Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94991 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
Introductions My boyfriend fell in love with an artist on instagram, @9kflame to the point that he bought multiple prints. We have always bonded over music, so I decided to combine the style of this artist and his favorite album cover to create this piece for him. He loved it so much that I am… Continue reading Week One Visual
How I Made The Barbie Bunch! My Idea for the Barbie Bunch was to create almost like the Brady Bunch but with different people and things our Barbie the story is based around would like to do. She wants to… Continue Reading…
This week I feel like I completed most of the assignments very well. I really enjoyed doing the Daily Creates and starting to understand and learn more about the Visual Assignments. Things that gave me the most trouble this week… Continue Reading…
As I have talked about before. I love photography. Some people like taking photos of people which I do.. but I love taking pictures of what I am seeing. For example beached, hiking views, some of my favorite places for… Continue Reading…
This week we worked a lot with Visual Storytelling. We worked a good amount on different media Platforms. For example, other blog posts, Twitter, Flickr, WordPress, Visual Assignments and for me I used a good amount of Canva. Learned new… Continue Reading…
Here are some of my favorite places to relax and chill. Top left is the Golden Gate Bridge in San Fransisco. This spot was so beautiful and I took this with my camera and edited it with a filter. The… Continue Reading…
Here is my panorama of me myself and I. My idea for this was to show how sometimes I have different moods towards myself. The mean side, the shy one, and the nice one.
When I was in high school I got really involved with a club called Young life and decided to go to the summer camp. It looked like so much fun! When we got there it was so beautiful. There was… Continue Reading…
I really loved doing this photo challenge it was so much fun! I did this at a beach house in the Outerbanks. I was going to take pictures at the beach but the weather the past couple of days has… Continue Reading…
I LOVED THIS! It really was so much fun. I am at a beach house so it was fun to set a timer and run all over the place for 15 minutes! The photo below was my start time. 12:14… Continue Reading…
A picture is worth a thousand words… and a story can be told in five. I decided to use this assignment to guide my narrative, and add in the other assignments with it as well. For all of the images I simply found them on Google Images, downloaded...
Don’t tell my mom, but I miss my pets the most. Well, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but I do miss them a lot. One day, I might pack my pup with my clean laundry and sneak him back to UMW with me. He could sleep in my dorm room, follow me to class, and be … Continue reading "Team Pup"
Growing up, I loved ISpy books. They were big books filled with page after page of close up photos of random objects laying on a surface. Each page had a riddle with items to find in the photograph. It sounds easy but sometimes the close up photos made a simple object look like something … Continue reading "iSpy"
One day last Fall, I received a random call from a teammate asking me to come over to see the puppies she was fostering. Well, of course I ran over because who doesn’t love puppies? I could not believe my eyes when I saw this one little guy. He looked EXACTLY like my 14 year … Continue reading "Twinsies!"
So, FYI this project was a little more tricky at first because I found that both of the given links for and are now dead links. But, I found a solution. I took a snap on Snapchat, found a word bubble image, and inserted text with...
Okay, so I know this may seem unrecognizable, but check out this picture I got on Snapchat on my way home: So, I’m on my way home when I see him and I KNOW it’s Black Panther – he’s strong, and sleek and he’s gone before I can get anything more than this image. I […]
On contemplating the places where I find peace, I wanted to find a way to collage my favorite pictures. I found an app for my iphone called Collageable. Here, I found a template I liked and selected 5 photos the speak to me. The app makes it really easy to upload and then save you […]
As a pit bull mix, I have a reputation on the streets, but I’m really the sweetest boy ever. When I was asked to tell a story, I knew the exact one. On a dark and stormy night, I rode home in my mom’s chariot with the wind blowing through my ears. We slept in […]
I always knew my soundtrack for the apocalypse would be Zombie by The Cranberries. I was in my kitchen when the sirens went off and I enjoyed my last moment of normalcy before The End. The picture on the left is the last picture I took before….oh, you know how this story ends. It was […]
For this assignment, we had a fifteen-minute window to take as many photos as possible which we thought would apply to a list of certain topics or ideas. Some of the topics seemed vague to me, which didn’t exactly help since those topics could be interpreted differently by different people. I understand that it was […]
For this 2 star assignment, we had to create a Spubble, which is one photo but with a caption or thought bubble that represents something completely different from what the image suggests. I decided to have a serious face on for when I am focusing on something, yet my caption was related to my love […]
The Visionary Tale assignment was a really interesting and fun one to do. I used PicMonkey to edit my work because it allows me to layer pictures and create a very interesting image. PicMonkey also allows me to crop, edit, and combine images as well as add other images and clip art into my work. … Continue reading "Tutorial to Visionary Tale"