color and typography. The poster lists the different things that the […]
  8. @samprice_ds106

    Design Reflection

    I am very excited for this week. I think I want to be a web designer/graphic designer so this is gonna be a very fun week for me. In some of my other classes I am learning how to more in-depth how to use photoshop and other photo-editing programs so I am excited to be able to use what I am learning in those classes and apply it to what I make this week. The first thing I did was watch the video on Stranger Things. I thought it was super interesting. It was cool to see the though process […]
  9. @samprice_ds106

    Radio Show Ideas

    The radio show project is something I am really looking forward to. I have been brainstorming ideas since we were told about the assignment. So far I have two ideas: Review movies from the 80s such as The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, and Back to the Future. We would have a different episode for each movie and go in depth and talk about all the ins and outs of it, any themes we see, and just in general if we liked it or not. Compare and contrast the 80s vs. now. We could talk about the different fashion styles, what […]
  10. @samprice_ds106

    Radio Bumper

    For this assignment we were instructed to create a radio bumper for the DS106 radio station! In all honesty, I was kind of dreading this assignment because I don’t like the sound of my voice on recording but it actually ended up being really fun. I recorded myself on my phone saying a little speech I came up with for the radio station and then sent it to my laptop where I used GarageBand to add some fun guitar riffs to make it sound more real. I’ll be tuning into the radio station tonight so I am hoping to hear […]
  11. @samprice_ds106

    Audio Reflection

    I listen to more podcasts than anyone I know. I am a huge mystery podcast person, I am constantly listening to different ones throughout my day. Watching and listening to the different videos and podcasts for this week was really interesting because of my love of the radio. Jad Abumrad’s take on radio was the most interesting though. He talks about how the human voice is such a great tool for radio because of the different ways you can use it. One thing he said that really stuck out to me was this quote: “I’m painting something but I’m not […]
  12. @samprice_ds106


    This challenge was a lot of fun, although it did involve me running around like a mad-women for 20 minutes. We were instructed for 20 minutes to take as many photos from a list that we could. Here was my list: Take a picture of a word or sign that represents the kind of day you’re having. Numbers are all around you. Find your favorite number. Make a photo that represents the end, termination… Make a photograph of the front of a building. Make a photo dominated by your favorite color and share it! Take an extreme close-up of an […]
  13. @samprice_ds106

    80’s Photography

    I LOVED looking at all the old 80s photos!! It was so fun to look at what people were wearing and doing at my age during the 80s. I especially loved looking at the 1980s Music and Pop Culture Photography. One of my favorite photos from this site was one of Freddy Mercury. I love the way that the photographer used the light in the photo (which was one of the tips in the Telling Stories In Photos article). The angles of Freddy along with the brightness of the sun make for a super dynamic and interesting photo. Another photo […]
  14. @samprice_ds106

    Photography Reflection

    I love everything about photos, I have for as long as I can remember. When I was younger my uncle gave me one of his old Nikon D50 cameras, and I loved it. I would use it everyday, taking pictures of everything from the trees, to my dog, to my friends. I didn’t really understand how photography worked back then, it was more of a hold the camera up and click the button type thing. As I grew up, I stopped using my uncles old camera but I never stopped taking pictures. I am constantly running out of storage on […]

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