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  1. @BreeNicholson14


    This week’s main assignment took us on a path to learn more about the do’s and don’ts of design. We were asked to carry around our cameras and take pictures of a few designs that we felt were an example of one of the 10 design concepts we learned about. For my four pictures, I…
  2. @angelk1208

    The Gym

    Earlier this week, I decided to take pictures of the gym I go to. While I was there, I realized that the gym is a perfect example of the design concept, Rythm/Pattern. The gym is divided into different sections, depending on the type of exercises. There is an abs section, the weights, cardio, stretching, etc. […]
  3. @angelk1208


    This is a photo of the chandelier that is above my kitchen table. This chandelier represents the design concept, Unity. Trent Sizemore has a blog post about the different elements of design. In the post, he mentions that “[an example of unity] could be separated into each part as its own piece, but together they […]
  4. @angelk1208

    Too Dark

    This is the sign of a restaurant called East Ocean. I decided to use this photo to talk about the design concepts, Color and Typography. The letters are in dark blue. I am assuming that the designer of the sign chose to make the letters blue because of the name of the restaurant. Though I […]
  5. @BensonKaylie

    Weekly Summary 2

    Week two was definitely more challenging than week one. I had a lot more on my plate this week, and finding the time to write posts about all of my projects were difficult. But I liked the actual assignments so that made it fly by! The week started off by a reading of the Vignelli Canon, and then writing about my opinions. As I mention in the reading, I was actually doing this assignment while waiting for my American Airlines flight, which is a logo Vignelli helped design! They have since then changed the logo, but it was still cool. via GIPHY Next was a design blitz, which really was a blitz. I started in the airport in Charlotte, NC, and completed it when I had landed in San Antonio. It made me realize just how much logos impact our day-to-day life. Once I had made a conscious effort to look at them, I couldn’t NOT see them! It really made me wonder about what all these logos that I’m so used to seeing looked like in their rough draft stages? What would the chic-fil-a logo look like if they hadn’t gone with the option they did? Makes you think. I looked it up and found this article that actually has some of the rough drafts of famous logos! Crazy to look at. The part of the week I liked the most was doing the design assignments. The Design Assignment bank to pick from is always fun to look through. This week I: Made my own logo to use, Went to sing some Karaoke (Greatest Hits of ABBA of course) in Egypt, via GIPHY It went something like that… Went to Amsterdam for a quick visit, Became a cartoon, Swagged out my pup, And sneezed a little bit. (Bless you) (Thank you) Not as cute as this sneeze though. I also did three Daily Creates. One for May 27th May 29th, And May 30th. However, my absolute favorite part of the week was doing two of the Gif assignments, because they called for me to do some reflecting on memories that I love thinking about. The first was the time Braden Holtby saved the entire Washington Capitals Stanley Cup run. I have watched this video a thousand times, because it just makes me get teary eyed every single time. So I had to do it for the gif assignment about the best sports play. Because it is THE best sports play. I also got to look at some old home movies, which I also like to do quite frequently. This one might be as cute as the panda sneezing video. via GIPHY The hardest part of the week, personally, was scrambling to edit all my posts after receiving the feedback from last week. I know it’s very very hard to grade everyone’s posts, but it was very late in the week, and was hard to apply those corrections when I had already written all of my posts for my assignments. Writing the actual posts about my projects still remains to be the part I struggle the most with motivation. I love doing the projects, but writing about them is still just like pulling teeth. I love to reminisce, so this week’s projects were fun for me to do. And as always, it’s great to look at the work other students are doing, not to copy, but to learn and gain inspiration, and mostly to encourage those around you. I commented on a couple blogs this week. Here, here, and here. The postcard from paris inspired me the most! I can’t wait for next week. via GIPHY
  6. @BensonKaylie

    Bryce diggity dawg

    My dog, from the moment we adopted him, has been the biggest goofball ever. He has the biggest personality, and literally not a day goes by where we aren’t laughing at something he just did. We named him after Bryce Harper, because we are big Wa...

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