Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92860 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @shika_f

    May 22, 2010

    @ds106dc Nikki Limo and Steve Greene. I came across the married duo in a JKN video on YT loved their personalities. They truly inspire, motivate and bring to the light the things in life that would have otherwise been kept in the dark and never spoke...
  2. @shika_f

    May 24, 2019

    #ds106 #tdc2690 Clubs! I think by offering a variety of clubs that span across similar and different interests would definitely draw more people to the library to meet others and collaborate as a community.— ShikaF (@...
  3. @shika_f

    May 23, 2019

    After going though all of my things throughout there past few months, I still have a little less than a full dresser drawer full of this detritus. I had plans on to seeing what I could do with most of this, but….#tdc2689 #ds106
  4. @katelync106

    Photo Blitz

    I decided to do my “photographic scavenger hunt” at the home of a family I’m very close with. Their house is beautiful and there were many photo-ops! I took all of these with my iPhone. The photos I like the best are “Joy,&#8221...
  5. @angelk1208

    Photo Safari and Reflection

    In under 15 minutes, taking photos that fits all kinds of different criteria was harder than I expected. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to complete the whole list, but I got a good bit. I used Flickr to organize all my photos into one album. Here is an overall view of my Photo Safari and the […]
  6. @BensonKaylie

    Weekly Summary 1

    This week was a fun one! I like photography, but am a very novice photographer. I like to do it mostly for myself, and my memories. So it was fun to try new things including taking photos in a new way. First, I followed the tips to make myself a better photographer by David DuChemin. This was my summary on what I came out with It was fun to implement new thought processes on my picture taking, and I want to try and think about these tips more often when taking photos. Next was the photo blitz assignment, which was fun. I think I stressed myself out too much with the idea of being timed, but came out with a result I’m proud of nonetheless. I discuss it further in my reflection below, which also holds my photos I took then. I also did Daily Creates for May 20th, May 21st, and May 22nd. They were all just easy questions to be answered, but were interesting questions that I hadn’t been asked before. For the creative assignments I made Harry Styles swim in our pool, Gave a room tour, Made a butterfly stand out, and gave myself a spubble, which is an odd phrase. I really liked the assignments this week. The hardest part for me was actually writing about what I’d done. Doing the projects was easy and enjoyable, but writing about them for some reason for me was like pulling teeth. But it’s just going to take some time for me to get used to! Learning about visual storytelling is engaging to me. The work of breaking it down into smaller pieces and dissecting them is something I’ve never done before, but is something so important to do. Every part is important, and visual might be the most important. Without visual aspects, storytelling isn’t as efficient.
  7. Kelsey

    DS106 Midweek Post

    Hi, I’m Kelsey Proctor and this is my mid weekly summary! Here are the links to my social media and digital identity accounts: Twitter, Flickr, Soundcloud, and my YouTube. The only new accounts I created here was Soundcloud! I heavily used Flickr in the past but haven’t in years, and I’m excited to get back […]

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