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  1. amiddlet50

    Conversation-base #activelearning – exploiting the differences between dialogue and debate

    Active learning is essentially conversational – a ‘to-ing and fro-ing’ of ideas, whether this is a collaborative exchange or personal cogitation and reflection. Pedagogically, there is a lot to exploit here. I was recently involved in a discussion about the … Continue reading ?
  2. amiddlet50

    Structure and memory-mapping in #activelearning

    The idiom ‘from pillar to post’ both indicates the role of structure in a journey and cautions that substance, purpose and clarity are needed if an experience is to be fruitful. In the previous post, I discussed divergence and convergence … Continue reading ?
  3. amiddlet50

    Space, walking and non-verbal communications #activelearning

    Learning walks are valuable conversational spaces. They tend to be non-confrontational and, for me, epitomise co-operative learning. Not only do they feel familiar spaces exemplifying a networked paradigm as people move naturally between small groups through the course of semi-structured … Continue reading
  4. amiddlet50

    Noise annoys in the #activelearning classroom – or does it?

    Studies of Active Learning Classrooms (e.g. SCALE UP and Team-based Learning), and active learning more generally, identify noise and the ambient conditions of the classroom as being a distinguishing feature (Worthing, 2018). That active learning is noisy, is a truism, … Continue reading
  5. amiddlet50

    Walks as Learning Space

    Learning walks exemplify conversational learning spaces. In this post I reflect on how I designed the learning walk I conducted today for the University of Sheffield’s Faculty of Social Sciences Learning Spaces Group which I am mentoring as they plan … Continue reading
  6. amiddlet50

    Active listening for active learning

    Active Listening sketchnote by Claudio Advocates of active learning must consider the active learning space from many perspectives. For example, I tend to think about space experientially, creating a picture in my own mind of a space that is used … Continue reading
  7. amiddlet50

    Twalking back to happiness #twalk #spacetwalkLeeds

    Join us for a Twalk , 27th March 2019 Theme: Doing, Being, Belonging, Becoming and Connecting – the role of learning space Venue: Your campus When:  Wednesday 27th March 2019 between 1pm and 2pm (gather at 12.55 and allow time … Continue reading

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