Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
When I read the requirements for this assignment, I knew immediately that I could choose one of the most famous songs by my favorite bad: Here Comes the Sun – The Beatles.
I decided to take this class several days after it had begun. I enjoy the type of work the class covers so was not worried about taking it online while living 3 hours away. Well, I quickly began to feel overwhelmed as I tried to catch up the mid-week assignment and do week 1. I … Continue reading "Wow!"
This assignment gave us fifteen minutes to go on a “photo safari” to take as many pictures as we could of the examples on the list provided. The options ranged from a photo of a pattern, to an inanimate object being brought to life. I chose to go to my room to hunt down some … Continue reading "Photo Safari"
After reading The Story Behind. . . Migrant Mother, Maria Popova, the importance of a single picture became more clear. Her seemingly candid photos captured the feelings, heart and soul of an entire era. I was inspired to create a picture that told a story. While my picture is nowhere near as deep as anything … Continue reading "Reflections on Photography"
I really like looking at interesting layouts of clothing and accessories on places like fashion blogs, Instagram, and Pinterest. I chose to try some of the tips I learned from Becoming a Better Photographer to create my own layouts and had a blast! I experimented with contrast, perspective, lighting, balance, foreground and background. After many attempts, … Continue reading "Add a Little Sparkle"
This is my daily create response for the 6th of June 2019.
the anglerfish could easily lure me in with bubble tea, I can never say no to a cup of boba! #tdc2703 #ds106
— Angel Kumonong (@angelk1208) June 6, 2019
Moon Graffiti began with beeping and static noises represent the setting. The conversation exchanged through the radio became hectic when the characters talked faster and the alarm going off. There is an abrupt ending when the voices and the noises cut off. The audio picks back up after a few seconds of silence. It starts […]
Disclaimer: I cannot say tongue twisters to save my life. Try as I might, I can never say them fast enough for satisfaction. I can’t sell seashells by the seashore. Peter Piper can’t pick a peck of pickled peppers. It just doesn’t wo...
I know I know… it’s not technically a city. But for the sounds of your city assignment, I decided to record the sounds of me making my way to my local beach! I go every chance I can get! It’s nice and quiet, a real locals spot, and I...
The TED Radio Hour is a short audio clip, with commentary included. From the short clip, I learned that when the audio has multiple speakers, the narration shifts once that new speaker enters the conversation. Once a story is being told, the background music is added. The calming music was layered with soft voices. In […]
Everyone loves a good playlist. One way I like to keep track of memories and time, is by making playlists for the time. I have playlists for different summers, moods, places, all the songs I was listening to at the time.
A mixtape is similar to a ...
I completed the “Sound Effects Story” prompt for my second audio assignment. For this assignment, I used 11 different sounds to put together a simple story in under 90 seconds! The background of the story I created is about a student having a typical summer day. In this story, the student packs up their belongings […]
Space has always freaked me out. I think about how pretty the stars look, and next thing I know I’m going through an existential crisis. It’s just SO big. I can’t wrap my head around how infinite space is, and how small we are.
When listening to the TED radio hour demo, I was immediately excited because I had studied Sherry Turkle before! In one of my classes I had taken while studying abroad in London, we had discussed a lot of Turkle’s ideologies when it comes to dig...
I saw this sign all over the Sydney airport and the building I’m staying in. I decided to take a picture of it and give it an Australian touch – add an emu! There was an actual war between emus and the Australians. The emus won. I took this...
For my first audio assignment, I chose to do the “Instrumental VS Vocals” prompt. Now that I finished it, it was a bit difficult for my first assignment… Perhaps I should have picked a simple one first. Nonetheless, here it is! There was a time at school, where I would pick a handful of songs […]
In the first video of Ira Glass speaking about Storytelling, he elaborated on the main components that go into telling a story. He mentioned that audibly telling a story is much different than telling a story with written words. There are two major aspects of telling a story: Anecdote and Moment of Reflection. I learned […]
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood, as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
As one of our first audio assignments this week we had to create a story under 90 seconds with nothing but audio! Here is my short 21 second story below: The short story is supposed to be a few people at a party when a drink is accidentally spilled, so the host goes to throw…
My paradox: I drive my Prius to save gas, but I have to use gas to power my battery to save my gas! #tdc2702 #ds106— Bree Nicholson (@BreeNicholson14) June 5, 2019
#tdc2700 #ds106 Let the Machine Finish Your Thought— ds106 Daily Create (@ds106dc) June 3, 2019
#tdc2701 #ds106 I’m not a high jumper but I immediately thought of this when I saw this sign...
I’m a big fan of podcasts. Specifically I am a big fan of Dax Shepard’s poscast Armchair Expert. I make the 7 hour drive from VA to SC quite often, and I’ve found myself listening to more and more of these podcasts, which is really j...